wasted posted:OJ is in jail
then may god have mercy on us all.
isn't it so cool how zimmerman's dad, a former judge, got to be all up in the crime scene and call the investigators at night so his son could go free that very evening? FLORIDA.
SariBari posted:stick to canadian true crime, donald.
isn't it so cool how zimmerman's dad, a former judge, got to be all up in the crime scene and call the investigators at night so his son could go free that very evening? FLORIDA.
yeah that's pretty cool
littlegreenpills posted:why do we characterize it as police state oppression whenever the justice system tries and punishes someone yet crap our baby diapers when it lets someone go? leftist children, never satisfied
thats stupid, i wouldnt wish prison on my worst enemies

discipline posted:the woman who is running the trial is the same who put marissa alexander away for 20 years for shooting a gun in the air to scare off her abusive ex husband
could you elaborate on this? was it a gun control violation? because that would seem ironic
discipline posted:the woman who is running the trial is the same who put marissa alexander away for 20 years for shooting a gun in the air to scare off her abusive ex husband
That woman knows more about that criminal case than you do. Where did you get your information from?
Regardless of how well you knew that case, generally speaking the media are ignorant rabble rousers who will sell any spin that will garner them popularity. You cannot pretend to know the details of a criminal case by reading the papers or talking to anyone you likely know. Justice is a closed community of learned men and their agents, only they know the supreme truth, everyone else is a rank outsider and that is not an excuse for the commons to engage in damaging speculation.
AynRandAnCap posted:discipline posted:the woman who is running the trial is the same who put marissa alexander away for 20 years for shooting a gun in the air to scare off her abusive ex husband
could you elaborate on this? was it a gun control violation? because that would seem ironic
violating her husband's control of his property (the guns + herself)
Superabound posted:i made the huge mistake of getting genuinely invested in this case and now all the conservative websites i posted on are email bombing me with updates from months-old threads and im terrified of even reading them
i got genuinely invested in this case too and i made a fortune but got greedy and lost it all
Goethestein posted:i'd like to join the riot when this guy gets acquitted but how do i signify to black ppl that i am one of the good ones? a t-shirt that said "black allies" seems pretty douchey. maybe i could make some kind of disguise so they wouldn't notice, i have shoe polish and a wig....
cover every inch of white skin in the blood of your enemies
Lykourgos posted:discipline posted:the woman who is running the trial is the same who put marissa alexander away for 20 years for shooting a gun in the air to scare off her abusive ex husband
That woman knows more about that criminal case than you do. Where did you get your information from?
Regardless of how well you knew that case, generally speaking the media are ignorant rabble rousers who will sell any spin that will garner them popularity. You cannot pretend to know the details of a criminal case by reading the papers or talking to anyone you likely know. Justice is a closed community of learned men and their agents, only they know the supreme truth, everyone else is a rank outsider and that is not an excuse for the commons to engage in damaging speculation.
counterpoint: law is actually pretty simple and judges are given more deference than a fast food customer
Goethestein posted:i'd like to join the riot when this guy gets acquitted but how do i signify to black ppl that i am one of the good ones? a t-shirt that said "black allies" seems pretty douchey. maybe i could make some kind of disguise so they wouldn't notice, i have shoe polish and a wig....
my dad has a white t-shirt that says "ERACISM" in large black type. when i was living in dc he tried to give it to me but i shook my head. the man was crestfallen
Goethestein posted:i'd like to join the riot when this guy gets acquitted but how do i signify to black ppl that i am one of the good ones?
"signify" is a cool euphemism for "lie"
thirdplace posted:my dad has a white t-shirt that says "ERACISM" in large black type. when i was living in dc he tried to give it to me but i shook my head. the man was crestfallen
my dad has one of these except it says "IRACISM" and when i declined it as a gift he got very very angry, as usual
swampman posted:Goethestein posted:i'd like to join the riot when this guy gets acquitted but how do i signify to black ppl that i am one of the good ones?
"signify" is a cool euphemism for "lie"
in my experience black people are better than white people in every way.
Goethestein posted:swampman posted:Goethestein posted:i'd like to join the riot when this guy gets acquitted but how do i signify to black ppl that i am one of the good ones?
"signify" is a cool euphemism for "lie"
in my experience black people are better than white people in every way.
a reasonable conclusion if you use yourself as the example white person
Goethestein posted:please stop owning me.
--Black People, 1860
Goethestein posted:please stop owning me.
I can't! I can't stop owning people!! Please help!!