Goethestein posted:entire world-class cities are basically the farm girl who runs back to her parents all excited because she gave kenny rogers head so he's gonna marry her
stealing patton oswalt jokes... so sad.
edit: you fucker
Goethestein posted:i didnt realize until i read that article that some people actually believe that building all these facilities for the olympics means that they'll be more likely to come back again. lmao how are people so stupid
the Olympics is pure liberal ideology and the fact that it doesnt hoover in terrorists like water spiraling down a tub drain is fucking shameful, shame on everyone
babyfinland posted:SHAMEFUR DISPRAY
prohairesis posted:the MPL has left the demonstrations, btw. officially it's over, it's now a dwindling incoherent mass of libs w/ national flags, clown noses, chanting about peace and giving flowers to cops for no reason.
the real right-wing is as unable of taking advantage of this moment as the left. young middle class ppl are as averse to the military, religion & ruralism as they're averse to anything leftist.
truly right-wing ppl like bolsonaro are seen as humorous spectacle.
there's no one that could capitalize on this, except maybe marina who is an eco-liberal who appeals to the 'apolitical' liberal crowd by being outside the PT/PMDB axes.
so wahts the political mobilization now? MPL's gone for good? this guy says
When protesters closed Octávio Frias de Oliveira Bridge in Sao Paulo a couple of days ago our comrades experienced a sudden outbreak of hostility. Last night, the bloc of radical left organisations, students and members of the social movements was attacked by thugs in Rio de Janeiro. The levels of intimidation and aggression we experience on the demonstrations are out of this world. Yesterday night they sought a large conflict with us. The left closed ranks. PTSU militants, PSOL and PCR joined ranks and defended those people carrying red flags and banners on the demonstration.
whats his problem?
At the gathering in Angélica Avenue I thought we would not be able to walk not even 100 meters. The hate of those occupying the Paulista was very high. This hate wasn’t only against PT. It was against any social movement, any popular flag. The CUT (union organization) was there. The MPL. and the UNE (union of the students) too.
During the rally, lots of flags were attacked, ripped off and burnt under the yells of “get out PT, fuck you”, “the people have awaken” and “corrupt!”
Since the beginning, we were shielded by the MPL people.
We suffered attacks during all the rally. We were booed. There were silence only when we sang the national anthem. We yelled: “no violence” “democracy” “take the streets against the bus fare” “this is insane, against parties is junta’s thing” “Free transportation now!”
They tried to hijack our rally, threatened, provoked, harassed us. It was tense. I was fucking scared.
One of the most common slogans people were yelling was “People united don’t need a party”. While yelling, they took the sidewalks and waved their arms in the nazi fashion.
We walked to MASP. I don’t even know how we managed it. Then people started to yell “put the flags down”. And they attacked us. Skinheads and tough dudes threatened and kicked us. It was a terrifying scene.
When we arrived at the Trianon-MASP subway station we were surrounded. They were throwing fireworks and paper balls on fire at us.
We were told to hide our flags. I was carrying a flag of the Union of the students from the state of São Paulo and was draped in a worker’s party flag. Someone took my flag and a comrade told me to hide the PT flag in my backpack.
I was in the second queue in the back of the rally and it was really hard to leave without being beaten up.
Then we began to chant: “Fascists, Fascists, you will not pass!”
We yelled in one voice, really strong. It wasn’t the best moment but I even laughed when a girl who was next to me said: “comrades, they don’t even know what it means. They’ll think it’s a provocation and we are minority.”
We were minority. After a while we put down the flags, our rally was dispersed.
I went back home, with the flag in my backpack. I was thinking. I thought about Allende.
One of the most common slogans people were yelling was “People united don’t need a party”. While yelling, they took the sidewalks and waved their arms in the nazi fashion.
the fascism we need to worry about isn't necessarily that of the far right, but apolitical anti-ideological 'common-sense' reactionaryism

well basically anything left is associated with PT as i said so any leftist movement no matter how autonomous is object of that middle class common-sense hostility.
the protest until monday had presence of all those left parties/movements w/ no hostility from within, but this week the middle class 'pacifist'/anti-partisan/Care Bear element emerged and things got incoherent. they even burned flags of the Black Movement lol
many fash grouplets (mostly skinhead) organized by facebook to take advantage of anti-partisan liberal hostility and try to beat up lefties at the protest so there's that. that's sp, i dunno about rio though
btw there are various demonstrations by lower class neighborhoods & favela denizens happening in são paulo right now too. occupying airports etc
daddyholes posted:well if the interests of the workers or the "left wing constituency" or whatever has been removed from the field, what is left are the people who like to riot and the people who want to control the people who like to riot
those demonstrating now are against rioting too lol. they're for Peace & cuddling cops and protests only as pretty spectacle.
ppl rioting were/are favela/lower class youths and lefties and punks
rio & sp protests are just that sorta lib spectacle now, i think there's still rioting in brasília though. they really like breaking in and burning niemeyer architecture lol
I called a friend in Sao Paulo told me her and her friends (rich liberals not leftists) haven't gone out the last couple days because of the reactionaries and violence.
Lessons posted:it pwns that late modern liberalism has more or less succeeded in realizing the dream of reducing all popular protest to non-partisan apolitical expressions of discontent that lack both immediate coherent power and the possibility of developing such
babyfinland posted:why do bus fares even exist, theyre just annoying. it doesnt fund the buses at all
to keep the negro down
deadken posted:During the rally, lots of flags were attacked, ripped off and burnt under the yells of “get out PT, fuck you”, “the people have awaken” and “corrupt!”
Since the beginning, we were shielded by the MPL people.
We suffered attacks during all the rally. We were booed. There were silence only when we sang the national anthem. We yelled: “no violence” “democracy” “take the streets against the bus fare” “this is insane, against parties is junta’s thing” “Free transportation now!”
im uhh, sure it reads better in brasileiro
prohairesis posted:florianópolis
holy shit, tpaine,
prohairesis posted:btw there are various demonstrations by lower class neighborhoods & favela denizens happening in são paulo right now too. occupying airports etc
how large are these and how do they configure with larger movement? cos from what you are saying 'cooption' is far far from complete
it was a short bit and his english was poor, but really it sounded like what you hear from tea party types.