discipline posted:I am also so grateful for her because there was no faster way for me to see the sad sorry state of bourgeois leftism here in the states with my own two eyes
K you can be honey and ill be vinegar. I want to drop her and Millionaire Dolla Tits n Sass into Hunts Point and have them do their comedy routine
discipline posted:"we don't hear how much women love being used as meat machines because they are busy working" *eyes glaze over tied up and dying trafficked raped women in a van*
Stripper and Prostitutes, the happiest workforce in the world. Silence is golden
gynocidal discourse
Great band
roseweird posted:superabound, i have been a waitress and those stories horrified me. nothing that awful ever happened to me as a waitress and if you are a human being at all you should feel very differently than when you do reading yelp
but what if i already feel worse while reading yelp than you do while reading about prostitution? also what if ive never actually read yelp
roseweird posted:why don't these wealthy sex workers, who are presumably not doing what they do out of sheer material compulsion, use their position to call attention to the plight of the majority of sex workers who do not have their degree of economic freedom? do you know of anyone like this discipline?
The one I know at least worked for a women's health organization after she stopped
discipline posted:focus on "empowering the women" not to "empower to liberate" them, show off what a lucrative business it is, justify it as an answer to poverty
the proper response to poverty is to choose to work in a collapsing factory in order to provide efficient labor
roseweird posted:that's not what i meant, i just wondered if anyone in their position was using their position to help protect lower-status sex workers. like, women of melissa gira grant's class who would argue against her. if the answer is no then that doesn't surprise me, i just wondered if you knew of any
I should mention that the woman I know is not a Melissa Gira Grant in that she is very concerned that her past as an escort will come out in her current life and affect how she is viewed as an artist in a male-dominated field; she has been subject to stalking by a former partner who knows about her past and has sent anonymous online messages etc. to other people in her life
the purely anecdotal impression I get from all of two cases known to me personally, one first-hand and one second-hand, is that most middle-/upper-class sex workers do it for a short period of time in their youth and don't want to talk about anything even remotely related afterwards because most of them do not get book deals out of it and do it for deep-seated personal reasons plus an okay amount of money for a young woman without a college degree (yet), and feel that any attachment to it later will cause them personal/professional problems
discipline posted:FACT: there are material differences between a woman cleaning your hotel room and a woman you rape in a hotel room
absolutely correct! for example: the woman cleaning my hotel room receives a wage many hundreds of times less an hour, while doing significantly more work, and constantly inhaling dangerous carcinogens that will shorten her lifespan by many years. and all this while living under the constant fear of deportation
discipline posted:daddyholes posted:the proper response to poverty is to choose to work in a collapsing factory in order to provide efficient labor
why does anyone ever think this is what we are arguing for
i don't, i think that what you presented from that Vice documentary is the Matt Yglesias theory of sex work and it's disgusting and crazy

discipline posted:it's the ultimate weird projection when these people blame violence against women as being because society views prostituted women as "scum". no it's because johns look at women that way and because we are unwilling to fiercely attack them for that (because then you would be taking food out of a babby mouth)
actually its because prostitution is illegal, and laws are the method by which governments define morality and create their underclasses
SariBari posted:remember when that stupid awful opportunistic piece of shit tut tutted you for reminding everyone that journalism is a less financially secure job for US women than her high class hooking and accused you of stigmatizing a job she admitted she begrudgingly has to "go back to". I hope she falls in an open sewer
woah, whole lotta slutshaming itt
discipline posted:yes of course they do. of course they do. they say it's better than waged labor because it's "easier", better paid and glamourous
"glamourous", holy shit
SariBari posted:Stripper and Prostitutes, the happiest workforce in the world. Silence is golden
turns out youre right, but only if they do it on camera
discipline posted:there's this article for n+1 where charlotte shane talks about how she's made over a million dollars by sleeping with wall street brokers and important politicians. charlotte shane called me a piece of shit for my piece on unionization and it makes me so proud, I wear it like a medal
can you link the piece please
HenryKrinkle posted:how well does the "Swedish model" work anyways?
Well the if the cops catch a "john" buying he is given the option of either paying a fine or going to to court. The woman is then reimbursed for lost wages and given the option of continuing her work or to go to some rehabilitation clinic, I'm not sure what they do there though.
swampman posted:i would consider getting fucked for 30 minutes to be considerably more work than cleaning a hotel room for 2 hours
yeah I have a few friends that are massage therapists and people always say "well you make $60 an hour, and if you work 40 hours a week, why are you complaining" and its like well of that 60 the therapist is lucky to see 20 of it, often pre-tax, and it is often physically impossible to do 8 hours of massage, 3 or 4 session a day is probably the max. This is from both male and female therapists. And that is not even sex, it's just arm work. People don't realize that anything with body contact is way different from other physical pursuits, such as professional sporting where often you are standing around, and construction is notorious (earned or not) for this as well. You don't literally pound a nail for 8 straight hours a day, there are other things you do that break up the monotony. prolonged monotonous physical activity is also known as 2 things, depending on agency. If the person has freely without coercion chosen to do this activity, it is exercise. If the person was forced, it is torture.