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i've worked in a factory once. imagine that. some skinnyfat retard throwing boxes like i love lucy.
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if you haven't worked in american fast food, you haven't truly lived

discipline posted:

I think that continues to be the most shocking thing in my life I encounter on a daily basis. when I meet people who have never had "jobs" like, they have never had a service industry job or done physical labor or w/e ... like I used to take this guy who runs the jacobin way more seriously until I discovered he'd never had a job before or even any experience in activism, which is even like a half-job really if you do it well. I mean what the heck

Bhaskar Sunkara created his own job – that's why he's more successful than you or me.

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i agree about MSNBC being trash but at the same time there's nothing wrong w/ becoming "mainstream" in the sense of having a message that resonates.


innsmouthful posted:

if you haven't worked in american fast food, you haven't truly lived

it's really one of those moments where you see one of those eighteenth century cartoons about the storming of the bastille with the governor's head on the pike and you fail to see the shock value.

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From an interview with Jerry Cohen:

Does that characterise your own position?

Very much so. A couple of years ago I had a realisation about political activity which stunned me. I had always thought that intellectual activity – which isn’t political activity but has some complicated relationship to it – consists in writing books, appearing on television and so on, whereas political activity is going down to the picket line and talking to people. Then I realised how insanely idiotic and ridiculous that contrast is. I once gave a twenty-minute talk on television called ‘Against Capitalism’, which about 200,000 people watched. That was presumably ‘intellectual activity’, but if you go down and talk to six people on a picket line, that counts as ‘political activity’. I used to feel apologetic about being an intellectual who wasn’t out there on the streets, but the trouble about the streets – from the point of view of the message – is that there aren’t actually many people there! I think that from a socialist point of view the best use of my time is to develop my ideas and to try to express them in a compelling form, both academically and not so academically.

Original: http://eis.bris.ac.uk/~plcdib/imprints/gacoheninterview.html

Edited by swirlsofhistory ()

i agree with jerry as usual.
that's not right either. what you need is a mass media message AND a ground game with a lot of people targeting and hitting a lot of homes over and over whether or not your message is honest; see the success of the anti-public-school campaigns in various school districts

wasted posted:

a job that enhances prestige but minimalizes practical responsibility. as only Aristotle would approve.

if ure in a relatively active profession you can just keep trading up from job to job every 18-24 months so your pay + title increases but you never have to commit to the actual work part

doesnt work in small professions though, after the first 2-3 moves youll find people remember the guy/girl who spent 2010 taking 3 hour lunches and playing angry birds at your desk

semper jobs

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discipline posted:

don't think I got that job yall lol

its alright, im pretty sure germjoey doesn't have the revenue to pay you a salary anyway.

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my girlfriends job told her she has a ghetto accent and should take speech classes
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i dont think i have 'enough to offer' to get a new job in today's tough market, im gonna refocus my efforts in my current environment and give it another couple months
i begrudgingly lend my athletic prowess to our inter-job softball endeavors so it cannot be said i am not a team player
i had a weird glitch where outlook didn't want to change time zones. i set up a meeting with someone i wanted to pitch an idea to and it decided to schedule it for two hours earlier - while i was going to be at home eating breakfast. how embarrassing!

i met with him and im sure he'll give my idea to a PI who'll steal it. lessee sigh.
why would you be at home? There are JOBS out there and you're on your ass at home? re-fucking-dickulous

discipline posted:

today is a bad day lawl

whats on ur mind

she's thinking "i should have listened to donald when he told me to go into drywall instead of development" and the tears are falling as the drywall career fades
payday is right around the corner, god bless jobs
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i was going to have tomorrow off but now im working because JOBS OWN
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the krew crew
all of these people ripping off what blink and wheeze and i started when we formed the glue sniffing kru and made the first ever 'crew sig'
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i worked 14 hours today. what do you say i take that money i made, go down to the unemployment office, and offer those poor undesirables a Job reading about Marxism-Leninism and telling me what they learned.

and after that they give me the drugs