
roseweird posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Because it's neater? There are less loose ends? It would be aesthetically more pleasing?

well, yes, all of those things. i don't know, every time i imagine a revolution i just see this great mass of humanity rising up and flopping back on itself, maybe things get better but even revolutions are basically incremental changes in the end, and we're still stuck with these basically terrible preconditions of existence. i can't look on our history as favorably as you—i think all of history has gone badly wrong, that the primary value of humans is as the substrate of whatever we can imagine to replace them. we can hope for a return to a primitive state, but we should first create something better than us to place in that state.

ew. this is gross. humanity isnt a great mass, its people.

humans are Fucking AWesome
personally part of moving into a lifestyle with a decent paying job involved surrounding myself with people with whom i am unable to relate at all while alienating my previous friends, it's been pretty great!
[account deactivated]
not a great mass, merely an okay one, confirms bishop

daddyholes posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

daddyholes posted:

Iwc are you a 'beta'

what is the actual distinction between alphas, betas and whatever is under them? i just use 'beta' as a buzzword to throw around like 'liberal' or 'racist'

you said in another thread that you didn't use 'beta' on the assumption that it didn't apply to you so i was just curious

unless you sincerely buy into some sort of weird evo-psych/pua/swole philosophy that codifies these categories, i think it's just a synonym for nerd

Poverty is also not the unifying trait of hicks/bogans/chavs. The unifying trait is bigotry and a general lack of refinement (albeit as defined by the elites).

In Australia, you're not a bogan if you're poor. You're a bogan if you behave like a classless dickhead and have bigoted opinions. As a cross-section of Australian society, people most would describe as bogans are possibly (though far from certainly) poorer than Australians in general, but the cashed-up bogan is hardly an irrelevantly rare phenomenon. There are plenty of young fuckwits in trades with large disposable incomes and bigoted bogan families out in the suburbs that are doing quite nicely financially. And there are also plenty of poor people and families that are manifestly not bogans.

Furthermore, your argument implies that the bigotry and boorishness of the hick/bogan/chav flows from their supposed poverty. The kind of degenerate arsehole with a tattoo of the Southern Cross on his shoulder who rides around Surfers Paradise cat-calling women out the window of his Skyline and thinks Tony Abbott's going to fix it so these fucking Paki cunts stop rocking up in boats doesn't behave like that because he's poor. He does all that shit because he's fucking stupid. It's often not for want of a decent education, either. I went to a fanciest-pantsiest private school in Brisbane and plenty of my former classmates are just like this (though I won't argue that education doesn't help to some degree. But often that just turns people who would otherwise be bogans into LNP politicians).

Implying that poverty turns people into bigoted degenerates deprives the poor of cultural agency and is a far more classist attitude than hating on bogan culture.

roseweird posted:

jools posted:

ew. this is gross. humanity isnt a great mass, its people.

no it's a kind of doughy goo actually

humanity is lots of people arguing and laughing and eating and fucking and fighting and talking and getting excited and getting bored and being born and dying and trying to get by

also humanity made pizza and rap music

beta is when i sit in a meeting disagreeing with everything but saying nothing, alpha is when i walk in the ladies room naked. hope this clears things up
I blame Marx for introducing me to the idea that the logic of capitalism plays out at every level of social relations. It wasn't a liberatory revelation at all, and seeing it play out (especially amongst friends who have decided that adult=consumer) continues to be a profoundly dispiriting experience.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

unless you sincerely buy into some sort of weird evo-psych/pua/swole philosophy that codifies these categories, i think it's just a synonym for nerd

i don't

when women take over the world they should be like Anglerfish and reduce men to athrophied appendages that hang off the woman's body, the male body would wither and fuctionally just be gonads hanging off until the woman is ready to spawn.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
im not sure that every level of social relations is just the unravelling of some logic....
the future is women with balls on their elbows
i would rather blame Satan for everything

jools posted:

im not sure that every level of social relations is just the unravelling of some logic....

oh i know, houllebecq put it nicely by referring to 'little shared spaces of subjectivity' where one could seek refuge from this, but when i applied it to my social activities at the time and saw just how much revolved around access, prestige, status (even when hidden underneath irony or seeming spontaneity) it just snowballed in my mind, moreso as i started noticing that my 'lived' society was doubling down on this rather than attempting to free itself.

Or as Gramsci wrote: 'what does the billboard say? come and play, come and play..forget about the movement'

bleurgh roseweird your earnestness is infectious

[account deactivated]

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

unless you sincerely buy into some sort of weird evo-psych/pua/swole philosophy that codifies these categories, i think it's just a synonym for nerd

there's a type of isopod that has 3 distinct male morphs. one is 'alpha' and directly engages in physical contest with other alphas to win female isopods. the 'beta' is outwardly physically similar to a female, and basically just tricks its way into mating with women. the 'gamma' is physically puny, much smaller than a female, and just waits around and tries to copulate without the female (or the alphas etc) noticing

and is this so different to humans? alphas being jocks, betas being the 'artsy' and 'emotional' types and gammas being nerds, i claim.

roseweird has produced a body of work that in summing up the overwhelmingly positive but also negative lessons of this first wave of revolution, while also drawing from diverse spheres of human experience and endeavor, opens new pathways to go further and do better in a new stage of communist revolution. This is a new synthesis of communism. A radically transformative communism...that is unflinching in its determination to lead millions to take power through determined revolutionary struggle once the conditions emerge to do so...and that aims at nothing less than using that power to emancipate humanity and achieve a world where human beings can truly flourish.

jools posted:

the future is women with balls on their elbows

why would these women be on their elbows if they had balls


Makeshift_Swahili posted:

there's a type of isopod that has 3 distinct male morphs. one is 'alpha' and directly engages in physical contest with other alphas to win female isopods. the 'beta' is outwardly physically similar to a female, and basically just tricks its way into mating with women. the 'gamma' is physically puny, much smaller than a female, and just waits around and tries to copulate without the female (or the alphas etc) noticing

and is this so different to humans? alphas being jocks, betas being the 'artsy' and 'emotional' types and gammas being nerds, i claim.

yes yes, we all know some weird Trots


cleanhands posted:

beta is when i sit in a meeting disagreeing with everything but saying nothing, alpha is when i walk in the ladies room naked. hope this clears things up

is that where you got your username from?

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
I'm just saying that roseweird has, more than any other leader, strived to summarize the experience of the first wave of socialist revolution, both its impressive achievements and its failings, in order to make a new, second wave of socialist revolution that leads to the emancipation of all people. If revolutionaries didn't uphold his impressive achievements in philosophy, history, etc. then we would be acting in a non-revolutionary way.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

I blame Marx for introducing me to the idea that the logic of capitalism plays out at every level of social relations. It wasn't a liberatory revelation at all, and seeing it play out (especially amongst friends who have decided that adult=consumer) continues to be a profoundly dispiriting experience.

what are your friends buying that makes you think this? they getting mortgages? nice furniture? nothing my friends buy could be considered 'adult'

[account deactivated]

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

jools posted:

im not sure that every level of social relations is just the unravelling of some logic....

oh i know, houllebecq put it nicely by referring to 'little shared spaces of subjectivity' where one could seek refuge from this, but when i applied it to my social activities at the time and saw just how much revolved around access, prestige, status (even when hidden underneath irony or seeming spontaneity) it just snowballed in my mind, moreso as i started noticing that my 'lived' society was doubling down on this rather than attempting to free itself.

Or as Gramsci wrote: 'what does the billboard say? come and play, come and play..forget about the movement'

bleurgh roseweird your earnestness is infectious

also probably doesn't help that sydney is like the pinnacle of sunny, materialistic, hedonistic late capitalism where the most envied and talked about public figures are racehorse-trainers, celebrity chefs, real estate developers and drug dealers-turned-nightclub-empire-owners, not even joking.



Makeshift_Swahili posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

I blame Marx for introducing me to the idea that the logic of capitalism plays out at every level of social relations. It wasn't a liberatory revelation at all, and seeing it play out (especially amongst friends who have decided that adult=consumer) continues to be a profoundly dispiriting experience.

what are your friends buying that makes you think this? they getting mortgages? nice furniture? nothing my friends buy could be considered 'adult'

'fresh kicks', drugs (occasionally fun but the 'scene' degenerates quickly), cars, vidya games, holidays, big TVs, a stream of seemingly pointless electronic gadgets......now my friends are just starting to get mortgages and it's worst: i hated this city's obsession with house prices the first time i got it from the boomers and now it starts again: class reproduction in action i suppose

an old friend just bought something in this neighborhood, 5 miles from downtown, for a similar price


Auction: Price guide over $760,000

A couple getting a mortgage together is basically the new marriage here, i'll pass thanks.

[account deactivated]
that looks like a nice house, op.
is it cheaper if the colour saturation is turned down
its spelled "color," joouls

jools posted:

is it cheaper if the colour saturation is turned down

there are at least 8 species of lethally venomous wildlife in that picture alone and you want to make them harder to see, are you sure youre not aussie yourself

[account deactivated]

SariBari posted:

that music is garbage so I'm out of the loop, snide on.

please correct your opinions danny brown is NOT garbage

what have you idiots been arguing about for 50 pages