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It's an obvious bullshit copout and I am extremely reactionary to it. But you can't blame me because I'm just a straight white cismale so it's impossible for me to distinguish between what is and isn't reactionary!
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i think there's truth in the subjective position, but its a partial relation to truth, and therefore fleeting. so, if you believe something you better stick with your guns, but be prepared to fight for it. it'll scamper off ya know.

impper showed me this a little bit back, Deleuze in Negotiations, 1972-1990 responding to a critic:

So I’ll move onto your other more cruel and hurtful criticism, when you say I’m someone who’s always just tagged along behind, taking it easy, capitalizing upon other people’s experiments, on gays, drug-users, alcoholics, masochists, lunatics, and so on, vaguely savouring their transports and poisons without ever taking any risks. You turn against me a piece I wrote where I ask how we can avoid becoming professional lecturers on Artaud or fashionable admirers of Fitzgerald. But what do you know about me, given that I believe in secrecy, that is, in the power of falsity, rather than in representing things in a way that manifests a lamentable faith in accuracy and truth? If I stick where I am, if I don’t travel around, like anyone else I make my inner journeys that I can only measure by my emotions, and express very obliquely and circuitously in what I write. And what do my relations with gays, alcoholics, and drug-users matter, if I can obtain similar effects by different means? What’s interesting isn’t whether I’m capitalizing on anything, but whether there are people doing something or other in their little corner, and me in mine, and whether there might be any points of contact, chance encounters and coincidences rather than alignments and rallying-points (all that crap where everyone’s supposed to be everyone else’s guilty conscience and judge). I owe you lot nothing, nothing more than you owe me. I don’t need to join you in your ghettos, because I’ve got my own. The question’s nothing to do with the character of this or that exclusive group, it’s to do with the transversal relations that ensure that any effects produced in some particular way (through homosexuality, drugs, and so on) can always be produced by other means. We have to counter people who think “I’m this, I’m that,” and who do so, moreover, in psychoanalytic terms (relating every­thing to their childhood or fate), by thinking in strange, fluid, unusual terms: I don’t know what I am—I’d have to investigate and experiment with so many things in a non-narcissistic, non-oedipal way—no gay can ever definitively say “I’m gay.” It’s not a question of being this or that sort of human, but of becoming inhuman, of a universal animal becoming—not seeing yourself as some dumb animal, but unraveling your body’s human organization, exploring this or that zone of bodily intensity, with everyone discovering their own particular zones, and the groups, populations, species that inhabit them. Who’s to say I can’t talk about medicine unless I’m a doctor, if I talk about it like a dog? What’s to stop me talking about drugs without being an addict, if I talk about them like a little bird? And why shouldn’t I invent some way, however fantastic and contrived, of talking about something, without someone having to ask whether I’m qualified to talk like that? Drugs can produce delire, so why can’t I get into a delire about drugs? Why does your particular version of “reality” have to come into it? You’re a pretty unimaginative realist. And why do you bother reading me, if that’s how you feel? Arguments from one’s own privileged experience are bad and reactionary arguments. My favorite sentence in Anti-Oedipus is: “No, we’ve never seen a schizophrenic.”

What, in sum, does your letter contain? Nothing about you, except the one bit I like. Lots of gossip, “things people say,” where you deftly confuse what they’re saying and what you’re saying. And maybe that’s what you set out to produce, a sort of self-contained jumble of echoes. It’s a mannered letter, rather disdainful. You ask me for something you can publish, then say nasty things about me. My letter, given yours, seems like a self-justification. Wonderful. You’re not an Arab, you’re a jackal. You’re doing all you can to turn me into what you complain I’m becoming, a little celebrity, ra ra ra. I can do without your help, but I do like you—to put an end to the gossip.

I thought of this instance when I was arguing with a brown person about whether blackface was okay in a European context. (i said it wasnt, but he disagreed, what a bizarre world)

Anyway, this is a really strange situation, because I think fidelity to truth is extremely important, but how can one access it? This is where theory is so important, and the attendant realm of struggle. The only thing one can be guilty of is giving ground to your desire. So of course this entails following through on a truthful subjectivity. only therein is a possibility for liberation, 'truth will set you free'..

We've experienced the obverse of this of course: yelling at racists and imperialists. And of course maximum efficiency in exposing truth is a mix of subjective humiliation and theory building, constructing the reality of the truth you push.

Edited by Crow ()


discipline posted:
this one person (white) said that black market was a racist term and when we argued with him he said well you're white you can't say it's not racist

like that's just stupidity, and it should be punished.

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If im a bird youre a bird
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a lot of prejudicial positions arent consciously articulated tho..... they form a linguistic substrate..... while its moronic to claim that a white person can't say something isn't racist, at the same time if he does say this chances are he's wrong
and the goony goony shuffle back to ding dong town commenceth
intentions do matter, as you say, but only because the entire ethic of the person matters when judging someone. i dont like criticism that doesnt encompass the whole of a thing-- any incompetent critic can cherry-pick a racist or misogynist blip, while it takes real skill to fully demolish an evil person
does anyone habitually deconstruct and critically appraise the content of a loved one's character when they demonstrate weakness and moral disrectitude here? i do
objectify the object (c)19xx, sirname
I think that its certainly possible but that in the end you need someone with the subjective experience of the particular mode of oppression to confirm or deny your analysis. Marx was not a proletarian, for example.
people - the overwhelming majority - are nothing more than shells filled by the culture they inhabit. i've yet to see any evidence otherwise.

Edited by swampman ()

can someone edit out those stupid pictures please
[account deactivated]
Clearly TRUE wisdom is rejecting your native culture and adopting some other culture. Or perhaps being cosmopolitan, a citizen of Earth. Yes. That is the way
hybridity. bhabha, baby
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:
can someone edit out those stupid pictures please


true wisdom comes in ceasing to grasp

ty swampman

nounsareverbs is send in the black man and we all hate him so if u want to ifap him it would be appreciated

discipline posted:
are you gonna marry an american woman ken

i dont think im going to marry anyone. i dont have the requisite emotional depth

ive not been to vegas yet though so who knows
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at the rate i smoke i will not be an old man
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christmas_cheer posted:
Clearly TRUE wisdom is rejecting your native culture and adopting some other culture. Or perhaps being cosmopolitan, a citizen of Earth. Yes. That is the way

but when the concept of moderation becomes a perpetuable autonomate, it has been properly fermented and optimally primed for consumption. to deny it its appreciable bouquet is to allow it to wilt, in what can only be interpreted as a sacrificial, superstitious gesture, appeasing only the superficialities of a consumer class in wasting prime pristine potential, thus it can only and should only be contrived by the aupicious investor as an offense; pure, unadulturated spite for the sake of affronting unchecked invested optimism.

i believe that race is just an excuse

i'm not anyone but nounsareverbs cause all i ever did on SA was lurk. i've already had educational psychology please and thank you it was p terrible.

NounsareVerbs posted:
i believe that race is just an excuse

i'm not anyone but nounsareverbs cause all i ever did on SA was lurk. i've already had educational psychology please and thank you it was p terrible.

if it had worked, you'd be glad you finally got treatment... imo

i know a dude who graduated in psych, made it into a masters of counseling program and then dropped out and now he is 300k in student loan debt not even exaggerating.

discipline posted:
I doubt you smoke more than I did at 23

i smoke a lot. im smoking right now, for instance.

i have a friend getting his m.s. in counseling and its ridiculous how many people drop out of the program because they can't get past the social justice component of like 3 courses w/o failing
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yeah but i bet i smoked more pole than both of u combined, what now bitches,
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i think i smoke like 40 a day. theyre rollies though so i lose count. when im drunk at a party i can smoke like another 30 on top of that generally