babyfinland posted:
goebells: pretty bad
hitchens: really bad
Hitchens completely destroyed any hope of anybody having an internationalist perspective in the mainstream. He was it, the only hope, and all he could talk about was how he wanted to see sandnigger peasant corpses tossed into mass graves. It was fucking incredible to see that betrayal.
Honestly, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think the United States suddenly started caring about Iraqis and Afghans after more than twenty years of clearly not giving a shit? He never mentions Saudi Arabia even though it by far finances and produces most of the world's high quality terrorists.
But he slaps religious people on the nose and the left just thinks that's fucking adorable. Attacking religion in the West would have been impressive about 500 years ago but today unless you criticize the military (I know, shut the fuck up about the military, internationalist) you're not doing anything dangerous. He was supposed to be willing to do something like that but... well, just look at him. Decaying and dying on top of a pile of dead goatherder skulls.
Crow posted:
i guess he's right. the tepid response of the left to the fatwa issued against rushdie was deplorable. It should've been a resounding (Hell) YES!