ken i was reading some more frisch and there are certain scenes where he puts about 200-400 words into describing a situation, a setting, a character's feelings, a physical location, and so on. i realized that i can't do that anymore.. i wonder just how bad the thing i'm writing is now, or if things like that just aren't aesthetically necessary in a visual age. i used to be able to put more effort into it though.

deadken posted:
im not letting my hypothetical children read books. they will play sports like normal people

u can be that football dad when ur son finally scores that goal he's been waiting for all season, and he looks over to see if you saw it, and there you are head down reading finnegans wake w/ a puzzled expression on your face


Impper posted:
how do i get these mythical grants you speak of, aerdil? i need a grant for my "writing"

use dense philosophical language to justify imperialism -> join think tank

btw protip for "Rhizzone Rhiters:"

input your book or story into this thing: http://www.beetleinabox.com/mkv_input.html

set the word groupings to 2 for the maximum efficiency. i put my books into here and it spit back some GRATE results - the style is maintained as far as sentence length, punctuation, word choices, syntax, structure, paragraph structure, and so on are concerned. it really captured the rhythm and language of my books... the thing holds up a mirror to what you're doing. one of th ekoolest things ever

Impper posted:
ken i was reading some more frisch and there are certain scenes where he puts about 200-400 words into describing a situation, a setting, a character's feelings, a physical location, and so on. i realized that i can't do that anymore.. i wonder just how bad the thing i'm writing is now, or if things like that just aren't aesthetically necessary in a visual age. i used to be able to put more effort into it though.

i expend a lot of effort on description now and i kinda want to stop.... i want my writing to be stark and cold and devastating. i think it all kinda depends on your personal trajectory really..... flabby description can be great when its done really well but i dont know if it meshes with the aesthetics/ethics of Sub Machine Gun


deadken posted:
i expend a lot of effort on description now and i kinda want to stop.... i want my writing to be stark and cold and devastating. i think it all kinda depends on your personal trajectory really..... flabby description can be great when its done really well but i dont know if it meshes with the aesthetics/ethics of Sub Machine Gun

All Great Lovers Are Fascists.

i think i've entirely stopped putting conscious thought into the aesthetic of my writing. it's a mess im tellin ya... i feel like i haven't been doing any writing at all in the last month and a half or so since i've had no conscious direction since my story fell apart. and yet my book has gone from 50,000 to 87,000 words

ive been writing a lil like 2000 word maybe thing which is like a sequel/commentary/happy ending to steppenwolf..... harry haller lives in los angeles, he is an ex-junkie, a coyote rather than a wolf, its probably kinda bad
[account deactivated]
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Impper posted:

deadken posted:
i expend a lot of effort on description now and i kinda want to stop.... i want my writing to be stark and cold and devastating. i think it all kinda depends on your personal trajectory really..... flabby description can be great when its done really well but i dont know if it meshes with the aesthetics/ethics of Sub Machine Gun

All Great Lovers Are Fascists.

i think i've entirely stopped putting conscious thought into the aesthetic of my writing. it's a mess im tellin ya... i feel like i haven't been doing any writing at all in the last month and a half or so since i've had no conscious direction since my story fell apart. and yet my book has gone from 50,000 to 87,000 words

if its first draft thats ok i think..... get all the words out there, spew em all over the page, trim em down to something usable afterwards. im giving up on long projects for a while i think, i've been trying to write long stories since i was like 12 and i have not once finished a single one of them. i been writing a bunch of short pieces, 5000 words or less, it gives me a lot more scope to play around with ideas and forms i couldnt maintain for a long period of time but my characterisation and dialogue is slipping a bit i think

that sounds pretty cool, if not fan fiction-y

deadken posted:
if its first draft thats ok i think..... get all the words out there, spew em all over the page, trim em down to something usable afterwards. im giving up on long projects for a while i think, i've been trying to write long stories since i was like 12 and i have not once finished a single one of them. i been writing a bunch of short pieces, 5000 words or less, it gives me a lot more scope to play around with ideas and forms i couldnt maintain for a long period of time but my characterisation and dialogue is slipping a bit i think

drafts are weird things. i edit so much as i go that my first draft is really more of a 1.5 draft, and there have often been times that my second decision has ended up worse. trimming is good though since you figure out what you're trying to say as you go on

it might be a bit fan fiction-y but im trying to keep it to a minimum. heres a bit of it i guess

The wolves have all been shot now. Out in the desert, only the coyotes are left. Mangy things, all canine grins and mattered fur. They sweep through the suburbs at night, knocking over trash cans and gorging themselves on leftover fast food, they fight for scraps with the raccoons and the stray cats, they’re mangled under the wheels of SUVs. There is no poetry in the misery of the coyote. Harry Haller is a coyote.

Harry Haller sat glumly in O’Leary’s Irish Pub. A miserable little place on the Santa Monica Boulevard. He liked it. It was now past three in the morning and there weren’t many others left, only other miserable old men, staring dejectedly into their drinks while the six-screen bank on the far wall silently flickered with highlights of the day’s football games. This is what he’d come for, really. Everything beforehand had been a kind of prelude, he’d talked to girls so that they would reject him, he’d danced drunkenly so that he could be ashamed after the fact, he’d come to this bar so that he could sit alone in silence as night crawled into morning and bathe in his contempt for everything around him. Harry Haller indulged in every bourgeois vice so that he could hate himself more efficiently.

[account deactivated]
anyway i got a final tomorrow so i should be readin books instead of chattin about them!! gah

tpaine posted:
fiction is crap


i like that, especially the first part with the coyotoes. reminds me kinda of dolan. the part about bourgeois vices is pretty interesting - this is essentially what my life has boiled down to in the last 8 months. i've given up a lot of my pretensions and have become a lot more normal (a normal bourgeois technical intelligentsia at least) - and in fact i do hate myself more efficiently
cheers. at the end harry haller discovers the Poetry of the Coyote and the Secret of Laughter..... i felt like everything i was writing was too depressing despite my personal philosophy being rooted in affirmation & the joy of the absurd
i thought you were getting weirder and weirder. or is a return to bourgeois life a kind of alienation in itself
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deadken posted:
i thought you were getting weirder and weirder. or is a return to bourgeois life a kind of alienation in itself

ii think the persona i'm putting onto the internet is a kind of reaction to that, though in my case, as a 25 year old nihilist, my idea of bourgeois normalcy is to be an extremely deviant faux-hipster, which is a sort of norm in itself

Harry Haller indulged in every bourgeois vice so that he could hate himself more efficiently.

hahha i am harry haller, thats a lotta nuts
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goD DAMMIT TPAINE I'VE ALMOST HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU DISTURBING THE CLASS. don't make me send you to the principle u little shit dDONT FUCKING MAKE n-no stOP SHOOTING SPITBALLS AT STACY. I don't care WHO your father is OUT NOW *kicks garbage pail across the classroom*
[account deactivated]
waht happened i'm banned from something AWFUL
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discipline posted:
rearranging deck chairs on the titanic may be a more apt metaphor

because an iceburg betrays the seaman by a veiled majority

where as judas was portrayed as having betrayed his discipline for reflective stamped currency.


tpaine posted:

I accidentally downvoted this instead of upvoting

Great thread, quick read; lots of thrills


discipline posted:
oh my god crow, look at the video on this page kristoff linked to


white woman runs into crowd of screaming congolese women who envelope her in their arms like a rock star

"she named the baby after meeee!!!" beams the white lady, bouncing a toddler on her lap and grinning ear to ear.

did I doo thaat? *mugs for the camera* *audience at home bursts into laughter*

Impper I've started working on something I've wanted to do for a long time that's like the story of Mehmet Ali Agcas months between escaping from jail and his attempted assassination of the Pope. Part of it is gonna include his journal entries or some shit and it's all gonna be in code so no one could find it and decipher his plan.

DRUXXX posted:
Impper I've started working on something I've wanted to do for a long time that's like the story of Mehmet Ali Agcas months between escaping from jail and his attempted assassination of the Pope. Part of it is gonna include his journal entries or some shit and it's all gonna be in code so no one could find it and decipher his plan.

Yes, Great, keep on writing, so long as it's an absolute that nobody would ever read it

write the journal entries in code and make the reader decipher them through cleverly placed secret clues in the text a la Monumental Work of Postmodern Genius and Altogether Good Job Well Done House of Leaves by David FF Wallace
otoh don't do that
is this the thread where we post about what we're currently writing or are planning to write y/n