
roseweird posted:

drwhat posted:

roseweird posted:

testosterone pretty objectively makes people worse in all the ways that matter to disrupting an egalitarian society, it makes them aggressive, status-seeking, and violent

yeah, and estrogen ruins society because oh right that would be a stupid thing to post

feminism is cool and all, but calling for the death of men or the end of two genders is just a little insane, thx though

well, i say this as someone who has experienced large amounts of both testosterone and estrogen in my life. estrogen does not have wide-ranging and immediate behavioral effects like testosterone, which also supports the production of things like adrenaline. obviously people get used to the amounts of testosterone in their body and learn to cope, but my point is that in general, after controlling for all cultural factors, taking any human body and adding testosterone to it will make it behave more aggressively.

so blacks are more inherently aggressive than whites, real classy....


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

so blacks are more inherently aggressive than whites, real classy....

i love your passion

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
fuck this eugenics bullshit, im out
[account deactivated]
'disruptive to society', you mean disruptive to an idealized, hypothetical society, come on.

To paraphrase Rummy, you go to sociology with the society you have, not the one that you want.

roseweird posted:

no, i haven't, but i skimmed the chapter on hormones, and i agree that testosterone and estrogen don't produce "maleness" and "femaleness" clearly as behavioral traits or overall brain organization patterns, and i see that she cites anne fausto-sterling, who is probably the best writer on this stuff. i am not making the points she refutes here, though, i am saying that testosterone, if we just think of it as a regular drug, rather than as a sex hormone, will still, when administered to any human, generally act to increase their impulse to aggression. i don't believe testosterone triggers instinctive sexual behaviors, but i do think it facilitates aggression in the service of learned or instinctive sexual behaviors.

basically, if we were capable of examining the entire population neutrally, with no regard to sex, we would eventually nevertheless note that half of the population naturally produces large amounts of testosterone and adrenaline and a few related hormones, which are known to cause disruptive aggression in society. if we could selectively remove this influence from our society simply by ceasing to produce individuals with these traits, we would do so. since we do not recognize men and women at all, we do not recognize these humans as a class but merely a collection of possessors of an undesirable trait. the only reason we would not do so is out of attachment to masculine identities based on male bodies, and a desire to see them continue to exist in the future.

you should probably stop saying "we" and "us" because I don't think most of us support eugenics especially a genocide on half the population


roseweird posted:

i don't believe testosterone triggers instinctive sexual behaviors,

lol. why do i want to fuck and fight all the time?


69% of americans think pornography is not morally acceptable. looks like the tide has turned and feminism has won. hooray!

roseweird posted:

no, i haven't, but i skimmed the chapter on hormones, and i agree that testosterone and estrogen don't produce "maleness" and "femaleness" clearly as behavioral traits or overall brain organization patterns, and i see that she cites anne fausto-sterling, who is probably the best writer on this stuff. i am not making the points she refutes here, though, i am saying that testosterone, if we just think of it as a regular drug, rather than as a sex hormone, will still, when administered to any human, generally act to increase their impulse to aggression. i don't believe testosterone triggers instinctive sexual behaviors, but i do think it facilitates aggression in the service of learned or instinctive sexual behaviors.

basically, if we were capable of examining the entire population neutrally, with no regard to sex, we would eventually nevertheless note that half of the population naturally produces large amounts of testosterone and adrenaline and a few related hormones, which are known to cause disruptive aggression in society. if we could selectively remove this influence from our society simply by ceasing to produce individuals with these traits, we would do so. since we do not recognize men and women at all, we do not recognize these humans as a class but merely a collection of possessors of an undesirable trait. the only reason we would not do so is out of attachment to masculine identities based on male bodies, and a desire to see them continue to exist in the future.

switch a couple of words in this and it's a great argument for genetically 'phasing out' gays so they stop destroying society.


getfiscal posted:

69% of americans think pornography is not morally acceptable. looks like the tide has turned and feminism has won. hooray!

lol at support for polygamy doubling thanks to the legitimization of gay marriage

[account deactivated]
eugenics is a priori Shit though lol

roseweird posted:

well, it might be, if gays were genetically identifiable. they aren't, but males are.

well if we do happen to be able to genetically identify gays in the future, we'd better get rid of that shit so we can have a non-disruptive society

[account deactivated]
why on earth would we clone ourselves by random algorithm, this is nuts

jools posted:

why on earth would we clone ourselves by random algorithm, this is nuts

this is my one big chance and you want to fuck it up out of spite

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
violence and sex are both necessary for the proper reproduction of society.
males....in MY scenario?....they're more disruptive than you might think.
also sex isn't algorithmic, people abusing computer science concepts outside of their little electric box machine bounds are the worst.
my favorite anti-materialist philosophical development is the idea of the digital as a magical/spiritual plane seperate from our own, perpetuated by the computer as a 'black box'.

roseweird posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
well if we do happen to be able to genetically identify gays in the future, we'd better get rid of that shit so we can have a non-disruptive society

well, i have no illusions that they will try and continue to fail, however i think this is still a false analogy. gays in this scenario are disruptive because they throw into question the assumptions on which patriarchy is built and disrupt patterns of inheritance. males in my scenario are disruptive because they are objectively more prone to violence, a trait tolerated and encouraged by the limitations of sexal reproduction, but undesirable outside the context of sexual reproduction.

i'd like to reply to this but all i can come up with is staring

[account deactivated]
almost everyone i talk to exhibits it. many academics philosophers, computer scientists etc. people consider 'digitality' to be seperate from reality, or want to, or the way they use language indicates this. I had to write a book review in undergrad and the book was about film and digital film and the guy is head of Yale's film dept. or some ish and my whole critique was about how he confused the basic concept. its funny now that people are waking up to it with things liike server farms being really environmentally damaging due to massive power use, etc.

roseweird posted:

no, i haven't, but i skimmed the chapter on hormones, and i agree that testosterone and estrogen don't produce "maleness" and "femaleness" clearly as behavioral traits or overall brain organization patterns, and i see that she cites anne fausto-sterling, who is probably the best writer on this stuff. i am not making the points she refutes here, though, i am saying that testosterone, if we just think of it as a regular drug, rather than as a sex hormone, will still, when administered to any human, generally act to increase their impulse to aggression. i don't believe testosterone triggers instinctive sexual behaviors, but i do think it facilitates aggression in the service of learned or instinctive sexual behaviors.

basically, if we were capable of examining the entire population neutrally, with no regard to sex, we would eventually nevertheless note that half of the population naturally produces large amounts of testosterone and adrenaline and a few related hormones, which are known to cause disruptive aggression in society. if we could selectively remove this influence from our society simply by ceasing to produce individuals with these traits, we would do so. since we do not recognize men and women at all, we do not recognize these humans as a class but merely a collection of possessors of an undesirable trait. the only reason we would not do so is out of attachment to masculine identities based on male bodies, and a desire to see them continue to exist in the future.

variety is the spice of life

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

ilmdge posted:

variety is the spice of life

well like i said, whatever, if people want to go on making male people past the point that it is necessary to do so for the sake of continuing humanity i guess they will? that's fine, i guess, i just don't get it.

Read the Bible

Don't know about spiritual but there is certainly a mystical element to the internet. It's possible to misrepresent or re-invent oneself...to play with identity....in a manner never before seen
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i think people heard the word "cyberspace" and thought it was literally a space

roseweird posted:

ilmdge posted:

variety is the spice of life

well like i said, whatever, if people want to go on making male people past the point that it is necessary to do so for the sake of continuing humanity i guess they will? that's fine, i guess, i just don't get it.

yes you do, don't be disingenuous. People all around the world keep making more people not only past the point that it is necessary to do so for the sake of continuing humanity, but to the point where it is actually threatening that project.

Don't pretend you're shocked and confused that individuals, families or communities of humans would place more stock in their own identities, cultures or vanities than they would in abstract, unpredictable and subjective notions of 'continuing humanity'.

[account deactivated]
yeah exactly, they saw these films etc

getfiscal posted:

69% of americans think pornography is not morally acceptable. looks like the tide has turned and feminism has won. hooray!

Yeah though they might not completely honest. I mean the states that have the largest amount of memberships to porn sites are bible belt states.