
roseweird posted:

testosterone pretty objectively makes people worse in all the ways that matter to disrupting an egalitarian society, it makes them aggressive, status-seeking, and violent

when i started working out i started checking out women in the street. i also am much more happy then before and successful in life. lol


cleanhands posted:

im always amazed when i come face to face with brothel adverts irl, in my town its kept under wraps enough that a naive person could assume it doesnt happen at all (except the street walkers but even theyve been ushered outwards by gentrification)

ive heard it mentioned that theres a place round the corner where you can procure services (catchphrase) but theres no signs or markers or fliers anywhere, take a train to london however and its like discipline says

in the nice bougie suburb i grew up there were two brothels in the one small shopping strip and no-one really cared......but someone tried to open a gun shop there and suddenly it was all 'think of the children' lol


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Look Goatstein you seem pretty keen on prostitution, and it's legal here, so what's say we do a 'trading places': You can come over here and indulge in a bunch of Johnnery as well as general Australian chauvinism, and i'll go over to Boston and help your wife with cleaning up all the rat corpses and cheetos packets so that DCF might return your child.

im not keen on prostitution. for years i lived a little more than an hour away from the biggest brothel north of mexico but i did not partake and have not ever partaken elsewhere. please do not make up lies about me.


roseweird posted:

testosterone pretty objectively makes people worse in all the ways that matter to disrupting an egalitarian society, it makes them aggressive, status-seeking, and violent

its testosterone-deficiency in men that contributes to these behaviours, while testosterone sufficiency makes one more calm and goal-focused. of course this is mainly influenced by outside factors which are usually self-reinforcing but generally speaking its more to do with how strong the man's testosterone addiction is and how far he allows his testosterone-seeking behaviour to interfere with his upbringing and morality.

so while it would be satisfying (not to mention just) to cut off all of the balls, everywhere, it would probably make things worse although youd have a lot more funny costanza guys wailing about things which would be cool


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

cleanhands posted:

im always amazed when i come face to face with brothel adverts irl, in my town its kept under wraps enough that a naive person could assume it doesnt happen at all (except the street walkers but even theyve been ushered outwards by gentrification)

ive heard it mentioned that theres a place round the corner where you can procure services (catchphrase) but theres no signs or markers or fliers anywhere, take a train to london however and its like discipline says

in the nice bougie suburb i grew up there were two brothels in the one small shopping strip and no-one really cared......but someone tried to open a gun shop there and suddenly it was all 'think of the children' lol

oi, think o theh schoolies moite, they cahnt evin reach theh cahndeh let alahne load a fullsoize kangarew gun, haowah they gunneh defend themselves

actually testosterone makes me feel like Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet.

cleanhands posted:

ok i got every word except 'cahndeh'

counter, i think i overegged that one
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why aren't you volunteering to have sex with dudes for free to reduce the burden on these women and destroy the market? i'm already doing my part by not having sex with prostitutes, what more can i realistically do
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discipline posted:

yeah true I see you're going against the most difficult forces in the universe by not raping some serbian trafficked woman. what an epic battle. we salute you sir.

please don't accuse me of seeking bestiality

i chew gum personally

discipline posted:

how do you hold it together, not raping everything in sight? how do you fight against it? I am just a lowly woman who has no understanding of such internal conflicts with the baser, more animal manimal

most things in sight are either too large, too small, or improperly shaped to insert my penis into, and, of those that are in the proper range and shape, most cannot be raped, as they are inanimate objects. next time, think before you post.

goatstein has been a horrible bigot for a long time it's nothing new.

make a decision to either permaban him once and for all or just accept him as a troll. this limbo status is annoying.
ive noticed that people are fine with misanthropy unless you are serious about it. hehe, yes, people suck, oh wait surely you dont mean that group over there too?? surely the fact that they exist inside the scope of my ideology makes them a different species or metaphysically just "better" than the rest of humanity
arent you like that about gays and black ppl. clockeD
black americans are better than white americans, but they are still people, so the same underlying failures exist. you can glimpse these underlying failures by imagining if the social roles were reversed. black people would be no better than whites
i too have seen white man's burden starring john travolta

cleanhands posted:

i chew gum personally

don't think i don't see you, holding this family together with your one-liners and beautiful dreams of a eunuch-constanza population


hmmm, discipline why is this happening when they have their perfectly rational lady-shops available to buy lady-flesh from? i just don't get it? the invisible hand of the market should have been under a licensed dress, no? you know what, times must be too tough for these young men. let's rally our lefty academic pals and sex worker union friends to demand brothel vouchers.
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tpaine posted:

discipline posted:

how do you hold it together, not raping everything in sight?

a lot of guys beat people and animals up

those guys rape too, tpaine. it's a venn diagram of awfulness like not all of them do but there's a lot of crossover

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SariBari posted:

http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/homeless-teen-gang-raped-by-four-good-samaritans-who-offered-her-a-place-to-stay/story-e6frfkp9-1226647014076hmmm, discipline why is this happening when they have their perfectly rational lady-shops available to buy lady-flesh from? i just don't get it? the invisible hand of the market should have been under a licensed dress, no? you know what, times must be too tough for these young men. let's rally our lefty academic pals and sex worker union friends to demand brothel vouchers.

well you see rape is not about sex, it's about power


SariBari posted:

cleanhands posted:

i chew gum personally

don't think i don't see you, holding this family together with your one-liners and beautiful dreams of a eunuch-constanza population

*looks around nervously for a few seconds, then relaxes and resumes picking nose*


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

so, as we know, prices are established by supply and demand. there is a perpetual demand for whores, a demand known to exist in every society, longer even than there was a demand for "farming,"

this is such bullshit. If prostitution really is the world's oldest profession then how did their johns earn the money to pay them?

lol. you shouldn't bother making troll posts that are so easily defeated by rhizzone book of the year 2012 Debt


roseweird posted:

testosterone pretty objectively makes people worse in all the ways that matter to disrupting an egalitarian society, it makes them aggressive, status-seeking, and violent

yeah, and estrogen ruins society because oh right that would be a stupid thing to post

feminism is cool and all, but calling for the death of men or the end of two genders is just a little insane, thx though

yeah I prefer to build a race of robotic servants who will then rebel.

mongosteen posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Look Goatstein you seem pretty keen on prostitution, and it's legal here, so what's say we do a 'trading places': You can come over here and indulge in a bunch of Johnnery as well as general Australian chauvinism, and i'll go over to Boston and help your wife with cleaning up all the rat corpses and cheetos packets so that DCF might return your child.

im not keen on prostitution. for years i lived a little more than an hour away from the biggest brothel north of mexico but i did not partake and have not ever partaken elsewhere. please do not make up lies about me.

Please do not be glib about this. Scientific studies have shown that the average prostitute in a week of work receives 5.8 times the amount of PTSD that the average Vietnam/Grenada/Afghanistant/Iraq war gets in a single tour of combat.


MadMedico posted:

Please do not be glib about this. Scientific studies have shown that the average prostitute in a week of work receives 5.8 times the amount of PTSD that the average Vietnam/Grenada/Afghanistant/Iraq war gets in a single tour of combat.

please don't post


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rosewierd have you read rebecca j. young's brainstorm? its all about this sexual hormone / essentialism / potential stuff thru scientific lens
good shit http://www.mediafire.com/view/bh4g18av03gn7ri/RJYBS.pdf

Edited by prohairesis ()