wasted, would i have known you from competitions circuit bullshit anything? what sort of stuff were/are you working on?

just a heads up, if anyone was going to have a little fun learning an instrument, there is an elite clique of classical pianists lurking around here, waiting to sneer "advice" at you like a pressure washer against the mildew of self-esteem that has been blossoming in the carport of your toil.
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oh word clarence you yuke?
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this reminds me of that penny arcade thread where the Hella Jeff thing started, except there it was an elite clique of video game web comic cartoonists insulted at an amateur casually dispensing with the dedication and creativity the craft deserved.
may i give some advice about giving advice

swampman posted:

just a heads up, if anyone was going to have a little fun learning an instrument, there is an elite clique of classical pianists lurking around here, waiting to sneer "advice" at you like a pressure washer against the mildew of self-esteem that has been blossoming in the carport of your toil.


wasted, would i have known you from competitions circuit bullshit anything? what sort of stuff were/are you working on?

I'm working through Ives's songs atm but nothing like a rigorous/disciplined pace. I haven't done competitions for at least five years and I don't miss it.


swampman posted:

just a heads up, if anyone was going to have a little fun learning an instrument, there is an elite clique of classical pianists lurking around here, waiting to sneer "advice" at you like a pressure washer against the mildew of self-esteem that has been blossoming in the carport of your toil.

whoa-oh-ah-oh-oh there, pardner! got a lil grit in yer hoof? ease up on the reigns a mite and quit yer champin at the bit!

some "classical" music is finger-hard and takes a bit of time to just get up and trottin. some doesn't. you ever read "the glass bead game"? you know the constant, bordering on interminable, mini-lectures on music from the Narrator, the Music Master, and Knecht in turn? they're always emphasizing simplicity, and purity, and letting melodies speak, and attention to careful detail, and a deeper lushness of spirit through a perceived austerity? well that last one is just about bullshit in context, but the rest of it is good advice (and they talk about a ton of good music too). there's a ton of great, finger-simple music that isn't going to take you a bunch of time and come out sounding garbled or nervous.

there's no need to be a workhorse! you don't have to pull the big loads of the 18th and 19th century! there's a ton of music from all kinds of years, hither and yon, that'll be easier to get down yer craw, and thus much more nutritious. Do you listen to music? music occasionally involving the piano? maybe you should? it doesn't have to be out of the virtuosic tradition or be some bewigged barnstormer (though i bet as soon as you picked up the beethoven you had a vision of yourself in a frock coat with gold frogging, wig askew, furiously railing some contessa on a priceless chaise-longue while your footmen studiously avoided eye contact and held your drinks. you're not ready for that right now, and you shouldn't objectify the contessa, or the 19th century rep like that, but i'm sure it feels empowering to think about).

just look for things that aren't hard and that you would want to listen to and care about. be honest with yourself and others. no one wants to listen to a lie.

here! a start!

think about making everything sing, and the message of your song, and plus you could maybe use the organ setting on your dinky keyboard and have fun and pretend you're a church organist in love with his life and profession, beloved by god and his community, and not vulnerable to dogbites or wielding a poop bag in his daily work.

the words to this lil ditty go "God you know my idiocy and my shortcomings are not hidden from you: let not them be ashamed for me who look for you Lord, Lord of the brave." and that's a lovely lesson to take to heart! also all your internet viewers are in the same situation as Adonai, where your shortcomings aren't hidden, so just take it easy and do honest, caring, careful work.

[account deactivated]


palafox posted:

the organ setting on your dinky keyboard

forget everything else, this is a yamaha p95, i'm not bragging but it's not like it came with a happy meal. i live in an apartment, even if i could fit a piano in here i don't have 20 square feet of floor space and 5 feet of wall that I want to give over to a half-ton instrument with no volume control.

and fuck this "do you listen to music" shit, wasted was being genuinely helpful, you are extrapolating all this weird nonsense about my life. this is something i was able to play through without major mistakes when I was in high school, of course i was never very good because i didn't work very hard at it. since then i have probably smoked enough weed to fill a piano, including right before the making of that youtube video. and that was take one. you are making me feel like i'm being defensive, even though what I'm actually doing is trying to perpetuate beef because i thrive on the drama. fight me motherfucker
i thought that post was making fun of crow

swampman posted:

and fuck this "do you listen to music" shit, wasted was being genuinely helpful, you are extrapolating all this weird nonsense about my life. this is something i was able to play through without major mistakes when I was in high school, of course i was never very good because i didn't work very hard at it. since then i have probably smoked enough weed to fill a piano, including right before the making of that youtube video. and that was take one. you are making me feel like i'm being defensive, even though what I'm actually doing is trying to perpetuate beef because i thrive on the drama. fight me motherfucker

dont objectify the contessa

[account deactivated]
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yeah! cry more! pianos!
rename this thread to: In one week, this thread will have existed for 2 years and still, swampman gets owned on the daily.

swampman posted:

and fuck this "do you listen to music" shit, wasted was being genuinely helpful, you are extrapolating all this weird nonsense about my life. this is something i was able to play through without major mistakes when I was in high school, of course i was never very good because i didn't work very hard at it. since then i have probably smoked enough weed to fill a piano, including right before the making of that youtube video. and that was take one. you are making me feel like i'm being defensive, even though what I'm actually doing is trying to perpetuate beef because i thrive on the drama. fight me motherfucker

you're kind of missing the point. it's not just about whether you can do something hard for you without mistakes or not, but whether you can make what you're doing sound good. I'm not just degrading you for my own sexual pleasure, or even yours. i'm legitimately telling you that you'll grow more with simpler rep.

ahh that should have said "do you listen to this sort of music," not just music. obviously you listen to music, it's an inescapable commodity now, and you wouldn't be uploading videos of yourself playing piano if you didn't (presumably), but it doesn't really sound like you're into the sort of thing you're playing, and in that case why do it? there's a lot of interesting "classical" music that you don't have to technically plug away at, and i gave you an example of it that's fun to play. if you don't want to dink around with getting the third voice together there's this http://www3.cpdl.org/wiki/images/6/61/Lass-Oculus.pdf
or if you don't like early things this is nice (not all the movements of this will be as breezy)
or you could have fun with ryuichi sakamoto or jelly roll morton or something instead, no need to wed yourself to virtuosic classical music if you don't want to. that's the real thing- you don't have to do technically hard stuff to sound good.

but ok! even though i don't thrive off of beef (I subsist primarily on seaweed and chicken liver, not in conjunction) i'll fight you, and not give advice, like you want! My turn, you go next.

"You uploaded a video of yourself laboriously mangling something for no apparent reason, like a grainy selfshot jerk vid left on a public library computer. Pierre Bourdieu, in 'Distinction,' describes the piano as the 'bourgeois instrument par excellence' because it is used in the education of youth to transmit an array of class-derived judgments on aesthetic validity, on what 'high art' constitutes, on what interests have social worth. In your uncaring approach to what was once a piece of music, in which the only legible emotion or artistic stance was one of obligation, you unwittingly embodied this. May god have mercy on your soul."

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Well I guess I thought, since I've known some of the people on this forum for several years, they might be interested to see what I'm working on in my spare time. I suppose that makes me the petit bourgeois trying to convey status by assuming the trappings of noblemen. Maybe Bourdieu is a twit since there is no instrument or mode of expression that is not coopted in this way. Maybe sometime you will realize how patronizing it is to say "oh it sounds like you don't really enjoy what you're playing." Why, because I don't enjoy it enough to get years of private lessons and slave away polishing it up for the competitive circuit, like you do? I love to play that song even if I'm terrible at it, and even if I never got better I would still enjoy playing it. If you would have peeked out from behind your "hey we're just buddies having a rude conversation as a fun joke" routine a little earlier, though, I would have agreed that what I posted is masturbatory. Not quite as masturbatory as 99% of the other posts on this forum, but still pretty masturbatory. Now how about explaining to me some more that I'm mired in some primitive middle class understanding of artistic merit and it would be okay for me to switch over to something that my stubby pig fingers can manage, rather than continue to profane the holy writ of Lord Beethoven the Great.
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tpaine posted:

tpaine posted:

swampman posted:

palafox posted:

the organ setting on your dinky keyboard

forget everything else, this is a yamaha p95, i'm not bragging but it's not like it came with a happy meal. i live in an apartment, even if i could fit a piano in here i don't have 20 square feet of floor space and 5 feet of wall that I want to give over to a half-ton instrument with no volume control.

babyfinland is a person, thank you very much.

haha is it wrong to lol at my own post

if you dont lol at your own posts youre doing it wrong

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Yeah the other day I was watching Amadeus for the umpteenth time, just spraying bits of microwave popcorn everywhere with my guffawing, then suddenly my eyes grew glassy and my skin pale, turns out I had a small seizure but we didnt learn that until later, anyway, I realize, that's what my life could be like! And the possibilities flooded into my head like a mental avalanche. Soon I burst into Walmart, screaming "clavichord!"... It took three sales associates a half hour to calm me down to where I could speak intelligibly. They gently escorted me to the toy section where I found my new best friend, Dora the Explorer "Music Explorer" Sound Toy With Keyboard. Anyway, the reason I'm telling you this is, I appreciate the finer things, like chords, scales, notes, and rests. Here, have some Prosecco.
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Don't play music that's for
dorks no offense

tpaine posted:

you know amadeus dies in the end right

haha no, i never get that far because i have to go to the fucking hospital because my own bowels get severely impacted after days of rewinding the same farts over and over, just screaming with laughter and wishing i was amadeus, with every moment of every day

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one of my favorite things in the sopranos, not a joke really, just in the last few episodes how all tony's hangouts are full of no-name italian guys who have been promoted to replace all the main characters who have died

tpaine posted:

you know amadeus dies in the end right

create a little dysentery among the ranks

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spoilers you jerks
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tpaine posted:

tony dies of liver cancer in season 6 ep 11

youre gonna die of an ass whupping in season right now if you dont cut it out