
roseweird posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

one might say that not allowing people to reproduce in the manner they want is also inherently unjust.

i am not arguing for any kind of restrictions on reproduction

then people will keep having kids out of biological vanity or social expectation or economic necessity i guess.

I dunno i'm not really sure what you're proposing then

[account deactivated]
what seems clear to me in my babyish hindsight is that cyber-stuff is (of course it is!) seeking to meet a demand that interfaces be way more like fully exteriorized things that predate digital and play more to people's 'natural' aptitudes, like spyglasses and pushing papers around on a desk, so that specialized training becomes unnecessary. kids and hidden tribes and etc. being able to jump in immediately. having to put implants in people first to ensure compatibility seems like the exact opposite & way inefficient no matter how far down you drive the resource cost when a lot of these interfaces are striving for fewer 'terminals' per person

daddyholes posted:


What is this supposed to mean?

[account deactivated]

SariBari posted:

daddyholes posted:


What is this supposed to mean?

I am being snide about reducing racism to a form of sexism by referring to a Noisey column by Kitty Pryde about rapper Danny Brown


daddyholes posted:

SariBari posted:

daddyholes posted:


What is this supposed to mean?

I am being snide about reducing racism to a form of sexism by referring to a Noisey column by Kitty Pryde about rapper Danny Brown

that music is garbage so I'm out of the loop, snide on.


SariBari posted:

daddyholes posted:

SariBari posted:

daddyholes posted:


What is this supposed to mean?

I am being snide about reducing racism to a form of sexism by referring to a Noisey column by Kitty Pryde about rapper Danny Brown

that music is garbage so I'm out of the loop, snide on.

some woman put his penis in her mouth at one of his shows and he bragged about it on Twitter and then best gal pal Kitty "I hate women who pretend to be rape victims for attention" Pryde wrote a column about how the real truth was that he was sexually assaulted on stage and was covering up his post traumatic stress

wrong thread

daddyholes posted:

to me the error was the assumption that this hurdle would receive more or equal attention and resources in the already existing society than things you could pick up or put on and didn't gross the hell out of most people and i still don't know where it comes from other than a desire to gross the hell out of people and get noticed

cyberpunk is pretty funny

here is a quote from an obscure old interview with William Gibson in 1989:

mr father of cyberspace posted:

My hunch is that what I was doing was trying to come up with some kind of metaphor that would express my deepest ambivalence about media in the twentieth century. And it was my satisfaction that I sort of managed to do it, and then these boff-its come in and say "God damn, that's a good idea! Let's plug it all in!" But, you know, it just leaves me thinking, "What??" You know, that is actually stranger than having people do theses about your work, is to have people build this demented shit that you dreamed up, when you were trying to make some sort of point about industrial society.

I think the whole cyberpunk aesthetic arose from the interplay between authors writing romantically about something they either didn't understand, or in this case were actively trying to criticize, and a tiny insular group of supernerd scientists/engineers who were actually in the middle of it and really completely consumed by working on it, and had to embrace this like impressionistic painting of what they were doing and just get really hard into it, and it just fed back and forth between people writing things disconnected from reality and the actual hardcore nerds just jumping into any subcultural identity as hard as they could

so all the cyberspacey bullshit ideas still hanging around are just a vestigial echo of that but if you actually find out what goes on on the internet (i.e. nothing) you can't really keep that mystical picture in your head anymore so there's nothing to be romantic about

[account deactivated]
my main scholarly experience with 'cyberspace' was reading lesbian theorists writing excitedly about the ability of chat rooms to free up identities and trying and failing to make a paper out of it; i do wonder what they think or would think of the livejournal phenomenon of reams of The L-Word criticism conducted under graphic avatars directly identifying the writer with one of the spit-shined packaged characters

that certainly squares with gibson's dystopia birthing utopia idea

daddyholes posted:

my main scholarly experience with 'cyberspace' was reading lesbian theorists writing excitedly about the ability of chat rooms to free up identities and trying and failing to make a paper out of it; i do wonder what they think or would think of the livejournal phenomenon of reams of The L-Word criticism conducted under graphic avatars directly identifying the writer with one of the spit-shined packaged characters

i hope everyone here is familiar with the seminal work of cyber-cultural theory, "A Rape In Cyberspace"

"seminal" indeed

drwhat posted:

i hope everyone here is familiar with the seminal work of cyber-cultural theory, "A Rape In Cyberspace"

probably the top-referenced non-academic article by the writers i read


drwhat posted:

so all the cyberspacey bullshit ideas still hanging around are just a vestigial echo of that but if you actually find out what goes on on the internet (i.e. nothing) you can't really keep that mystical picture in your head anymore so there's nothing to be romantic about

But this is precisely the romantic appeal of it.....

[account deactivated]
i miss brave new world like it were real
i saw some guy posting anti-antidepressant stuff about how it was really soma from BNW and i sighed, if only
[account deactivated]
if there were no men in the world, what would be the consequences? first, an entire planet of jailhouse gay milfs lezzing out on each other 24/7. hot, to be sure, but probably problematic for the economy
f would be unknown, milf would be unknown
milves then
how long until everybody's period syncs up on the planet of the milfs. this question haunts a lone iconoclastic female scientist who is up all night doing calculations on an old chalkboard and as dawn breaks she discovers the answer: december 21st, 2012. no. no!
the technology exists right now for women to wipe out all the men. a facility with just say 1000 men in it who are just being jerked off twice a day would be sufficient for the breeding purposes of the entire species. the worst of it is that i would be in that 1000. scientist milfs just tugging on me all day in my restraints in my pen. terrifying, but plausible
Moms I'd Like to Voice

mongosteen posted:

how long until everybody's period syncs up on the planet of the milfs. this question haunts a lone iconoclastic female scientist who is up all night doing calculations on an old chalkboard and as dawn breaks she discovers the answer: december 21st, 2012. no. no!

it would be cool if you were like, electrocuted to death, lol

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
another idea: you know that saying about how if we could just capture 1% of the sun's energy hitting the US for one day we could power the country for an entire year? think about all the wasted sperm out there. if we made sperm wasting an international crime for just a month and required that all non-procreative loads be collected and frozen and shipped off to some processing center, even if we only got 1% compliance we could collect such an arctic ocean of sperm that we wouldn't need men for 1000 years
I sincerely doubt that would be practical. Actionable solutions only please.

mongosteen posted:

another idea: you know that saying about how if we could just capture 1% of the sun's energy hitting the US for one day we could power the country for an entire year? think about all the wasted sperm out there. if we made sperm wasting an international crime for just a month and required that all non-procreative loads be collected and frozen and shipped off to some processing center, even if we only got 1% compliance we could collect such an arctic ocean of sperm that we wouldn't need men for 1000 years

maybe we could capture 1% of the sun's energy to burn you alive, or ship you off to a meat processing center to be slaughtered. food for tough.

charlton heston on his knees crying in front of the ruins of a hooters
This film is set in an post-apocalyptic wasteland where few fertile men and women exist due to atomic fallout and, as a result, the government places a high priority on those that can still breed. Shortly before the movie opens, a group of mutant amphibians (who have been exiled to the desert by humans) capture a group of fertile women and are using them as sex slaves.

Sam Hell (Piper) is a nomadic traveler who wanders the countryside. He is eventually captured by an organization of warrior-nurses, the closest thing to a government in his region of the world, who reveal that they located him by tracking the trail of pregnant women left in his wake. Their original plan was to use him as breeding stock with their collection of fertile women, but it turns out this is the group captured by the mutants. With their own attempts to capture the women failing, the group presses Hell into service as a mercenary - he is to infiltrate the mutant city (derogatorily referred to as "Frogtown") and rescue the women. To make sure that the rebellious Hell follows his orders, he is forced to wear an electronic protective codpiece that will explode if he disobeys or tries to abort his mission. Having already taken numerous samples of reproductive material from him, he is now deemed far more expendable than the women themselves. To aid him in his mission (and make sure he follows the plan), he is paired with one of the nurses, Spangle (Sandahl Bergman), and an aggressive guardswoman named Cendrilla.

During their journey to Frogtown, Hell tries numerous times to escape but is quickly shown that the device Spangle carries will shock his genitals if used or if he gets too far away from it. Despite their rocky start and Spangle's initial cold demeanor, the pair grow closer during the journey and eventually fall in love. When they reach Frogtown, everyone involved is captured. While the frog "second-in-command" tortures Hell and attempts to remove the codpiece for its technology, a slightly drugged Spangle is forced to work as a slave and dance for the frog commander (the notable "Dance of the Three Snakes" sequence). Proving more successful than she had wished, the nurse soon finds herself at the mercy of the aroused commander. However, with the codpiece now removed (the second-in-command removed it finally, but it blew up and killed him), the escaped Hell rescues her along with the group of fertile women held captive.
maybe the milfs could genetically engineer one giant woman to have all the interactions with males and produce all the babies as a way to be more efficient and not have to deal with men. then they could engineer themselves to be stronger and tougher, better able to work, and then smaller, to save on resources. congratulations feminists you have just completed the one thousandth cycle of the creation of ants. all of this has happened before, and will happen again.- bsg

roseweird posted:

discipline posted:

that's very first world way to look at it tbh

well, obviously, no one outside the first world currently has the luxury of speculating about artificial reproduction

thats not it at all lol

please let me probate him over and over again. please
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Reese is ultra-alert, craning to look up, back, forward.

Alright. Listen.
The Herminator's an infiltration
unit. Part man, part woman.
Underneath, it's a hyper-uterused
radfem, hormone-controlled,
fully fertile. Very tough...
But outside, it's real
male tissue. Dick, balls,
facial hair...sperm. Grown for the

Look, Reese, I know you want
to help, but...

(cutting her off)
Pay attention. The FTM600s
had high voices and skinny arms.
We spotted them easy. But
these are new. They look
male. Sweat, bad breath,
everything. They definitely
pass. I had to wait 'til
she moved on you before I
could zero her.

Hey, I'm not stupid, y'know.
They can't build anything like
that yet.

No. Not yet. Not for about
forty years.