
roseweird posted:

sure i guess but you'd have to convince the majority of americans that prescription amphetamines are anything other than a healthy medical treatment first

im not holding my breath. I read something like 7 out of every 10 people are hooked on big pharma products.
zimmerman was on amphetamines? well, he's sure not now, cause he's fat as fuck.

stupid fucking liberals trying to make this case out to be about some fat klan member stalking black kids, a complete fantasy, are ruining a good opportunity to critique institutional racism and the failure of apolitical legal solutions to resolving the foundational problems of racism in the united states but go ahead morons call zimmerman a race warrior and shit you dummies

he volunteered to tutor black kids on his free time you know
like "he stalked a black kid for no other reason than he doesn't like black kids" is just patently and obviously false

harass posted:

im not holding my breath. I read something like 7 out of every 10 people are hooked on big pharma products.
zimmerman was on amphetamines? well, he's sure not now, cause he's fat as fuck.

thats literally exactly why he got so fat so quickly: he was forced to stop abusing amphetamines


babyfinland posted:

stupid fucking liberals trying to make this case out to be about some fat klan member stalking black kids, a complete fantasy, are ruining a good opportunity to critique institutional racism and the failure of apolitical legal solutions to resolving the foundational problems of racism in the united states but go ahead morons call zimmerman a race warrior and shit you dummies

he volunteered to tutor black kids on his free time you know

you know the Nazis "tutored" Polish people in their free time too

the American prison system cannot be institutionally racist, as it provides free health care for literally millions of African-Americans

Superabound posted:

harass posted:

im not holding my breath. I read something like 7 out of every 10 people are hooked on big pharma products.
zimmerman was on amphetamines? well, he's sure not now, cause he's fat as fuck.

thats literally exactly why he got so fat so quickly: he was forced to stop abusing amphetamines

ahhh okay, i just thought he didn't want to be prison hot

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

like "he stalked a black kid for no other reason than he doesn't like black kids" is just patently and obviously false

assuming someone is a criminal because they are poor and black is kinda racist but iunno what do i know

oh, were you contending a dumb post by rosewind? nevermind then, carry on, you were in the right.

Superabound posted:

the American prison system cannot be institutionally racist, as it provides free health care for literally millions of African-Americans

it doesn't do that lol. Three squares and a cot would actually be a step up.


roseweird posted:

or like we could talk about how his brain seems like it has been completely addled by shitty crime dramas which are also stupid and racist, he has probably watched the entirety of the wire like twenty times

George Zimmerman as Andy Kaufman as Travis Bick;le in Taxi: The Driver

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

stupid fucking liberals trying to make this case out to be about some fat klan member stalking black kids, a complete fantasy, are ruining a good opportunity to critique institutional racism and the failure of apolitical legal solutions to resolving the foundational problems of racism in the united states but go ahead morons call zimmerman a race warrior and shit you dummies

he volunteered to tutor black kids on his free time you know

liberals ftw

tpaine perhaps it is you who should return to gibbis
[account deactivated]

AmericanNazbro posted:

babyfinland posted:

like "he stalked a black kid for no other reason than he doesn't like black kids" is just patently and obviously false

assuming someone is a criminal because they are poor and black is kinda racist but iunno what do i know

it was in the context of a neighborhood having constant burglaries from black kids matching trayvon's description. he's on the neighborhood watch and has seen these guys get away for months. you have to contextualize these things, not just see a black kid and assume that it's just racism. i'm not at all saying there isn't a racial component, and i don't think zimmerman is like some kind of angel, but the argument that he's a vicious racist is really dumb and just perpetuates the dominant racist ideology that racism is just white hoods and burning crosses.

Edited by babyfinland ()


roseweird posted:

babyfinland posted:

stupid fucking liberals trying to make this case out to be about some fat klan member stalking black kids, a complete fantasy, are ruining a good opportunity to critique institutional racism and the failure of apolitical legal solutions to resolving the foundational problems of racism in the united states but go ahead morons call zimmerman a race warrior and shit you dummies

he volunteered to tutor black kids on his free time you know

that's stupid and you're exaggerating my characterization. i am not surprised he tutored black children, as he seemed Very Concerned About Black People. he was a community watch volunteer who carried a gun, was turned down for a police job, made 911 calls to report black males doing innocuous things, and eventually against police instructions took his gun with him out of his car to approach a solitary black male late at night. i'm not calling him a klansman or a race warrior, i am calling him a stupid, racist, and aggressive person who was clearly looking to get have a confrontation. if you're so eager to argue about institutional racism maybe ask why zimmerman wanted to get in a fight with a black male so badly. or i guess you could make up some bullshit about "apolitical legal solutions," which totally are a thing that exists

you're arguing that he's some kind of mean jerk like the pundit holes on nbc and i'm arguing that this discourse is racist in that it displaces attention from actual racism onto personal moral failings of one individual, which is just typical liberal sanctimonious sleight of hand. your arguments stink, your pretensions to superiority are repulsive and you are part of the problem of racism. we need less white people scolding each other and more material reform of minorities' circumstances. suck it.

[account deactivated]
i mean do you realize what a goofy nutball you are when you're twisting anything and everything to fit into this ideal image of the White Racist Guy you're projecting onto this real person and real event, like how the fuck does volunteering your time to tutor black kids translate into being racist. give me a break
shut up you self pitying louse
[account deactivated]
lol gross

i heard that tranny pussies feel rough and awful like coin purses is that true


Edited by jools ()

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anyway this is hilarious: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57594906/george-zimmerman-helps-save-family-from-overturned-suv/

GZ body count now at +3 i guess

babyfinland posted:

lol gross

i heard that tranny pussies feel rough and awful like coin purses is that true

o_O mods...MoDS

[account deactivated]
the politics of segregated neighborhoods, for starters

roseweird posted:

no, they are actually disturbingly smooth because they lack the natural ridges, folds, and membranes of actual female anatomy

*jools leers from his magnificently appointed manor at cuntruster-upon-threshire*

So glad Tom's posting again pause not. Tell us mpre about ending black problems white man... For fucks sakes
the suv thing is funny because theres a million jokes you can make about it

[account deactivated]
why did george zimmerman save 4 people from an overturned SUV?

because 911 told him not to
[account deactivated]
Zimmerman hesitated at first because they had tinted windows and he thought they were black because hes racist like baby klansman here
i dont know anything about that stuff but i do know that its what we should be talking about, or at least its preferable to this armchair psychology bullshit. like how does the geography of a racist society produce crime and events like this and what can be done about it etc. who cares how that peruvian blobbo really feels about blacks, lets not allow the gated neighborhood to slink away without critique
merge this thread with the turd play thread