[account deactivated]
Pure Evil by Sabine Baring-Gould

It is a lurid account of third-party retellings of murders as written by the guy who wrote "Onward Christian Soldiers"
A business suit expat friend gave me a book called managing human resources in Asia and I read it and it's racist surprisingly enough
upload it to the hidden pdf subforum

autopsyturvey posted:

A business suit expat friend gave me a book called managing human resources in Asia and I read it and it's racist surprisingly enough

does it mention the old confuscian concept of the Grass Ceiling?

have any of you fuckres read HHhH + is it any good
[account deactivated]
i bought a bunch of books the other day. agamben's the coming community, simulation and simulacrum, an artaud anthology, buddenbrooks + time's arrow (lol)
times arrow made me lol
i'm reading old paris review interviews.




theres a point like 50 pages into times arrow where you realise that, yep, he's gonna be doing this for the entire novel + its up to you to deal with that fact
also its written from the perspective of a pineal gland. in the pregnant widow amis reveals that the narrator was the Conscience of one of his characters but doing so doesnt actually add anything useful to the novel whatsoever. why does he do this
because he suffers from a terminal case of Fail Aids
alas my boy jools, we all suffer from a terminal case of life, fail aids or not
okay ive worked it out. aerdil is the Nihilist from turgenev's fathers and sons
[account deactivated]
say what you will about the tenets of goatsteinism, at least its an ethos
[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

also its written from the perspective of a pineal gland. in the pregnant widow amis reveals that the narrator was the Conscience of one of his characters but doing so doesnt actually add anything useful to the novel whatsoever. why does he do this

the sausage maker is really into sausage

Folk-etymology: A Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions Or Words Perverted in Form Or Meaning, by False Derivation Or Mistaken Analogy

daddyholes posted:


lgp i read that bathroom story again and it's great, classic british absurdism

i got fired for posting on rhizzone. my wife is furious

is this true? i got fired from a job for reading lf, they called me into the office and held up a printout of my time-wasting internet habits and it was from what i could see hundreds of repeats of the forums.somethingawful.com/201

thanks....i guess? although it's somewhat disheartening to know my real life trumps anything i can make up. and no, that particular one wasn't true i just have lived in constant fear of it for over a year now. my boss is jewish.
i wasted hundreds or thousands of hours on LF . . . and lived to tell the tale
Boss Is Jewish MEme: Commence

stegosaurus posted:

Boss Is Jewish MEme: Commence

my boss is jewish now

i have no boss... but he is jewish

stegosaurus posted:

Boss Is Jewish MEme: Commence


Years later, there was a subforum of Debate and Discussion called Laissez's Faire, which started as I don't know what, but by it's peak had become a forum of bitter hard left stereotypes. There were Marxists who wanted to throw down the system (along with a whole rogues gallery of other college communist types), militant feminists, hardcore race theory people, outspoken GLBT types and a smattering of self diagnosed Aspergers/Depression people. The most bitter, angry, and harsh of all these were the people who were self loathing majorities. The actual Black Black Studies majors weren't half as annoying as the white ones, there were numerous self hating male feminists, born rich Communists, etc.

They circlejerked a lot in there but over time decided they needed to change the rest of SA to be more like their desired worldview. They burst out of LF and began to "call out" supposed cases of racism, misyogyny, gay bashing, rich privilege, etc in every forum. They ganged up on threads in organized attacks, planning who would throw down which study or graph, best ways to shame or troll their "enemies" etc.

[account deactivated]

HenryKrinkle posted:


Years later, there was a subforum of Debate and Discussion called Laissez's Faire, which started as I don't know what, but by it's peak had become a forum of bitter hard left stereotypes. There were Marxists who wanted to throw down the system (along with a whole rogues gallery of other college communist types), militant feminists, hardcore race theory people, outspoken GLBT types and a smattering of self diagnosed Aspergers/Depression people. The most bitter, angry, and harsh of all these were the people who were self loathing majorities. The actual Black Black Studies majors weren't half as annoying as the white ones, there were numerous self hating male feminists, born rich Communists, etc.

They circlejerked a lot in there but over time decided they needed to change the rest of SA to be more like their desired worldview. They burst out of LF and began to "call out" supposed cases of racism, misyogyny, gay bashing, rich privilege, etc in every forum. They ganged up on threads in organized attacks, planning who would throw down which study or graph, best ways to shame or troll their "enemies" etc.

suddenly i feel so much better

i watched luis buñuel's cet obscur objet du désir & might make a post about it iono. its p good
the Message i took away from it is that the contradictions in the traditional romantic narrative are incapable of being resolved except through violent terrorism. its a cool film

deadken posted:

i watched luis buñuel's cet obscur objet du désir & might make a post about it iono. its p good



deadken posted:

the Message i took away from it is that the contradictions in the traditional romantic narrative are incapable of being resolved except through violent terrorism. its a cool film

mm... nahh.


deadken posted:

i watched luis buñuel's cet obscur objet du désir & might make a post about it iono. its p good

you just did