gyrofry posted:yuffie is theoretically playable and doesn't count
what is the status of chocobos? does riding them count as playing as them? are thye npc or not? can my gold cocobo be the best npc?
Superabound posted:breeding gold chocobos is what gave me my admiration for eugenics.
knowing so many people have taken the time to breed gold chocobos is what gave me mine

Keven posted:I Thot of a cool funny rap today but forgot everything except do what thou whilt will be the whole of the law / so suck my dick till it wilts and drain all my balls because I didn't write any of it down or make a voice memo. Hi everyone it's me kevs
is the chorus "no new friends, no new friends, no new friends, no no new"
babyhueypnewton posted: posted in D&D
cool thanks for the D&D update