i'm reading caliban and the witch rn and it is really really good
i want to read more Theory but my eyes always glaze over, what am i doing wrong

ArisVelouchiotis posted:

i'm reading old paris review interviews.





You mentioned economic freedom. Does the writer need it?


No. The writer doesn't need economic freedom. All he needs is a pencil and some paper. I've never known anything good in writing to come from having accepted any free gift of money. The good writer never applies to a foundation. He's too busy writing something. If he isn't first rate he fools himself by saying he hasn't got time or economic freedom. Good art can come out of thieves, bootleggers, or horse swipes. People really are afraid to find out just how much hardship and poverty they can stand. They are afraid to find out how tough they are. Nothing can destroy the good writer. The only thing that can alter the good writer is death. Good ones don't have time to bother with success or getting rich. Success is feminine and like a woman; if you cringe before her, she will override you. So the way to treat her is to show her the back of your hand. Then maybe she will do the crawling.

hahaha the celine interview is full of elipses

littlegreenpills posted:

i want to read more Theory but my eyes always glaze over, what am i doing wrong

read stuff that doesnt suck


littlegreenpills posted:

i want to read more Theory but my eyes always glaze over, what am i doing wrong

have either less sex or more sex, whichever one you're not doing right now


littlegreenpills posted:

i want to read more Theory but my eyes always glaze over, what am i doing wrong



aerdil posted:

littlegreenpills posted:

i want to read more Theory but my eyes always glaze over, what am i doing wrong

have either less sex or more sex, whichever one you're not doing right now

so you're a late bloomer or did you go to an all male college?

reading theory makes me depressed, maybe you should switch up to history

cleanhands posted:

reading theory makes me depressed, maybe you should switch up to history

lol yea that's a real gem of optimism


wasted posted:

cleanhands posted:

reading theory makes me depressed, maybe you should switch up to history

lol yea that's a real gem of optimism

it puts the present into perspective so actually it is

i find history to help in keeping my spirits up, especially w/ primary sources, because it places me in closer contact with people who survived bad situations

cleanhands posted:

wasted posted:

cleanhands posted:

reading theory makes me depressed, maybe you should switch up to history

lol yea that's a real gem of optimism

it puts the present into perspective so actually it is

it just show how fallible and fragile we are while fostering anxiety and guilt over things we cannot possible change

You know what else puts the present into perspective? not knowing shit about other times or cultures and therefore being able to accept the present as an arbitrary constant like a blue sky or salty ocean and move on.

yeah *sigh* i think i'm just too smart for my own good!!!!! *draws circle As on inside of locker door*

littlegreenpills posted:

i want to read more Theory but my eyes always glaze over, what am i doing wrong

do you take notes in the margins while you're reading, that helps

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The latest cultural phenomenon

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No one is forced to read my posts, but everyone who has done so must be compelled to obey my posts.
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Ironicwarcriminal posted:

cleanhands posted:

wasted posted:

cleanhands posted:

reading theory makes me depressed, maybe you should switch up to history

lol yea that's a real gem of optimism

it puts the present into perspective so actually it is

it just show how fallible and fragile we are while fostering anxiety and guilt over things we cannot possible change

You know what else puts the present into perspective? not knowing shit about other times or cultures and therefore being able to accept the present as an arbitrary constant like a blue sky or salty ocean and move on.

not knowing the world beyond the present gives the present an undue importance, in such a context 'moving on' would be irresponsible much like punching crocodiles and trying to climb into a kangaroos pouch

i've been on a short story kick.






I bet you've been doing a lot of honor de balzac
today it's been sunny so i read the teleportation accident by ned beauman in the park. i think someone posted about it here, said it was very hard bro-y, and thats right to an extent... it was fun; everything's there, sexual frustration, nods to early 20th century art, lovecraft, the nkvd... it was all very clever, very self-consciously 'Good', aware of itself as pastiche... but at the same time something was lacking, it was all surface... the blurb tried to make a virtue of its lack of cohesion but i found that a real sticking point, the disconnect between the european and american sections was too total, it felt like two separate novels awkwardly conjoined at the hip, each of which would have been perfectly good on its own... i did like the odd little references to bodies with organs and so on, like a little nudge to let the reader (if he's into that kind of thing) know that, yes, beauman has of course read a little deleuze...
reading in the sun is rly bad aesthetics fyi
[account deactivated]
i live near golden gate park and have been reading in the sun whenever i get the chance now, watching tourists be idiots is great aesthetics
I am reading in the sun now
[account deactivated]

Keven posted:

I bet you've been doing a lot of honor de balzac

kev, you've really crossed the line. sometimes you take it a little too far.

I have a porch now.

cleanhands posted:

reading in the sun is rly bad aesthetics fyi

i decide whats aesthetics


aerdil posted:

i live near golden gate park and have been reading in the sun whenever i get the chance now, watching tourists be idiots is great aesthetics

i was a tourist in san francisco... once...

i went to sf w/ two spanish girls. we stayed in a hostel near nob hill. it was great. i'm drunk as fuck

tpaine posted:

that was insensitive, deadken is currently homeless and has nowhere else to read

i thought tHE r H i z z o n E was a forum for homeless guys who have wives and want amphetamines


''What we're saying is there is a time and a place,'' Ms Chipchase said. ''We just don't want violence, dead people or anything that could distress people. In that public domain area it's about entertainment and engagement.''

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/art-and-design/censored--images-of-our-ugly-truths-natural-and-manmade-20130525-2n3s1.html#ixzz2UMPNokZe
