roseweird posted:i have no idea what vice is
unrelated males and females socializing, engaging in homosexual behavior, engaging in prostitution, violating Islamic dress-codes, violating dietary laws, consumption or sale of alcoholic beverages and pork, practice or proselytizing of other religions, and consuming products and media regarded as anti-Islamic (such as CDs/DVDs of various Western musical groups, television shows and film which has material contrary to Sharia law or Islam itself).
roseweird posted:is weed haraam
you're not supposed to get your mind drunk so yeah but YALLAYOLO
roseweird posted:i have no idea what vice is
me neither, high five comrade
cars posted:Vice posted a creep picture on Facebook of two nude young women embracing with a caption implying the models were 14 and had been posed that way and someone called them out on it and they freaked out and changed the caption and posted excuses for it in the comments about five times as many Vice readers rushed to help defend them
you know what i'm editing this to remove the link because i think this is too vile to post
Edited by cars ()
lol @ everyone involved here
jools posted:i kind of like this vice documentary because you don't hear the presenter at all pretty much, it's just this japanese forest ranger talking
the quality of a vice film is inversely proportional to the amount of american voices heard in it.

if only nonsexual labor exploitation was as titillating and salacious
discipline posted:yes when I was a waitress/cleaner/manual laborer things could get a little stressful but I was never gang raped and had to escape by jumping out a 6 story building
UGH quit MORALIZING and get a reaaaaal analysis.
discipline posted:FACT: there are material differences between a woman cleaning your hotel room and a woman you rape in a hotel room
Tell that to DSK
discipline posted:the average prostituted woman in the united states sees between 5-20 men per day depending on their oppression vertical - i.e. massage parlor women see less than latina women caught in delivery networks - and I can tell you that having sex 5 times per day 5 days a week, even with a loving and considerate partner will wreck you physically sorry guys
haha oppression vertical hahahaha i love capitalism
discipline posted:sari look at that. look at that. linkedin profiles.
remember when that stupid awful opportunistic piece of shit tut tutted you for reminding everyone that journalism is a less financially secure job for US women than her high class hooking and accused you of stigmatizing a job she admitted she begrudgingly has to "go back to". I hope she falls in an open sewer