Also the villain turns out to be Khan and they recycle one of the major scenes from the Wrath of Khan for the finale.

wasted posted:
thats only because you cant order on-call suicide online yet
daddyholes posted:NoFreeWill posted:have you read neuromancer and snow crash? i got into cyberpunk a few years back because of exposure to shitty cyberpunk like The Matrix, and the original books are really cool. that specific technology detail isn't that important to the genre adn their's tons of stuff about surveillance in the genre.
i read snow crash a little while ago. maybe i will go back to it. the thing i found difficult to enjoy about cyberpunk is the individualist fantasy of the protagonists.
maybe the true cyberpunk is wall-e where our apps do everything for us and humanity has become fat babies (i have never seen wall-e)
you can just read "The Machine Stops" by E.M. Forster (1909) and then you don't have to read any actual cyberpunk or whatever
The new star trek movie has a giant angry war space ship (e: you know that this is so because it is large & black, much like (__)) built by a militarized federation spiraling out of control wanting to begin pre-emptive strikes on the Misunderstood Barbaric Empire to fuel the MIC and promote generals to God Emperor status crash into earth, killing its own citizens
a subtle metaphor
Edited by prikryl ()
roseweird posted:MadMedico posted:
The new star trek movie ends with a dedication to "all those heroes who lost their lives on 9/11 and in the war on terror"
is that really true
Phoebe, looking tired and pale, smoked her cigarette, faintly smiling, and hoping, probably, to be let alone. Among assertive, learned, or eloquent people, she seemed to feel her dowdiness and insufficiency. Actually she was far from stupid. She had fine eyes, a bosom, good legs. If only she didn't make herself look like the head nurse, letting her dimples lengthen into disciplinary creases.
ilmdge posted:this is a good segment from the obok im reading
Phoebe, looking tired and pale, smoked her cigarette, faintly smiling, and hoping, probably, to be let alone. Among assertive, learned, or eloquent people, she seemed to feel her dowdiness and insufficiency. Actually she was far from stupid. She had fine eyes, a bosom, good legs. If only she didn't make herself look like the head nurse, letting her dimples lengthen into disciplinary creases.
are you reading friends fan fiction
MadMedico posted:The new star trek movie ends with a dedication to "all those heroes who lost their lives on 9/11 and in the war on terror"
Also the villain turns out to be Khan and they recycle one of the major scenes from the Wrath of Khan for the finale.
i like the part where new spock phones old spock whos like 'by the way wrath of khan was my best movie so you better go big on this one kid'
i didnt see the 9/11 dedication but i did see the notice that paramount did not accept any endorsement for tobacco products in the movie. liberalism
daddyholes posted:in any case it is hard for me to watch the matrix and not root for hugo weaving's character. it was a complete failure of imagination that there was not a single major hero who was a piece of software (PLEASE KEEP ALL REPLIES
yeah the bit where he has morpheus strapped to the chair and calls humans a cancer is intense because i always hold his sweat and animal fear and weakness in contempt
zoo-prison is a decent characterisation of the world imo
MadMedico posted:The new star trek movie ends with a dedication to "all those heroes who lost their lives on 9/11 and in the war on terror"
wait you're joking right
Ironicwarcriminal posted:MadMedico posted:
The new star trek movie ends with a dedication to "all those heroes who lost their lives on 9/11 and in the war on terror"
wait you're joking right
Nope, and it's tonally out of place and just completely random.
blinkandwheeze posted:ilmdge posted:this is a good segment from the obok im reading
Phoebe, looking tired and pale, smoked her cigarette, faintly smiling, and hoping, probably, to be let alone. Among assertive, learned, or eloquent people, she seemed to feel her dowdiness and insufficiency. Actually she was far from stupid. She had fine eyes, a bosom, good legs. If only she didn't make herself look like the head nurse, letting her dimples lengthen into disciplinary creases.are you reading friends fan fiction
it's saul bellow
MadMedico posted:Nope, and it's tonally out of place and just completely random.
saw this last night and if it ever settled on a tone, i missed it
To argue that there is something wrong with prostitution does not necessarily imply any adverse judgment on the women who engage in the work. When socialists criticize capitalism and the employment contract, they do not do so because they are contemptuous of workers but because they are the worker’ champions. Nevertheless, appeals to the idea of false consciousness, popular a few years ago, suggested that the problem about capitalism was a problem about workers. To reduce the question of capitalism to deficiencies in workers’ consciousness diverts attention from the capitalist, the other participant in the employment contract. Similarly, the patriarchal assumption that prostitution is a problem about women ensures that the other participant in the prostitution contract escapes scrutiny.
Once the story of the sexual contract has been told, prostitution can be seen as a problem about men. The problem of prostitution then becomes encapsulated in the question why men demand that women’s bodies are sold as commodities in the capitalist market. The story of the sexual contract also supplies the answer; prostitution is part of the exercise of the law of male sex right, one of the ways in which men are ensured access to women’s bodies
SariBari posted:To argue that there is something wrong with prostitution does not necessarily imply any adverse judgment on the women who engage in the work.
disagree. to paraphrase discipline, women who freely engage in prostitution are scabs. they aren't just selling themselves, they are selling out women as a whole. if we have to keep their side of things legal out of utilitarian or liberal reasons then we should still remember it's immoral, like adultery.
Meursault posted:Hmm.... *considers your post like a really good chess player contemplating a really powerful chess move* More like the stanktity of marriage.
pass pwn
getfiscal posted:SariBari posted:
To argue that there is something wrong with prostitution does not necessarily imply any adverse judgment on the women who engage in the work.
disagree. to paraphrase discipline, women who freely engage in prostitution are scabs. they aren't just selling themselves, they are selling out women as a whole. if we have to keep their side of things legal out of utilitarian or liberal reasons then we should still remember it's immoral, like adultery.
Also for example as Melissa Farley said, the high price escorts are essentially the "house niggers" of the system
MadMedico posted:Also for example as Melissa Farley said, the high price escorts are essentially the "house niggers" of the system
hmmm, yes, house niggers. that's precisely what she says.
"You can’t fix what’s wrong with prostitution by moving it indoors. The same dangers are there whether she’s in a john’s house, his car, at his rented massage table, or his room at the Westin. He’s still, as one john said, “buying an organ for 10 minutes.” She is still treating as a rented organ rather than a human being. The same violation and risk of violence happens whether it’s in a massage parlor, the VIP room of a strip club, a legal brothel, or on the street."
slutshaming!!!!! woooaaaah. man, thanks for pulling the wool from our eyes with another great post.
SariBari posted:hmmm, yes, house niggers. that's precisely what she says.
"Prostitution has its very own plantation system. While the women in street prostitution work the fields, call girls, escorts and massage parlor workers are the house ni****s of this system."
Goethestein posted:when someone pays me to think of something, are they not renting an organ, my brain? really makes you think
actually, they are, which is why we need communism?
getfiscal posted:SariBari posted:hmmm, yes, house niggers. that's precisely what she says.
"Prostitution has its very own plantation system. While the women in street prostitution work the fields, call girls, escorts and massage parlor workers are the house ni****s of this system."
that's not slutshaming, it's not blaming women for prostitution her conclusion is still focused on the safety of these women and how johns are responsible for violence. i know that n word got you all tingly and reactionary, donald.