{placeholder for a forthcoming 2500 word post analyzing a japanese cartoon}
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palafox posted:

and i watch it all the time,

>implying 3 hours is "all the time" (oh the things that could've been accomplished between 12am and 3am!)

palafox posted:

and i parse it in my head in manner beyond simply letting it soak its filth into my eyeballs,

>implying a raw intellectual assessment/response is any more taxing than an instinctual emotion response, e.g., tearing up at a heartwarming scene in some movie (you cried during Up? why would you even waste the mental effort? just let the radiation seep into your eyeballs)

palafox posted:

and i post on the internet about it

>implying posting on the internet is some notable or noble achievement. (guys, get this, someone has taken a couple minutes to post something pointless on the internet. how absurd, gentlemen!)

who're you to judge?

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
gas thraed ban all anime posters