i'm the leftist liberal you've been warned about - the one who genuinely supports the expansion of the welfare state. i love politics and data and graffiti and street art and am far too lazy to use my shift key.
i think keebler grasshoppers are better than thin mints especially if you throw them in the freezer first
I'm the centrist liberal your mamma warnde you about . Im feminist; vote for democrat, and I support the middle class
i'm the "socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians" that pat robertson was trying to warn the evangelicals about
I'm the devil that made a pact with L'Ouverture
I'm the devil and this is my brother, the devil.
im the dirty fucking paki your racist granddad warned you about
littlegreenpills posted:im the dirty fucking paki your racist granddad warned you about
lol, quit pretending your aversion to central asia has anything to do with your stupid grandpa
i'm the public urinator the sex offenders registry warned you about
haha. actually i'm the ruthless illiterate participant in capitalism who uses "lifestyle as a symptom" as a cover for his evil works, what lenin warned you about
bringing things to heel...
I'm spartacus
im this
I Love To Crap
im the predatory and highly successful pick up artist your feminist tumblr blogs warned you about and this post is me peacocking
hi everyone im corey
[account deactivated]
I am not a series of poorly defined, vague labels. I am not my clothing brand. I am not the car I drive. I am not the playlist on my iPhone. I am not the contents of my wallet. I am not my fucking khakis, OP.
I am, to put it quite succinctly, a long running poorly conceived practical joke -- Much like your posting, OP.
im gay
tat tvam asi
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
you're a monster
i'm the nigger you love to hate
tpaine posted:i'm tpaine, the rhizzone's most beloved memester and tastemaker, creator of Fail Aids, Lady, Tom is Fat and the Meatship. My Seinfeld Gimmick was the highlight of old LF
[account deactivated]
people been saying lady for awhile though, i remember when wayne gretzky and others used to call mec "volleyball lady" because she posted a pic of herself holding a volleyball
[account deactivated]
I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst
i am a god you dull creatures #hulksmash
im the white ric flair