discipline posted:I was driving on fulton today and saw a man actually follow a woman into a store, getting up in her face while she tried to ignore him. anyone want to think up some cool reasons why this was justified?
No more bougie white woman racist shit please, first world problems. If a man wants you he wants you, get over it. How do I know this? A bunch of impotent male degenerates told me so.
mongosteen posted:yeah sounds like fun
she said "anyone wanna give reasons" and you were like "yeah sounds like fun" and that was funny i liked it but none of your reasons were funny enjoy the probation
ilmdge posted:mongosteen posted:
yeah sounds like fun
she said "anyone wanna give reasons" and you were like "yeah sounds like fun" and that was funny i liked it but none of your reasons were funny enjoy the probation
sorry but #12 made me smile
discipline posted:I was driving on fulton today and saw a man actually follow a woman into a store, getting up in her face while she tried to ignore him. anyone want to think up some cool reasons why this was justified?
she had just robbed him
Ironicwarcriminal was probated until (June 2, 2013 22:32:33) for this post!
it listed a few details about the woman in the appropriate fields and then transitioned into a lengthy explanation about how the profile had actually been completely set up by this woman's brother-in-law, since she wanted no part of it, that he was the one actually describing to you all the reasons you should be attracted to this woman (his wife's sister), but he was sure it was the right thing to do and knew she would appreciate the effort once he began passing inquiries along to her
commodiusvicus posted:"you resemble food to me" is kind of an odd remark to refer to a "compliment"
again, Not In The South
90% of Southern terms of endearment are food-based
discipline posted:I was driving on fulton today and saw a man actually follow a woman into a store, getting up in her face while she tried to ignore him. anyone want to think up some cool reasons why this was justified?
"justified" and "hallucinated due to severe dehydration and low blood sugar" are 2 different things Sugar Britches
yum yum. very nice!
"Well clearly this man is talking about me"
Superabound was probated until (June 2, 2013 22:33:43) for this post!

swampman posted:obviously there is no political motivation for it
is the personal ever political? i'll hang up and take my answer off the air.
roseweird posted:iwc i don't think most cat-callers have such political motivations, and i don't think cat-calling is a form of resistance, really.
wrong. wrong wrong wrong
*peels out in camaro, smoke clouds form shape of hammer and sickle*
Yum Yum, Welcome to the Dessert of the Real
Superabound was probated until (June 4, 2013 03:51:56) for this post!