COINTELBRO posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
getfiscal posted:
so we want to sympathize with frontline drug dealers, respect that they are trying to survive, try to make their work less dangerous, stop drug lords from controlling the trade, focus resources on fighting drug use itself. but can't we say, at the end of the day, that going into the drug trade isn't something we want people to do? like as a choice? if a person wants to be a dealer, selling drugs to addicts, shouldn't we say it's a bad thing, that it hurts more than helps? that if they have any way to get out of it, they should? that getting high off the people, contributing to the destruction of local communities, etc., is a bad thing?
if you were a revolutionary organization in a community, wouldn't you discourage drug use and sales?
i'm going to be polite here but this strikes me as just liberal paternalism.
re the bolded part: you really think they don't know that?
Earnestpost: what sort of socialism or social justice doesn't qualify as paternalism then?
well it's liberal paternalism in that it believes in the power of education, that if shown adequately the human cost of their activities they would renounce such destructive work.
Whereas i suppose effective socialist paternalism would recognize such criminals as the counter-revolutionaries they are and kill, torture or exile them so as to restore the area they once blighted to a functional, cohesive and safe proletarian community.
wasted posted:was Malcolm x a house nigger when he was simply a spokesperson for Elijah Muhammad or when he broke with the nation and started organizing a broader coalition for social justice
i wonder how many house niggers they had listed on the NOI ledger when it was determined exactly how many people knew that elijah muhammad was fucking a bunch of teenagers on the sly and having lots of kids with them. hmm, true collaboration is such a shame.
jools, i appreciate that your tone is nicer now but you are still writing circles around the main point, imo. as for what she "really meant"...all i can do is point you again to her conclusion? it's pretty obvious that farley doesn't want street sex workers to rise up and question the acquiescence, "choice" or collaboration of licensed brothel workers for their collective lot in life as prostitutes. why do you get to ascribe malcolm x's intent to farley's use here? just because it's well-known? it's obvious she is not a slutshamer and wants the focus back on violent johns no matter what class of sex worker a prostitute identifies with or has been assigned, be it house or field.
MadMedico posted:So like under the Nordic model do the police hand out job applications for Red Lobster or Macaroni grill to sex workers to rescue and empower them?
they compensate them for lost wages and give information and contact details for social workers/NGOs to do something like that. i dont think they have red lobster in sweden though
SariBari posted:it's obvious she is not a slutshamer
MadMedico posted:4. I like getting fucked by the football team, the fraternity brothers, and law students at graduation parties. I realized that gang rape could be a transcendental experience.
13. I felt coerced by my landlord, the day-care center, the utility companies, the grocer, my dealer and my plastic surgeons to pay my bills every month.
SariBari posted:wasted posted:was Malcolm x a house nigger when he was simply a spokesperson for Elijah Muhammad or when he broke with the nation and started organizing a broader coalition for social justice
i wonder how many house niggers they had listed on the NOI ledger when it was determined exactly how many people knew that elijah muhammad was fucking a bunch of teenagers on the sly and having lots of kids with them. hmm, true collaboration is such a shame.
jools, i appreciate that your tone is nicer now but you are still writing circles around the main point, imo. as for what she "really meant"...all i can do is point you again to her conclusion? it's pretty obvious that farley doesn't want street sex workers to rise up and question the acquiescence, "choice" or collaboration of licensed brothel workers for their collective lot in life as prostitutes. why do you get to ascribe malcolm x's intent to farley's use here? just because it's well-known? it's obvious she is not a slutshamer and wants the focus back on violent johns no matter what class of sex worker a prostitute identifies with or has been assigned, be it house or field.
i ascribe malcolm x's usage because that is, like, the popular usage of it. i don't think i've ever encountered otherwise outside literature that is directly about american chattel slavery in the 18th and 19th centuries... because of that i questioned it. i appreciate farley's "thing" isn't shitting on women, but i also think it's really not a great analogy, precisely because of the possible implication of slutshaming that you raised.
as for my tone, i'm glad you're finding it more civil, but i did try to begin that way when i said "i dont see why you need to defend this particular thing in order to defend all of her research".... then ended up being called a "porn-addicted ninn"...
jools posted:as for my tone, i'm glad you're finding it more civil, but i did try to begin that way when i said "i dont see why you need to defend this particular thing in order to defend all of her research".... then ended up being called a "porn-addicted ninn"...
i do not think you are one of the porn addicted ninnies and you are not one of the people who tried to call anti efforts slutshaming this weekend, sorry for the confusion.
ilmdge posted:The only reason you would have LF in your party is so you can disarm him (and disrobe him) just before the sequence where he betrays you so you can kill his punk ass while the only thing he has to defend himself is his dick in his hands.
jools posted:yo saribari i don't think you were around when i posted it but what do you think of LIES journal? i know discipline doesn't like it much. they seem to have a kind of odd stance on prostitution that is "right in form but left in content", because they do treat it as work but then are against it as part of a general anti-work politics, combined with how extremely gendered and racialised it is etc.
hm, i have ignored them bc i only saw them in relation to trasssssssphobia but i don't see anything wrong with acknowledging it as serious hard work but also not trying to encourage it's proliferation as a Choice For Women. real life is dragging me away from the zzone, will read up more later.
SariBari posted:jools posted:yo saribari i don't think you were around when i posted it but what do you think of LIES journal? i know discipline doesn't like it much. they seem to have a kind of odd stance on prostitution that is "right in form but left in content", because they do treat it as work but then are against it as part of a general anti-work politics, combined with how extremely gendered and racialised it is etc.
hm, i have ignored them bc i only saw them in relation to trasssssssphobia but i don't see anything wrong with acknowledging it as serious hard work but also not trying to encourage it's proliferation as a Choice For Women. real life is dragging me away from the zzone, will read up more later.
i thought it was a cool + fun read aside from anything else tbh
jools posted:MadMedico posted:
So like under the Nordic model do the police hand out job applications for Red Lobster or Macaroni grill to sex workers to rescue and empower them?
they compensate them for lost wages and give information and contact details for social workers/NGOs to do something like that. i dont think they have red lobster in sweden though
Well what is the swedish equivalent of a TGI Fridays?
were you . . . were you a prostitute
MadMedico posted:jools posted:MadMedico posted:
So like under the Nordic model do the police hand out job applications for Red Lobster or Macaroni grill to sex workers to rescue and empower them?
they compensate them for lost wages and give information and contact details for social workers/NGOs to do something like that. i dont think they have red lobster in sweden thoughWell what is the swedish equivalent of a TGI Fridays?
the girl with the dragon tattoo I think

mongosteen posted:when family guy got re-started way back when (makes the fry meme face) not sure if family guy got worse, or i'm just not 17 anymore
same but damn if I'm going to try and find the answer
roseweird posted:is that really true
Greitens, a former Navy Seal and Rhodes Scholar, started The Mission Continues to enable returning military personnel to continue lives of service by taking the skills they learned abroad and using them to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing our communities here at home. It gives post-9/11 veterans renewed purpose, and helps all of us at the same time. We were excited to find creative ways to support this mission.
We tried a lot of things. We co-commissioned the first national poll to understand civilian perceptions of post-9/11 veterans so that our message would be grounded in real research. We incorporated Eric and several Mission Continues veterans into a scene in Star Trek Into Darkness, acting as members of a ceremonial honor guard. On set, they shared their real life experiences, inspiring the entire cast and crew. We donated 100 percent of the proceeds from the Star Trek visual effects in our Bad Robot Action Movie FX App for the iPhone and iPad. We hosted a salon for industry leaders. We spoke about The Mission Continues on our national press tour. We dedicated the film to post-9/11 veterans with gratitude for their inspired service abroad and continued leadership at home.

mongosteen posted:i know the new star treks are just sexy action movies in space but it seems like in the star trek future there would be little or no need for Troops. economically, everything is free and poverty is eliminated, and sociologically speaking, people arent monsters
that explains why wddp ppl fetishize it I guess