
jools posted:

i think people heard the word "cyberspace" and thought it was literally a space

there is still something very off-kilter about where cyberspace/the internet is placed in human society. I agree that people get carried away but it's worth remembering that this shit would be essentially unfathomable to somebody even 30 years ago.

god i love this so much


jools posted:

god i love this so much

i saw some of this recently and you know what dates it more than anything else? They type so. fucking. slowly.

[account deactivated]
have you ever read firestone? tbh its not far off what she said and shes rl popular among the Brooklyn "Left" Clique now for some reason
the rhizzone is indeed crazy in lots of ways but its more because we'll go aAAAH EUGENICS at something like that instead of Hmm interesting tell me more *sips microbrew*

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

jools posted:
god i love this so much

i saw some of this recently and you know what dates it more than anything else? They type so. fucking. slowly.

there are actually a lot of real, professional programmers, some of them who are really good, who type slow as hell. maybe it gives them more time to think about what they're doing? most of programming is thinking, anyway, not doing, so it's not really a deficiency. it's still funny to me though

i have no concept of how fast the average high school teen types. i would like to think they all type a billion words a minute, that is a cool mental image


jools posted:

have you ever read firestone? tbh its not far off what she said and shes rl popular among the Brooklyn "Left" Clique now for some reason

She was a shut in who was found decomposing in her apartment last year. So no, not that popular lol.


roseweird posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

yes you do, don't be disingenuous. People all around the world keep making more people not only past the point that it is necessary to do so for the sake of continuing humanity, but to the point where it is actually threatening that project.

Don't pretend you're shocked and confused that individuals, families or communities of humans would place more stock in their own identities, cultures or vanities than they would in abstract, unpredictable and subjective notions of 'continuing humanity'.

well, i'd have to say i don't "get" this stuff either exactly, but then again you can hardly get more alienated from normal human reproduction than i have, so whatever. i don't expect people to understand, but these are the conclusions i've reached as a result of my life so far. if they're too crazy to share here they're probably too crazy to share anywhere, but whatever, i gave it a shot.

no i get this, and i'm not trying to like, norm-gloat anything over you. Even if you're alienated from things it's still possible to grasp why people do the wacky or horrific things they do.

Like i 'get' why dudes would throw acid on a woman's face after being rejected, i don't find it unfathomable at all, but some places are decidedly more acid-happy than others which seems to suggest that politics rather than eugenics may be a way to approach this.

Please continue to share, despite my obnoxiousness i think you're a good poster


jools posted:



swirlsofhistory posted:

jools posted:

have you ever read firestone? tbh its not far off what she said and shes rl popular among the Brooklyn "Left" Clique now for some reason

She was a shut in who was found decomposing in her apartment last year. So no, not that popular lol.

yeah but they all posted epic qqs about this and those creepy "accelerationist manifesto" guys said they like her, etc


drwhat posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

jools posted:
god i love this so much

i saw some of this recently and you know what dates it more than anything else? They type so. fucking. slowly.

there are actually a lot of real, professional programmers, some of them who are really good, who type slow as hell. maybe it gives them more time to think about what they're doing? most of programming is thinking, anyway, not doing, so it's not really a deficiency. it's still funny to me though

i have no concept of how fast the average high school teen types. i would like to think they all type a billion words a minute, that is a cool mental image

It's ridiculous, i saw some of my girlfriend's brothers friends fucking around on the PC and they have the same accuracy and speed at age 14 that i only got to around 25 and i spent a LOT of time typing.

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

haha well i mean, it is eugenics, but



roseweird posted:

haha well i mean, it is eugenics, but it's just that i think sexual reproduction under patriarchy is effectively eugenics of a different kind. i don't really want to eliminate men, but i do want to focus on the reality of patriarchy as a system of selective breeding, and address the reality that destroying patriarchy means creating a new way of choosing which kinds of people to produce, and for what kind of lives. the technology doesn't exist and it's hard to picture exactly what it will look like, but... i don't know, i think it is important to think about

Well of course it's a system of selective breeding, what would you have it be? Just another form of selective breeding but based around your particular tastes, implemented through some dystopian breeding-bureaucracy?

This is barking up the wrong tree: For instance I imagine that German man now are largely similar genetically to German men in the forties. Their social behaviour is somewhat different to say the least.

[account deactivated]

jools posted:

have you ever read firestone? tbh its not far off what she said and shes rl popular among the Brooklyn "Left" Clique now for some reason

Yeah roseweird you are dipping into the bad parts of Firestone territory and it can lead to terrible shit like this


you have the assumption there that there is any real selection going on in breeding though, and the differences we see can't be explained purely through Sociality
also yeah firestone was a HUGE racist lol
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
ive just read this whole thread and this nick land person, wow, the crazy shit people do for d&G, cuh rrazy!
[account deactivated]
oh i see what happened here. roseweird you were looking for the posthumanism thread. it's next door
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

all social arrangements made in service of sexual reproduction are inherently unjust. either people have children unthinkingly, or because they are forced to, or because they want to start a bourgeois nuclear family. parents of children narcissistically think of children as their individual creations. sexual reproduction and parenthood dissuade people from educating children in a truly communitarian fashion. it supports lineage and ethnic division

one might say that not allowing people to reproduce in the manner they want is also inherently unjust.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

jools posted:

i think people heard the word "cyberspace" and thought it was literally a space

there is still something very off-kilter about where cyberspace/the internet is placed in human society. I agree that people get carried away but it's worth remembering that this shit would be essentially unfathomable to somebody even 30 years ago.

though what is with the intense error in all the cyber- shit from the 1990s where people thought it would involve clerical-style mortification of the flesh

man i keep losing my sunglasses, i have an intense urge to get them surgically attached to my head, get RIGHT ON that
[account deactivated]

daddyholes posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
jools posted:
i think people heard the word "cyberspace" and thought it was literally a space
there is still something very off-kilter about where cyberspace/the internet is placed in human society. I agree that people get carried away but it's worth remembering that this shit would be essentially unfathomable to somebody even 30 years ago.

though what is with the intense error in all the cyber- shit from the 1990s where people thought it would involve clerical-style mortification of the flesh

direct human-computer interface is still one of the holy grails of science. dontchu worry it'll get tried lots


SariBari posted:

jools posted:

have you ever read firestone? tbh its not far off what she said and shes rl popular among the Brooklyn "Left" Clique now for some reason

Yeah roseweird you are dipping into the bad parts of Firestone territory and it can lead to terrible shit like this




daddyholes posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

jools posted:

i think people heard the word "cyberspace" and thought it was literally a space

there is still something very off-kilter about where cyberspace/the internet is placed in human society. I agree that people get carried away but it's worth remembering that this shit would be essentially unfathomable to somebody even 30 years ago.

though what is with the intense error in all the cyber- shit from the 1990s where people thought it would involve clerical-style mortification of the flesh

haha true, that shit looks way dated but in fairness it would be hard for someone form 95 to predict the current reality which is...what? Simultaneously an integral part of the world's economic system and also a giant social pit of deviancy?


drwhat posted:

daddyholes posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
jools posted:
i think people heard the word "cyberspace" and thought it was literally a space
there is still something very off-kilter about where cyberspace/the internet is placed in human society. I agree that people get carried away but it's worth remembering that this shit would be essentially unfathomable to somebody even 30 years ago.

though what is with the intense error in all the cyber- shit from the 1990s where people thought it would involve clerical-style mortification of the flesh

direct human-computer interface is still one of the holy grails of science. dontchu worry it'll get tried lots

to me the error was the assumption that this hurdle would receive more or equal attention and resources in the already existing society than things you could pick up or put on and didn't gross the hell out of most people and i still don't know where it comes from other than a desire to gross the hell out of people and get noticed

[account deactivated]

daddyholes posted:

drwhat posted:

daddyholes posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
jools posted:
i think people heard the word "cyberspace" and thought it was literally a space
there is still something very off-kilter about where cyberspace/the internet is placed in human society. I agree that people get carried away but it's worth remembering that this shit would be essentially unfathomable to somebody even 30 years ago.

though what is with the intense error in all the cyber- shit from the 1990s where people thought it would involve clerical-style mortification of the flesh

direct human-computer interface is still one of the holy grails of science. dontchu worry it'll get tried lots

to me the error was the assumption that this hurdle would receive more or equal attention and resources in the already existing society than things you could pick up or put on and didn't gross the hell out of most people and i still don't know where it comes from other than a desire to gross the hell out of people and get noticed

I think the Matrix actually took this aesthetic and did something cool with it and that closed the chapter on 90s cyberpunk, or at least that's what my brain's historical narrative is telling me.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

I think the Matrix actually took this aesthetic and did something cool with it and that closed the chapter on 90s cyberpunk, or at least that's what my brain's historical narrative is telling me.

Id like to know more

[account deactivated]