Paul Krugman here.
What can you do on the Web that you can’t do in print? Create safe spaces to organize for change.
Here at Rhizzone, there seems to be a place for the younger generation do just that. I'll be checking in semi-regularly to do whatever I can to help out with your progressive social project.
Also, I'm a Jew.
What can you do on the Web that you can’t do in print? Create safe spaces to organize for change.
Here at Rhizzone, there seems to be a place for the younger generation do just that. I'll be checking in semi-regularly to do whatever I can to help out with your progressive social project.
Also, I'm a Jew.
Edited by Paul_Krugman ()
The Despicable Jew Paul Krugman
[account deactivated]
someone create a gimmick acct called Paul Nugman and only post re the economics of weed
Howdy, folks. It's my pleasure. I take exception to clanzy. Sadly, every forum has its anti-semitic fringe.
HenryKrinkle (forgive me, is that your real name?), I remember writing that paper.
In the early 90s as a budding Third Worldist, I researched how globalization resulted in a fall in developing country real income in my paper, Globalization and the Inequality of Nations.
Of course, now that I realize the welfare state actually strengthens America's competitive edge on the world stage, I would never suggest cutting it.
HenryKrinkle (forgive me, is that your real name?), I remember writing that paper.
In the early 90s as a budding Third Worldist, I researched how globalization resulted in a fall in developing country real income in my paper, Globalization and the Inequality of Nations.
Of course, now that I realize the welfare state actually strengthens America's competitive edge on the world stage, I would never suggest cutting it.
Edited by Paul_Krugman ()
Where exactly is the joke here Son
babyfinland posted:Where exactly is the joke here Son
im gay
Shut the fuck up Glenn.
no u
paulie whatre the economics of WEED
We can both agree the only joker in the room is the Republican Party.
Hi, Glenn! I hope you've given up on reporting those fake, right-wing scandals. Undisclosed healthcare payments and illegal healthcare payments are not the same thing. It's basic arithmetic.
Edit: Whoop! That post came in right under the radar!
"Chairman Mao"- boy, I've compared Rush Limbaugh to Stalin before, but Mao is another level.
We all want personal freedom, but the White House has too much on its plate right now.
Hi, Glenn! I hope you've given up on reporting those fake, right-wing scandals. Undisclosed healthcare payments and illegal healthcare payments are not the same thing. It's basic arithmetic.
Edit: Whoop! That post came in right under the radar!
"Chairman Mao"- boy, I've compared Rush Limbaugh to Stalin before, but Mao is another level.
We all want personal freedom, but the White House has too much on its plate right now.
Edited by Paul_Krugman ()
posting in goatstein thread regardless of content or merit
hi paul
Greeting Paul. It's me, "Big" Keven (FROM WORK).
LaserJew here.
timez krew
Paul_Krugman posted:We can both agree the only joker in the room is the Republican Party.
p,lease take the rude man off this website. delete the man from my sight,,. get OUT
im a big fan of your work, paul
i hereby deny any complicity in this thread.
sorry, dont wanna burst anybody's bubble here, but i think this might be a joke account.
Paul, Glenn, could one of you please get Thomas Friedman to start posting? Hes got himself a bit of a fanclub round these here parts
[account deactivated]
i'd be glad to see you "take off'' too Paul, ha ha!
But matters are not that simple, and the moral lines are not that clear. In fact, let me make a counter-accusation: The lofty moral tone of the opponents of globalization is possible only because they have chosen not to think their position through. While fat-cat capitalists might benefit from globalization, the biggest beneficiaries are, yes, Third World workers.