roseweird posted:i live in queens and i hear car alarms go off on my block, within 10 meters of my window, at least 3 or 4 times a day. i am actually going insane and i have a little pile of rocks in my room and i'm probably going to start throwing them at cars. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck fuck fuck fuck fuck is there any more efficient way to announce to all of your neighbors "i don't give a fuck about any of you and i hope you are all fucking miserable all the time". i live 2 blocks from a train station
fuck you if you have a car alarm, i hope you die, for real, i'm serious, i hope you actually die immediately irl
roseweird posted:i live in queens and i hear car alarms go off on my block, within 10 meters of my window, at least 3 or 4 times a day. i am actually going insane and i have a little pile of rocks in my room and i'm probably going to start throwing them at cars. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck fuck fuck fuck fuck is there any more efficient way to announce to all of your neighbors "i don't give a fuck about any of you and i hope you are all fucking miserable all the time". i live 2 blocks from a train station
fuck you if you have a car alarm, i hope you die, for real, i'm serious, i hope you actually die immediately irl
hahaha my alarm system was malfunctioning recently so it went off ever time i unlocked until i started the engine. it agitated me at first until i realized that hey, i could deal with it, the anxiety was coming from the social impropriety of it all until i figured i don't really care if someone has to hear an alarm, after all i don't complain about people playing loud rap music or people talking in serbian on the train.
annoying noises are just a part of urban modernity and i don't think the onus is on every individual to tailor their expression to every elses arbitrary, often hypocritical tastes.
roseweird posted:such a crazy idea, compared to "don't listen to music" or "don't speak serbian"
but if you lived under the Taliban or the KLA respectively, they wouldn't be crazy ideas at all. You see? It's all about the social relations.
if you have a car alarm that goes off all the time no one is going to help you if someone tries to break into your car
Car alarms are almost universally ignored, the idea that my ethics and responsibility in owning a car alarm will lead to genuine help in case of a theft is kindergarten just-world syndrome really, or more charitably, the social function of a small town where people know the people on the street and their circumstance.
I note that in all these posts so far, you haven't gone to help anyone whose alarms have gone off, you've just assumed negligence or rudeness behind it and have in fact started collecting a little arsenal of rocks.
Train stations are common places for car break-ins, maybe you should go help.
roseweird posted:i can see the alarms going off from my window, there is never anyone breaking into them, they just go off for long periods, apparently set off by wind or vibrations (like from the train). the rocks are just there because they look pretty, i would be sad to throw one at a car
can you see the trains go past? i used to live right next to a train line on the north approach to the harbour bridge and it was so soothing and graceful.

babyfinland posted:Do people in new York just talk about new York all the time
'so this loser with Jersey plates almost knocked me over up on 43rd and i was like 'hey! I'm walkin' here! Go back to Plainfield, i hear banana republic is having a sale: 40% off for anyone who looks like a real piece of shit!'......hah.... i bet he's crying into his meatloaf right now, the schlub. It's my problem with these bridge and tunnel idiots you know; they're phonies, they got no culture, they got no passion.....anyway pal you wanna go get a bagel and then maybe go do one of those there immigrant hookers out in Queens? My wife's at the Judea and Sumeria fundraising ball all evening thank christ, if i have to listen to one more story about her parents i'll take their goddamn Buick, put on a cardigan and a wig and run down some little black kid in Crown Heights, get 'em shipped off to Rikers, that'll give the old coot and her pussy of a husband something to really whine about... the fuckin' slack-jawed midwestern retards....'
Ironicwarcriminal posted:hahaha my alarm system was malfunctioning recently so it went off ever time i unlocked until i started the engine. it agitated me at first until i realized that hey, i could deal with it, the anxiety was coming from the social impropriety of it all until i figured i don't really care if someone has to hear an alarm, after all i don't complain about people playing loud rap music or people talking in serbian on the train.
annoying noises are just a part of urban modernity and i don't think the onus is on every individual to tailor their expression to every elses arbitrary, often hypocritical tastes.
while i honestly appreciate your casual disregard for others, i also feel compelled to point out that people play loud rap music because they like it and talk in serbian because it's their native language, whereas you're letting your car alarm blare out of sheer laziness/being a cheapskate. it's more like going out all greasy and stinking of BO because you can't be bothered to shower and dont want to spend money on deodorant than those things.
elemennop posted:uh serbian is the language of angels
I stand correcaaaaaaaaarg
babyfinland posted:Do people in new York just talk about new York all the time
sometimes we make fun of people in forgettable places that aren't even worth talking about
babyfinland posted:How is blaring rap music or speaking in nausea inducing mud man dialects not indicative of a disregard for others
because as good liberals we understand that we gain valuable social capital and self-affirment from mocking or deconstructing some socially produced expressions of crassness, insularity and selfishness, These have to be chosen carefully however, as acknowledging similar phenomenon in other contexts does not assist us in our social location.
Our theories and assumptions are a very carefully constructed house of cards, built upon shifting rhetorical and political foundations that have to be constantly tweaked and propped up. It requires the height and prominence from which we can pontificate and make our presence known to the neighbours, while still containing an ever growing number of panic rooms into which we can retreat when hurricanes of conviction or irrationality start bearing down upon us.
How can we keep those panic rooms safe and guarded if you start running your mouth about how person A being rude is largely equivalent to persons B, C or D being rude, do you even realize what these walls are made from? This problematic universality of yours, these comparisons of broad human behaviors as if there are lessons to be learnt from some space 'above' or 'outside' political theory, is deeply reactionary and incredibly irresponsible.
slumlord posted:babyfinland posted:
Do people in new York just talk about new York all the time
sometimes we make fun of people in forgettable places that aren't even worth talking about
yeah i've heard a lot of Brooklyn jokes
slumlord posted:ugh. those people in that interesting place. they even talk about it, like it's interesting. ugh. ugh
are you serious? literally the only thing the NYC posters actually discuss about NYC is testing your knowledge of ethnic eateries in soon to be gentrified neighbourhoods.
so go on, tell me what's so interesting about it

Ironicwarcriminal posted:slumlord posted:babyfinland posted:
Do people in new York just talk about new York all the time
sometimes we make fun of people in forgettable places that aren't even worth talking aboutyeah i've heard a lot of Brooklyn jokes