animals and plants use energy and enzymes to PROCESS simple compounds into complex proteins and carbohydrates, it is disgusting and unnatrural, this is why i only eat dirt and rocks
animedad posted:swampman posted:
animedad posted:
Veganism is super expensive
do you believe this?
No, just trolling. I'm pretty fit and I rarely eat meAt because it affects my digestion and fucks up my blood sugar which makes me feel like death
damn you sound fucking miserable
tentativelurkeraccount posted:That's all well and good, ghettostewie72, but what do those countries have to do with this argument? You are aware that true veganism has never been implemented throughout history, right?
*actually true veganisn was implemented in catalonia for about four, four and a half months depending on your interpretation, during a short period before the end of 1936. thanks.
ChairmanMao posted:my anus and mouth are purely vestigal organs used only for fucking
much like your fingers, purely vestigial organs used only for fucking bad posts
elemennop posted:Goethestein posted:cemetery posted:as long as the animals gave consent
my favorite question to make carnivores chimp out is by what consistent standard they are so opposed to raping animals
it's fucking disgusting and a sign of mental illness?
so's posting here, sugartits
scientists sign letter stating that animals are "conscious"
ChairmanMao posted:my body is a perfectly efficient system, i do not eat or excrete
what do you call your posting then?
also gj superbound strawmanning thug lessons to a ridiculous degree
ilmdge posted:elemennop posted:
even for non-professional lifters, the recommendation is like 1 to 1.2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight. so, if you were 180lbs you need to eat 9 cups of tofu a day, at least.
a cup of lentil beans has more protein than a hamburger. is 10 cups of lentil beans unreasonable but 14 hamburgers is not? i mean who really cares about the needs of professional bodybuilders
realized this was an excellent question and stopped reading the thread
iFederico posted:also gj superbound strawmanning thug lessons to a ridiculous degree
*bows graciously*
roseweird posted:skylark im sorry i never realized
Yeah, it fuckin sucks. Its why the golden rule was invented.
iFederico posted:ChairmanMao posted:my body is a perfectly efficient system, i do not eat or excrete
what do you call your posting then?
also gj superbound strawmanning thug lessons to a ridiculous degree
beautiful... but seriously, don't do it again