tpaine posted:codywilson posted:'bad' meaning 'you shouldn't do it' i guess
well principally among them would be the fact that your fat stupid ass can't do it and get away with it, so you'd get caught and justifiably separated from the rest of society
i honestly didn't expect all the "you should follow the law" rhetoric from you revolutionaries.
but why is it "justifiable" beyond "because the government said so"? Or even beyond "because the people said so"?
codywilson posted:if i can get away with it then, i am justified in killing as i please
tpaine posted:Tpaine's list of reasons not to kill someone that you don't need Jesus to figure out
- You'd probably fuck it up
- What if like, someone decided to kill you? I bet you'd rather they didn't. Maybe we should all be cool and not go around normalizing murder
- There's a lot of cool media you can peruse instead of killing people, like playing through Final Fantasy 7 again, which I bet if you think about it, it's been a while since you've done that
ex-marines/cia agents, kill as you like
you're maKINg fun of someone for being christian? i bet uou wouldn't like if they made fun of you for being atheist
4 years.
tpaine posted:if prison or whatever isn't enough to stop you, why do you think the threat of hell for eternity would be enough? what kind of specific psycho do you think people are?
when did i say christianity is preventing people from murdering? i'm not trying to make that point
tpaine posted:codywilson posted:ex-marines/cia agents, kill as you like
yeah those guys don't ever die in action or get ptsd and kill themselves. is that a risk a totally self-interested person would be willing to take
what if the ptsd caused the killing of others, and it was a murder suicide planned from the start? then the killing is entirely justifiable.
tpaine posted:codywilson posted:tpaine posted:if prison or whatever isn't enough to stop you, why do you think the threat of hell for eternity would be enough? what kind of specific psycho do you think people are?
when did i say christianity is preventing people from murdering? i'm not trying to make that point
well what is your point then, fuckbistro?
that at some point basically everything relies on circular reasoning (or some similar fallacy), so criticizing religion for using it is pointless? bible good because people say its good; killings wrong because people say killings wrong. who cares.
"hey bro, you can't kill people, because, don't kill people"
roseweird posted:codywilson posted:if i can get away with it then, i am allowed to kill as i please
well considering that people kill and get away with it constantly (soldiers) and they frequently break down in abject psychological horror at what they've done despite being praised for their crimes, i'd say that shame and guilt are real because killing is just simply wrong and almost every human knows this, and the ones who don't are insane
i think not being psychologically damaged is the definition of not being insane
tpaine posted:codywilson posted:tpaine posted:codywilson posted:tpaine posted:if prison or whatever isn't enough to stop you, why do you think the threat of hell for eternity would be enough? what kind of specific psycho do you think people are?
when did i say christianity is preventing people from murdering? i'm not trying to make that point
well what is your point then, fuckbistro?
that at some point basically everything relies on circular reasoning (or some similar fallacy), so criticizing religion for using it is pointless? bible good because people say its good; killings wrong because people say killings wrong. who cares.
you're really stupid and are arguing against thought itself which isn't really surprising
you've killed thought in your inability to explain why one shouldn't kill another human
tpaine posted:it's funny because you made me remember a major point i made in my stupid book, which is that if pushed far enough all religious people will resort to solipsism to keep from admitting they're wrong
i'm not even particularly defending religion, i just think it's funny that you have this double standard for thought and morality. When it's religion, everything has to be factual and empirical, but when it's plain morality, you can just take everything on personal gut instinct. Why is the same gut instinct and non-argument for morality not able to be applied in defense of religion in general?

roseweird posted:babyfinland posted:roseweird posted:codywilson posted:if i can get away with it then, i am allowed to kill as i please
well considering that people kill and get away with it constantly (soldiers) and they frequently break down in abject psychological horror at what they've done despite being praised for their crimes, i'd say that shame and guilt are real because killing is just simply wrong and almost every human knows this, and the ones who don't are insane
i think not being psychologically damaged is the definition of not being insane
that's absolutely not true tho? insane means... unclean, wrong, and dangerous, not in one's right mind. people suffer all sorts of psychological damage without going insane. everyone acquires some psychological damage in the course of life
i think its weird to say that if people dont break down after going to war they are insane, but the people who do are not insane. being able to cope with stuff without the state intervening doesnt mean youre insane
tpaine posted:codywilson posted:When it's religion, everything has to be factual and empirical, but when it's plain morality, you can just take everything on personal gut instinct.
where the hell did i say this? you're all over the place
you criticized religion for making stuff up. I just assumed that, in order for things not to be seen as "made up," then you are implying there needs to be some factual backing.
tpaine posted:codywilson posted:tpaine posted:codywilson posted:When it's religion, everything has to be factual and empirical, but when it's plain morality, you can just take everything on personal gut instinct.
where the hell did i say this? you're all over the place
you criticized religion for making stuff up. I just assumed that, in order for things not to be seen as "made up," then you are implying there needs to be some factual backing.
you don't think facts exist
no, sure they exist, but what i'm saying is when it comes to stuff like morality or religion, you don't need them, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is really the same argument you gave me about not murdering.