discipline posted:I support rights for homosexuals 100%. that said, I don't think there is inherent revolutionary potential in the struggle because there is nothing inherently revolutionary about homosexuals
gay rights is at once a facet of the struggle for equality and a facet of the equality of struggle
to deny their struggle is to deny your own
Superabound posted:lol literally 100% of "gay rights" issues are just the openly homosexual community begging to be freed from leftist ideological obligations so that they can go join mainstream conservative society
babyfinland posted:Yeah! And Russian food, it stinks!
this is technically a comedic homophone or "pun" on baggyfillin's rationale for living a 24 hour continuous meal.
Goethestein was probated until (June 27, 2013 02:47:40) for this post!
Goethestein was probated until (June 28, 2013 12:35:41) for this post!
mongosteen was probated until (June 27, 2013 03:54:16) for this post!
the gay rights movement has long been cleansed, castrated of radicalism and reformed into liberalism. gay marriage itself is an incorporation of gays into the mainstream heterosexual lifestyle, a capitulation. if some of us want to do that then of course let us have the right, but the idea that it's some liberation is pathetic. the oppression is still there, and even more so the more we try to fit in, the limp reactive mimicry of it. no revolutionary potential now.
R posted:
the gay rights movement has long been cleansed, castrated of radicalism and reformed into liberalism. gay marriage itself is an incorporation of gays into the mainstream heterosexual lifestyle, a capitulation. if some of us want to do that then of course let us have the right, but the idea that it's some liberation is pathetic. the oppression is still there, and even more so the more we try to fit in, the limp reactive mimicry of it. no revolutionary potential now.
ARRR!! Haha, just a little pirate humor for you there. I know what you are asking yourself: "My word, is nothing sacred here on this madcap circus of the most cutting edge opinions?" And I say to you: brother, hang on to your hat
Edited by jools ()
Mongosteen_2 was probated until (June 27, 2013 04:59:53) for this post!
did the justices cut a deal: i'll let you reject your bemoaned law if you'll let me reject mine? score one for the conservatives and one for the liberals?
have we sold out the impoverished black community for the trendy homosexual community?
Edited by getfiscal (today 02:15:35)
Edited by alt1111 ()
alt1111 posted:Yes I do support gay rights OP, gay rights are very important. Homosexuality cannot exist in a true Free Market because AIDS will eliminate the gay population over time.
R posted:
the gay rights movement has long been cleansed, castrated of radicalism and reformed into liberalism. gay marriage itself is an incorporation of gays into the mainstream heterosexual lifestyle, a capitulation. if some of us want to do that then of course let us have the right, but the idea that it's some liberation is pathetic. the oppression is still there, and even more so the more we try to fit in, the limp reactive mimicry of it. no revolutionary potential now.
yeah. fairly sure will & grace made this point in 1998 by existing, but yeah
animedad posted:AmericanNazbro posted:Lessons posted:Crow posted:OK, so you have no idea then, got it. It's pretty telling that you appeal to History when you have neither a grasp on palestinian or homosexual struggles, and seeing ghosts everywhere you look. You guys should take a break from twitter, maybe get a job or two
it's more like it's a waste of time to give you an explanation just so you can poke holes in it with braindead zizek logic and rant about degenerates.
but is it not true you have a proclivity towards dismissing counter arguments in favor of posting anime pictures and talking about video games? Perhaps the accusation that you are a degenerate is well founded here, I claim. And you are gay.
no thug lesions is more correct itt imo. why the h8
like i'm even going to dignify this with a reply. you have no understanding of the topological materialism, shut the fuck up and read some carmen sandeigo.
R posted:
the gay rights movement has long been cleansed, castrated of radicalism and reformed into liberalism. gay marriage itself is an incorporation of gays into the mainstream heterosexual lifestyle, a capitulation. if some of us want to do that then of course let us have the right, but the idea that it's some liberation is pathetic. the oppression is still there, and even more so the more we try to fit in, the limp reactive mimicry of it. no revolutionary potential now.
Is it really surprising that the mainstream of the gay rights movement is similar to the general mainstream?
jools posted:also it shows that instead of having a material theory of history, or a historical theory of matter, you have a theory of psychoanalytic gibberish
Edited by blinkandwheeze ()
Edited by blinkandwheeze ()
Edited by blinkandwheeze ()
d1 posted:Some of those are legitimate,
so sayeth d1, arbiter of legitimacy
d1 posted:but even if we take inane justifications like the marriage tax credit (which again only makes sense to help support a family),
the only, and i mean absolutely only way this makes sense is blah blah blah shut the fuck up
d1 posted:there's a reason why Jews specifically want gay marriage as opposed to civil unions.
what the hell are you talking about
d1 posted:It's that they absolutely have to drag American culture into the dirt.
cool. hopefully they will start with you
Please stop posting.
we understand that you have enough proxies lined up to evade your ifap sentences. we understand that the relaxed approach to moderating here falls apart in the face of someone as genuinely psychotic as you. we understand that responding to your piles of useless boring garbage in a way that satisfies you won't get you to stop because you have promised to leave several times before and you have demonstrated that you are perfectly happy posting repeatedly at yourself. i'm sorry that at some point you misconstrued this forum as being a place where people enjoy arguing with talking points picked up from cursory glances at wikipedia, instead of being a forum for posting cat pictures and rap youtubes and providing a safe space for the unfortunate victims of fail aids infections. nobody cares about or is reading anything you post, all you are doing is making reading this place a really annoying experience. please stop. dont think i wont edit all your posts, or the posts of everyone who responds to you, because i will. but thats really boring and i dont want to so
please give up.
thank you in advance. lots of love, BnW.