I'm literally too busy and stupid to make a website, so I let it lapse.
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mongosteen posted:

i know the new star treks are just sexy action movies in space but it seems like in the star trek future there would be little or no need for Troops. economically, everything is free and poverty is eliminated, and sociologically speaking, people arent monsters

when section 31 was introduced in ds9 it was pretty much explicitly to say 'utopia is impossible, what did you retards think was happening all this time' but the new trek movie watered them way down just for the sake of setting up the big villain. poor show jj abrams

T payne's hilarious wddp banning story: Crossed St. Boniface and paid the mother fucking price bitch
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why dont you post some youtubes about it
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roseweird posted:

ds9 was terrible though

the first half or so is good and has good trekfeel


tpaine posted:

i posted this before but the only way i can really summarize the average wddp would be to say that they're the kind of person who refuses to buy spic and span because they think it's racist and will grab any nearby employee to explain the slur and how it relates to the stereotypical image of mexican cleaners in the media, please add a piece of tape over the first word and write "trigger warning" on it in the future

That's bullshit, your average WDDPer would never go outside.


jools posted:

food porn, that is

i used to be able to make things that i called "omelettes" and they were great, and then i watched this video a few years ago and i can't make omelettes anymore. jacques pepin is always in my head going haha fuck you my omelette is a real omelette and i can make it in three seconds and you are doing everything wrong. omelette.

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tpaine posted:

drwhat posted:

jools posted:

food porn, that is

i used to be able to make things that i called "omelettes" and they were great, and then i watched this video a few years ago and i can't make omelettes anymore. jacques pepin is always in my head going haha fuck you my omelette is a real omelette and i can make it in three seconds and you are doing everything wrong. omelette.

you should see someone

i do, but she doesn't make omelettes

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I make a killer omelette
the secret is cyanide

drwhat posted:

watched this video a few years ago and i can't make omelettes anymore. jacques pepin is always in my head going haha fuck you my omelette is a real omelette and i can make it in three seconds and you are doing everything wrong. omelette.

smdh typical male bullshit wathc julia childs' comforting omelette party episode and learn how to make a perfect but FRIENDLY french omelette.

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well its now january the fortieth, of 2009, and er, you can hear cnn on the background, today is the coronation of the new american president, ah, which is kind of weird, it's like mussolini giving his place to stalin or something

SariBari posted:

drwhat posted:

watched this video a few years ago and i can't make omelettes anymore. jacques pepin is always in my head going haha fuck you my omelette is a real omelette and i can make it in three seconds and you are doing everything wrong. omelette.

smdh typical male bullshit wathc julia childs' comforting omelette party episode and learn how to make a perfect but FRIENDLY french omelette.

no i don't want friendly french omelettes. i need insulting french omelettes. irritated parisien omelettes. omelettes that are so good they experience ennui in the brief span of time between cooking and eating. "oui," says the omelette. "i am a perfect omelette. i do not give one of your, how do you say, fucks."


libelous_slander posted:


69 Surprise FTW.

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id rather they destroy my mind personally

tpaine posted:

worst d&d poster started out as a thread on somethingawful in the helldump subforum, it was a funny and cool place initially for people like me, ferrinus, riidi ww, fedallah, randbrick etc. to style on the clowns in d&d without being probated by the awful mods for having correct opinions. then people got too familiar and it slowly evolved into a shitty chat thread and eventually to a real-world caricature of what rightists think leftist people get up to, then it was banned from helldump and moved offsite as wddp.org where it continued to devolve as people realized they weren't any better than the sadsacks they used to make fun of and thus made it an offense to post anything funny or laugh at any of their retarded little non-lives. there's now wddp.org and another predictable splinter website called postpalace or postsauna or something

its called tHE rHizzonE


libelous_slander posted:



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he's going to a IRL thing:
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libelous_slander posted:


9. Cause physical pain to his genitals when aroused. This creates a situation where it is impossible to achieve erection except from violence. Eventually, have him gelded.

lol @ everyone who is trying to defend the continued existence of the male sex, esp. in a thread explicitly about prostitution and johns.

The male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. He is a completely isolated unit, incapable of rapport with anyone. His responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; his intelligence is a mere tool in the services of his drives and needs; he is incapable of mental passion, mental interaction; he can't relate to anything other than his own physical sensations. He is a half-dead, unresponsive lump, incapable of giving or receiving pleasure or happiness; consequently, he is at best an utter bore, an inoffensive blob, since only those capable of absorption in others can be charming. He is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between humans and apes, and is far worse off than the apes because, unlike the apes, he is capable of a large array of negative feelings -- hate, jealousy, contempt, disgust, guilt, shame, doubt -- and moreover, he is aware of what he is and what he isn't.

Real. True. Shit.
eugenics, lol