the "cosmist"/productivist soviet approach to communism is wrong in theory. how do we know? soviet aliens would have visited or contacted us otherwise. the fact that communist aliens have never visited is proof that a communism oriented to the destruction of the value-form (as described by the german wertkritik reading of marx) and the "free association of producers" does not imply a technological teleology as such, and that we will all probably sit around making wine, reading poetry, and playing sports instead of building huge spaceships in our glorious communist future.
that or it IS true, but technological development will be oriented primarily to the creation of better and better Fuck Machines, so as to render solely human sexuality a dull grey alternative, sublating the contradiction between sexuality and sociality.
or its simply proof that Xenomarxists have their own Prime Directive, forbidding contaminative contact with any culture that hasnt proven its passage into galactic adulthood through Full Communism
i see no one can defeat my logic.
I don't actually know anything about econ or actually existing socialism. So I'll take your word for it.
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The aliens are already here helping us. Ever seen Alex Callinicos eating? Yeah...
The prime directive is profoundly anti-Leninist. So called quote unquote humanism taken to its, shall we say, highly illogical extreme.
this makes me remember. there was a terrible whine in my bedroom. like a whirrling sound and i dont know wher it was comming from. it was horrable. i couldn't sleep. but i also was paralyzed. and i couldnt move. and i just was in bed for the longest time until this Bright red light show up. the door swung and in walked this gorgeous male soviet alien
iwas so shocked by its beuaty i fell off my bed. then they took me to their ship and told me that we were under a spell called Rolling THunder and the only way to slap out of it was to listen to gamma wave mp3s 25 minutes a day for 18 years
iwas so shocked by its beuaty i fell off my bed. then they took me to their ship and told me that we were under a spell called Rolling THunder and the only way to slap out of it was to listen to gamma wave mp3s 25 minutes a day for 18 years
me: alients have landed!! time to make it with a hot alien babe!!
Alien: greetings earthling, can i interest you in this trot pamphlet?
Alien: greetings earthling, can i interest you in this trot pamphlet?
yeah, that is why the Fuck Machine Future is the only viable one for technological productivism
jools posted:yeah, that is why the Fuck Machine Future is the only viable one for technological productivism
hey what iflike, WE were the original Fuck Machines, dseigned biologically by asexual marxeist aliens, but, like, we just forgot our true purpose and all suffering is the result of this? what t
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we will never make it out of the solar system and that's fine because space is nothing punctuated by hell
space is so boring. fuck NASA
space is so...enveloping
op i'll think you'll find that all advanced societies eventually become globally communist but the downside is that over a long enough timespan the purges and famines become such that the race is inevitably driven extinct
space communism
Fuck Space
roseweird posted:Recently, scientists smacked a passing comet with a huge brass bullet and discovered what many had suspected -- comets are great big snowballs stuffed with organic chemicals.
when i read this sentence, my disgust with "science" "journalism" reached a new plateau of revulsion
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Recently scientists talked like this "Ohh look at me I went to a state school, my research helped dow chemical, now I make rage face comics" *said in hi pitched voice that some regressives may feel indicates certain lifestyle choices and sexual preferences, which are undoubtedly as a valid as any other*
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used for gutting sheep - and other warm blooded animals
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when aliens come to earth they'll ignore us entirely. they'll want to talk to the ants
Lessons posted:
i looked up who the lady is in that video and the first result is her doing lesbo scenes in a cinemax softcore porno