discipline posted:central planning would probably be vastly improved with the technological innovations of the last 20 years, everything from internet to better shipping technologies
people who don't understand this don't understand our current economy and don't understand computers
drwhat posted:we efficiently create artificial demand for unnecessary things in the minds of people, and efficiently fill that demand with shitty junk. what's not to love
your posting
drwhat posted:we efficiently create artificial demand for unnecessary things in the minds of people, and efficiently fill that demand with shitty junk. what's not to love
every society is based on illusions
cleanhands posted:how would central planning be noticeably different to, for instance, the tesco/sainsburys nexus in the UK (idk what the USA equiv is)
because you'd be trying to achieve something entirely different
codywilson posted:the gov will distribute food at the local court house. this will allow for easy reference to the recipient's court records. anyone with outstanding tickets won't get food, and they'll get shot. the future looks good
sounds like boston
jools posted:the reason supermarkets were empty in russia was because no one got their food from them lol
really? i did not know that.

jools posted:[long string of racist horseshit]
jools posted:russian food is third rate even among slavic foods alone
your mom is third rate among MI (N) LFs alone
like, as in, when I put my хуй in her корыто
swampman posted:deep dish pizza is gross
sometimes you just dont want to have to chew anything