i was originally going to brag about how great my apartment is but it's been a tough week for this place's reputation.
another sign that liberals are Shit
discipline posted:most buildings with more than 7 units built before 1950 or something are rent controlled, you just gotta hop on that shit when it opens up. when I last saw this place there was no floor and I was hopping on beams to take measurements but they actually put in a floor so it works pretty well. I like it. it's only like 250 sqft but it has a separate kitchen and bathroom w/ a bathtub, and most importantly FOUR windows (my last place had zero), it's a courtyard view but I like it a lot so far
So, you're a college educated white woman who worked in advertising. Then you worked as a CIA agent to further US interests abroad. Then you moved to back to NYC, displacing people of color. Then you attack the culture of poverty you live in, not on the grounds of poverty, but on the grounds that they don't respect your female privilege. Then, angling your white privilege, you get a full time job with benefits while complaining about your "lack" of health care.
All you need now is to be jewish, and you will have pulled the duplicitous liberal hat trick.
Let this be a lesson, folks: never trust liberals, feminists, or other identity-based "leftists."
StalinsBoyToy posted:So, you're a college educated white woman who worked in advertising. Then you worked as a CIA agent to further US interests abroad. Then you moved to back to NYC, displacing people of color. Then you attack the culture of poverty you live in, not on the grounds of poverty, but on the grounds that they don't respect your female privilege. Then, angling your white privilege, you get a full time job with benefits while complaining about your "lack" of health care.
All you need now is to be jewish, and you will have pulled the duplicitous liberal hat trick.
Let this be a lesson, folks: never trust liberals, feminists, or other identity-based "leftists."
babyfinland posted:i dont know what privilege is but im pretty sure im better than any woman at it
It depends, really. If you're talking about lower class women of any ethnic group, definitely. They are constantly at risk of domestic violence that is a creation of the ideology of the bourgeois.
But if you are talking about the college educated, "white collar" white female, then absolutely not. They are the most privileged group in the first world. Because feminism has been recuperated by Capital, you see women like the CEO of Yahoo and Sarah Palin try and claim the mantle of "Feminist." Male enrollment in college plummets while (white collar, white) women continue to get scholarships at alarming rates. The last bastion of male white collar jobs, like engineering and IT and so forth, have been aggressively targeted by "Feminist" groups seeking to apply a kind of privileged, hysterical form of Capitalism to these fields. "Men's rights" is a reactionary movement, sure, but it is a reaction to an invasion of bourgeois identity politics.
Every "feminist" assimilator--and they are almost exclusively white and come from white collar families--is essentially cannibalizing both the lower class (whom legitimately suffer gender oppression) and the rapidly failing white collar class (or the "professional managerial" class). People of color--of both genders--and all men of the proletariat should universally rise up and say "white feminism? No thank you!"
StalinsBoyToy posted:babyfinland posted:i dont know what privilege is but im pretty sure im better than any woman at it
It depends, really. If you're talking about lower class women of any ethnic group, definitely. They are constantly at risk of domestic violence that is a creation of the ideology of the bourgeois.
But if you are talking about the college educated, "white collar" white female, then absolutely not. They are the most privileged group in the first world. Because feminism has been recuperated by Capital, you see women like the CEO of Yahoo and Sarah Palin try and claim the mantle of "Feminist." Male enrollment in college plummets while (white collar, white) women continue to get scholarships at alarming rates. The last bastion of male white collar jobs, like engineering and IT and so forth, have been aggressively targeted by "Feminist" groups seeking to apply a kind of privileged, hysterical form of Capitalism to these fields. "Men's rights" is a reactionary movement, sure, but it is a reaction to an invasion of bourgeois identity politics.
Every "feminist" assimilator--and they are almost exclusively white and come from white collar families--is essentially cannibalizing both the lower class (whom legitimately suffer gender oppression) and the rapidly failing white collar class (or the "professional managerial" class). People of color--of both genders--and all men of the proletariat should universally rise up and say "white feminism? No thank you!"
shut up im better than you
getfiscal posted:"hey, do you have a bunch of opinions about mens rights we could hear?" said no one
It has nothing to do with men's rights. It has to do with class analysis, which was done away with by feminists. In much the same way that Jews consistently refuse to acknowledge their own privilege as a specialized subset of white privilege.
StalinsBoyToy posted:getfiscal posted:
"hey, do you have a bunch of opinions about mens rights we could hear?" said no one
It has nothing to do with men's rights. It has to do with class analysis, which was done away with by feminists. In much the same way that Jews consistently refuse to acknowledge their own privilege as a specialized subset of white privilege.
discipline posted:most buildings with more than 7 units built before 1950 or something are rent controlled, you just gotta hop on that shit when it opens up. when I last saw this place there was no floor and I was hopping on beams to take measurements but they actually put in a floor so it works pretty well. I like it. it's only like 250 sqft but it has a separate kitchen and bathroom w/ a bathtub, and most importantly FOUR windows (my last place had zero), it's a courtyard view but I like it a lot so far
its not rent controlled, its rent stabilized. the only way you could get a rent controlled apartment is by marrying into a family with one
StalinsBoyToy posted:women continue to get scholarships at alarming rates
discipline posted:I never worked in advertising
yeah but remember when you didn't have healthcare the entire time you've been back working in the u.s. and you complained about it? but then you DID get healthcare? total fucking privileged bitch move. do the right thing, call the union and ask that your HC be given to a random woman of color, zzone's choice. thanks.
discipline posted:right sorry! "newbie" here
i actually wasnt gonna say anything at first because i figured someone was illegally renting out their rent controlled place to you and i didnt want to spoil it for you, dang am i f-ing considerate or what
discipline posted:dflp-affiliated trot palestinian ngo
smart thinking, they're off the List
discipline posted:right sorry! "newbie" here