drwhat posted:
daddyholes posted:New underwear are only like 5 feet away, so lets see what happens, life is a journey.
Superabound posted:a man offering compliments to a woman despite her clearly disheveled physical appearance? doesnt he know that male attraction is reserved exclusively for women who fit media-manufactured, unattainable beauty standards? what an asshoel. tell Borat i said to FUCK OFF
"you resemble food to me" is kind of an odd remark to refer to a "compliment"
Goethestein posted:i bet khamsek has a super bod to be catcalled when she looks like a homeless bruja
put this post in a frame made of shit and drop it into an open sewer
*rapes the hamburger and fries*
ChairmanMao posted:put this post in a frame made of shit and drop it into an open sewer
Thanks i know to do this sort of thing with all your posts automatically.
Goethestein posted:there's a rhizzone poster, i think impper??, who got banned from wddp for criticizing one of the posters who beat the shit out of a homeless man with a collapsible baton for catcalling xher
Much like what those racists did to Emmett Till for whistling at a white woman
swampman posted:ChairmanMao posted:
put this post in a frame made of shit and drop it into an open sewer
Thanks i know to do this sort of thing with all your posts automatically.
ArisVelouchiotis posted:
ChairmanMao posted:Yum yum. Very nice to make your acquaintance, delicious hamburger and fries
*rapes the hamburger and fries*
its impossible to rape a hamburger because a) a hamburger is an inanimate object and b) a hamburgers existence is due to rape.
tpaine posted:Goethestein posted:ChairmanMao posted:Yum yum. Very nice to make your acquaintance, delicious hamburger and fries
*rapes the hamburger and fries*its impossible to rape a hamburger because a) a hamburger is an inanimate object and b) a hamburgers existence is due to rape.
your daughter is a hamburger?
not cool bro. bro. bro

Goethestein posted:im sorry if i offended you by saying that you must be attractive khamsek. if its any consolation i wasnt serious
Plum sauce with your neg roll?
Goethestein posted:ChairmanMao posted:
Yum yum. Very nice to make your acquaintance, delicious hamburger and fries
*rapes the hamburger and fries*
its impossible to rape a hamburger because a) a hamburger is an inanimate object and b) a hamburgers existence is due to rape.

discipline posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
How much would you sympathize with a west bank settler women receiving similar calls from Arab men?
100% you pig
Resettlers: Sex burns race burns class
commodiusvicus posted:"you resemble food to me" is kind of an odd remark to refer to a "compliment"
Prepare for your mind to be blown.
RescueCreditor posted:commodiusvicus posted:"you resemble food to me" is kind of an odd remark to refer to a "compliment"
Prepare for your mind to be blown.
my rhymes are unstymied so don't even try me, hymie
mongosteen was probated until (June 2, 2013 12:21:13) for this post!