roseweird posted:maybe we should fight ugliness instead, i think everyone can agree ugliness is gross and undesirable, get rid of it
hitler: "gypsies are gross and undesirable. lets just get rid of them"
dear girls: buy more makeup! fight off ugliness! enslave yourselves to employment at whatever means necessary so that you can afford the vast quantities of makeup required to make you worthy of functioning in society!!
if only we could all be so fabulous
codywilson posted:is hitler's killing of mentally and physically disabled people comparable to ugliness? can we consider ugliness to be a physical defect, such as being born blind or without toes?
to say nothing of hormonal imbalances
roseweird posted:gypsies and ugly people aren't comparable groups. gypsies are an ethnic group. ugliness is an undesirable defect arising in all human groups. you are obviously unhappy about being ugly so if you have any compassion for the future you should probably do whatever you can to avoid contributing to future ugliness
life is aesthetical, so might as well live beautifully, whatever that might mean to you, idk
Hitler posted:because that's unhealthy and damaging while lifting builds muscle mass as well as discipline.
you leave discipline out of this!!!
codywilson posted:roseweird posted:
maybe we should fight ugliness instead, i think everyone can agree ugliness is gross and undesirable, get rid of it
hitler: "gypsies are gross and undesirable. lets just get rid of them"
dear girls: buy more makeup! fight off ugliness! enslave yourselves to employment at whatever means necessary so that you can afford the vast quantities of makeup required to make you worthy of functioning in society!!
if only we could all be so fabulous
shut up
littlegreenpills posted:why don't you just leverage your personal brand through dynamic entrepreneurialism and social imagineering if you feel bad about being poor
why don't you let your goofy slut of a wife walk all over you
-fitting through doorways
-visiting the second story of a building
-experiencing joy
-writing a book about weight loss
-appearing on an episode of The Biggest Loser that is not considered "some of the most tragic footage ever to air on broadcast television"
-being invisible on google earth
-smelling food... BEFORE eating it
NoFreeWill posted:lift weights. it makes you appreciate fascism.
instead of absently and non-productively lifting useless weights, why not try lifting things that need be lifted? like peoples spirits, or the lower classes from their daily toiling
roseweird posted:i wonder why people don't use exercise bikes to charge batteries
because only buffoons ride exercise bikes?
NoFreeWill posted:the future of power generation looks alot like strapping chargers to every "wasted" use of force so that it can be harnessed to make capitalism function more smoothly.
Capitalism relies exactly on things NOT functioning smoothly. Profit relies on inefficiency, disparity, and forced scarcity. The more smoothly things function, the more Capitalism must sabotage and undermine them in order to survive
roseweird posted:thanks for sharing your extremely self-aware insights Cody Wilson
don't sign your... actually you know what go ahead if you want