How to raise a baby with a zero carbon footprint
Author Keya Chatterjee on the greenest ways to feed, diaper and care for your baby


pro-click zone. very helpful tips about how you're basically a fucktard for having a fridge.
way less fucktarded than having a useless baby. you can only even fit maybe ONE beer in them, tops

getfiscal posted:

How to raise a baby with a zero carbon footprint
Author Keya Chatterjee on the greenest ways to feed, diaper and care for your baby


pro-click zone. very helpful tips about how you're basically a fucktard for having a fridge.

Happy 4th of July Get Fiscal

babbys first carbon footprint

more like CABRON footprint, am i right babies?

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

Happy 4th of July Get Fiscal

i'm canadian but... ummm... thanks

Tiny babies can have a huge impact on the environment — just think of the mountains of dirty diapers they produce.


"And honestly, diapers are such a tiny, tiny part of your carbon footprint compared to transportation and energy."

noice cbc.
Put your baby's foot print in carbon and hang it on your wall next to a poem
My gf walked into a bike shop a week ago and came into the middle of a heated conversation on something that had caused a tattooed thin white man with a beard to growl "that's why you fucking buy local"
[account deactivated]
have babies but trade them for carbon offsets on the open exchange

getfiscal posted:

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

Happy 4th of July Get Fiscal

i'm canadian but... ummm... thanks

You can celebrate the two times that Canada repulsed an American invasion.

[account deactivated]
can i just adopt to avoid responsibility for the baby's foot prints?
[account deactivated]
what of the anti-eco practices such as birth control and condoms? does our enviro-concern start at planned conception, or is the elimination of women's rights the first step in this author's plan?

tpaine posted:

how i make green baby. how girl get ecofriendly pregnet

They need to do way Anthropogenic Global Warming> who kill thier plannets. because these plannets cant frigth back?


stegosaurus posted:

My gf walked into a bike shop a week ago and came into the middle of a heated conversation on something that had caused a tattooed thin white man with a beard to growl "that's why you fucking buy local"

That seems like exactly who you'd except to say that tho????

yeah white settler "people" are always cruel and petty even when they are trying to do Good
"If you cut off your baby's feet he won't have a carbon footprint, he'll have a carbon stump print!" – joke I got from a fortune cookie
Learn Chinese: $*%& - "Happy." Your lucky numbers are 69, 420, 1488.

swirlsofhistory posted:

"If you cut off your baby's feet he won't have a carbon footprint, he'll have a carbon stump print!" – joke I got from a fortune cookie

classic taoist joke

canada never stopped repulsing america

gyrofry posted:

canada never stopped repulsing america

the only food i've had to eat today is cheetoes.

[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

gyrofry posted:

canada never stopped repulsing america

the only food i've had to eat today is cheetoes.

I honestly cannot imagine eating cheetoes. it seems as sensible as drinking paint or eating plastic. what a wretched existence.


Lykourgos posted:

getfiscal posted:

gyrofry posted:

canada never stopped repulsing america

the only food i've had to eat today is cheetoes.

I honestly cannot imagine eating cheetoes. it seems as sensible as drinking paint or eating plastic. what a wretched existence.

a british transplant in 'merica might be more insufferable, but, despite your whining, you've seemed to make the best of it.

a good way to lower your "carbon footprint"? dont have children

theres basically no good reason for having any children from what i can see
in canada? give alberta independence
wasted, was it you who was posting at me about bankhead shit a while back
cage-free organic babies

daddyholes posted:

wasted, was it you who was posting at me about bankhead shit a while back

I don't know what bankhead is but if I trolled you on it and you have proof of the offense then all I have to say is GO FUCK YOURSELF. But otherwise, I have no idea what you're talking about.

You can tell from wasters posting he is a big fan of either punk music hardcore music or metal
and also that he's a fuck nigga
haha was it you? i forget and there's no search. just looking for some new music down there because me : that scene :: america : the moon; i'm obviously not from there, I haven't been back there in a long time, i just see the stuff that is bright enough to cross the gap and i'll be damned if i'd know where to find a poppin strip club

oh and death is certain
the world hasn't warmed in 16 years hth
[account deactivated]
anthropogenic global balling