[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

iwc, taxi cabs have ads for gentlemen's clubs on them here in new york. one was parked outside my window a few weeks ago

these are not 'gentlemen's clubs'


[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

the average prostituted woman in the united states sees between 5-20 men per day depending on their oppression vertical - i.e. massage parlor women see less than latina women caught in delivery networks - and I can tell you that having sex 5 times per day 5 days a week, even with a loving and considerate partner will wreck you physically sorry guys

let's pretend for a moment that you didn't make that number up. somebody tell the world's miners, loggers, fishers, and farmhands about how tough it is to get porked 25 times a week


discipline posted:

johns buy human flesh to fuck. it doesn't matter what you think it is. that is what they are doing

technically speaking the flesh has to be alive and attached to a person, so that seems like a lil bit of a dishonest summation

[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:

discipline posted:

the average prostituted woman in the united states sees between 5-20 men per day depending on their oppression vertical - i.e. massage parlor women see less than latina women caught in delivery networks - and I can tell you that having sex 5 times per day 5 days a week, even with a loving and considerate partner will wreck you physically sorry guys

let's pretend for a moment that you didn't make that number up. somebody tell the world's miners, loggers, fishers, and farmhands about how tough it is to get porked 25 times a week

it would be tough yeah, which is why most miners, loggers, fishers and farmhands don't want their daughters to be prostitutes!

most of those people don't want to get dicked, to acknowledge the fact of the penis
it seems like people construct these elaborate and usually unsubstantiated claims of pervasive implicit or explicit slavery, trafficking, and so on, because they simply cannot understand why someone would engage in prostitution short of direct violent physical coercion. but that is not the case. women become prostitutes for the same reason men become loggers or farmhands: it pays well compared to whatever else they could be doing. it pays well upfront, too, no need for a lot of time spent on education, playing the field of job offers, climbing the corporate ladder. it is an excellent opportunity for someone who is uneducated, stupid, addicted to drugs, fleeing the law, sick, obese, or otherwise valueless to society. i'm sure there's still violence involved, but it wouldn't matter how many men with bats you had if the market could only support paying a woman McDonald's fry cook wages to suck dicks.

so, as we know, prices are established by supply and demand. there is a perpetual demand for whores, a demand known to exist in every society, longer even than there was a demand for "farming," and a demand even known in other apes. so getting rid of the demand is probably a nonstarter. this is the feminist attempt, and like all leftist programs it will fail until it addresses human nature (or, in this case, rather ape nature.) the man in one of the images above paid almost $600 to get a blowjob without a condom. economically, this is insensible. far more pleasure could be derived from drugs or electronics for the same price, fleshlights are inexpensive, and unassisted masturbation, while not as nice, is nonetheless free. but as with most things sexual, logical considerations do not factor into the john's decision, which is another reason why restricting supply has fared so poorly.

so what is the other side of the equation? increasing demand. if a lot of women entered the field part-time, the bottom would fall out of the market and the professionals would wither up and die somewhere. new individuals thinking about entering the business professionally would thus have no economic incentive to do so, and would instead choose other fields.

the market would need to be flooded, however, probably 10 times the current sexworker population would suffice to end the profession almost overnight. these women would be volunteers, not in it for the money.

determining rates for these scab volunteers seems easy enough, in the united states at least: a woman's hotness 1-10 in dollars per hour. but then there are issues of premiums for deviance that are too complicated to go over in a few short paragraphs. nonetheless, these are issues of detail, and the overarching idea seems guaranteed to succeed.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
tell the beast to stop asking for air. it ignores you, and fights you when you attempt to press the issue. must be a socially constructed behavior.

so, as we know, prices are established by supply and demand. there is a perpetual demand for whores, a demand known to exist in every society, longer even than there was a demand for "farming,"

this is such bullshit. If prostitution really is the world's oldest profession then how did their johns earn the money to pay them?

Air is a necessity for beastly life and thus a poor analogy. An owner is right to restrict a beast in its sexual acts. A man should be able to restrict himself.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

so, as we know, prices are established by supply and demand. there is a perpetual demand for whores, a demand known to exist in every society, longer even than there was a demand for "farming,"

this is such bullshit. If prostitution really is the world's oldest profession then how did their johns earn the money to pay them?

by bartering things they hunted


roseweird posted:

i've been noticing that for some reason in some threads i have probate powers but not others, what's up with that

I usually make a poster or two thread monitors, especially if I like a post they made. It's an experiment to slowly decentralize power in the rhizzone, I want to see how we handle radical direct democracy. By now probably everyone has probation powers in one thread or another

[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

so, as we know, prices are established by supply and demand. there is a perpetual demand for whores, a demand known to exist in every society, longer even than there was a demand for "farming,"

this is such bullshit. If prostitution really is the world's oldest profession then how did their johns earn the money to pay them?

by bartering things they hunted

are you sure about that? This seems to be superimposing todays capitalist terms and references onto ye olde caveman shit. I don't think the label or social role of 'prostitute' in a prehistoric society makes much sense, and I really doubt Fred Flintstone was curb crawling in that foot-powered car of his.

He does not believe men are justified or deserve to exist, he just has a nihilist take in which all existence is inherently immoral and nothing can be done about it so you might as well accept it and enjoy it.

He is probably right about prostitution existing in early humanity, though. It's in Genesis.
[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:

it seems like people construct these elaborate and usually unsubstantiated claims of pervasive implicit or explicit slavery, trafficking, and so on, because they simply cannot understand why someone would engage in prostitution short of direct violent physical coercion. but that is not the case. women become prostitutes for the same reason men become loggers or farmhands: it pays well compared to whatever else they could be doing. it pays well upfront, too, no need for a lot of time spent on education, playing the field of job offers, climbing the corporate ladder. it is an excellent opportunity for someone who is uneducated, stupid, addicted to drugs, fleeing the law, sick, obese, or otherwise valueless to society. i'm sure there's still violence involved, but it wouldn't matter how many men with bats you had if the market could only support paying a woman McDonald's fry cook wages to suck dicks.

so, as we know, prices are established by supply and demand. there is a perpetual demand for whores, a demand known to exist in every society, longer even than there was a demand for "farming," and a demand even known in other apes. so getting rid of the demand is probably a nonstarter. this is the feminist attempt, and like all leftist programs it will fail until it addresses human nature (or, in this case, rather ape nature.) the man in one of the images above paid almost $600 to get a blowjob without a condom. economically, this is insensible. far more pleasure could be derived from drugs or electronics for the same price, fleshlights are inexpensive, and unassisted masturbation, while not as nice, is nonetheless free. but as with most things sexual, logical considerations do not factor into the john's decision, which is another reason why restricting supply has fared so poorly.

so what is the other side of the equation? increasing demand. if a lot of women entered the field part-time, the bottom would fall out of the market and the professionals would wither up and die somewhere. new individuals thinking about entering the business professionally would thus have no economic incentive to do so, and would instead choose other fields.

the market would need to be flooded, however, probably 10 times the current sexworker population would suffice to end the profession almost overnight. these women would be volunteers, not in it for the money.

determining rates for these scab volunteers seems easy enough, in the united states at least: a woman's hotness 1-10 in dollars per hour. but then there are issues of premiums for deviance that are too complicated to go over in a few short paragraphs. nonetheless, these are issues of detail, and the overarching idea seems guaranteed to succeed.

didnt read lol


roseweird posted:

i've been noticing that for some reason in some threads i have probate powers but not others, what's up with that

forum mods here have the power to IFAP people and to appoint thread mods, who in turn have the power to probate. tbh its some bullshit catholic subsidiarist bullshit

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

Goethestein posted:

tell the beast to stop asking for air. it ignores you, and fights you when you attempt to press the issue. must be a socially constructed behavior.

goethestein if you believe men are basically this bad by nature what is the justification for men existing generally, like assuming biological necessity could be overcome, why have men?

women aren't any better


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Goethestein posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

so, as we know, prices are established by supply and demand. there is a perpetual demand for whores, a demand known to exist in every society, longer even than there was a demand for "farming,"

this is such bullshit. If prostitution really is the world's oldest profession then how did their johns earn the money to pay them?

by bartering things they hunted

are you sure about that? This seems to be superimposing todays capitalist terms and references onto ye olde caveman shit. I don't think the label or social role of 'prostitute' in a prehistoric society makes much sense, and I really doubt Fred Flintstone was curb crawling in that foot-powered car of his.

i didn't say that it is "history's oldest profession," terms of profession probably didn't make sense in that context, i said it predates farming, and it does


Wild Chimpanzees Exchange Meat for Sex on a Long-Term Basis
[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2663035/Wild Chimpanzees Exchange Meat for Sex on a Long-Term Basis

too bad no one has ripped your hands/feet/testicles off yet

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

testosterone pretty objectively makes people worse in all the ways that matter to disrupting an egalitarian society, it makes them aggressive, status-seeking, and violent

women on the other hand are merely catty, hateful and deranged

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

like obviously everyone in capitalist society is very bad, women and men alike, but if you were a god setting out to make a perfect socialist society and you didn't have to rely on male-female sex to reproduce, you would make everyone biologically more like women than like men

i disagree. men understand solidarity and hard work


roseweird posted:

i can't believe you have a daughter

please don't mistake that for misogyny. i agree with your points about men. women aren't "better." they weren't better in pre-capitalist societies either.

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
men have discovered virtually everything of scientific value, created the vast majority of art, were all the great leaders, warriors, thinkers, and revolutionaries. have some pride in your people
roseweird i feel like all you do is argue with goaty, its not healthy
goatstein is human garbage
im always amazed when i come face to face with brothel adverts irl, in my town its kept under wraps enough that a naive person could assume it doesnt happen at all (except the street walkers but even theyve been ushered outwards by gentrification)

ive heard it mentioned that theres a place round the corner where you can procure services (catchphrase) but theres no signs or markers or fliers anywhere, take a train to london however and its like discipline says
Look Goatstein you seem pretty keen on prostitution, and it's legal here, so what's say we do a 'trading places': You can come over here and indulge in a bunch of Johnnery as well as general Australian chauvinism, and i'll go over to Boston and help your wife with cleaning up all the rat corpses and cheetos packets so that DCF might return your child.