And despite the fact that same is a constant reminder that death is certain, within 5 minutes I'm pulling into the office building's driveway because I gotta make them billable hours.
It is 80 degrees outside and the sun is shining. And although my office has floor to ceiling windows, they do not open so the building can be kept most efficiently at 70 degrees.
Helios' gift pours in and refracts off a single tear trailing down my left cheek as I diligently type my reports.
I have no mouth but I must scream.
discipline posted:haha it was almost two hours...
innsmouthful posted:my Job had me take an IQ test yesterday, i don't know why. at least i know i'm not working with imbeciles, blacks, hispanics, women, or any other undesirables filtered out by "abstract reasoning!"
post the results so we can all silently feel superior to/intimidated by you
fape posted:i need a job, anyone wanna give me a job
find and post the steampunk wedding pictures
Ironicwarcriminal posted:ken have you ever had a job?
yea i had some internships at newspapers + i worked in an office where my job was folding envelopes all day. also i worked at a jewish youth camp i guess lol
discipline posted:I'm really excited because it's basically exactly what I want to do. I submitted my CV for an entry level position but they told me on the phone that they're considering me for a higher level position too :3
See arent you now glad that i didnt help you out with a single job so you could go get a much better one
PresidentObama posted:You people are exaggerating how much jobs own. They barely own at all, in fact.
You dont know much about my job then.
this changes everything
wasted posted:Y Tu Mamá También
lol more like Y Tu Mamá en Ambien

roseweird posted:do ppl still take that, hasn't anyone invented better sleeping pills by now
from what i hear from people who have prescriptions for it, their lives are so empty and meaningless that the side effects of staying up a little bit longer than you should after you pop an ambien are the only vague entertainment that occasionally is able to pierce their insomniac depression. no motivation to change to a better option