[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

the worst thing about hannah arendt is she edited my copy of walter benjamin's essays. her shitty intro i can skip but it's hard to extract the liberalism of her essence from the text.

wasnt hannah arendt the nazi who burned that building full of women?


Impper posted:

as an anti semite what should i do about jews in my life (JIML?)

degrade them by having sexual intercourse with them


Impper posted:

as an anti semite what should i do about jews in my life (JIML?)

make it platinum

i have absolutely no idea what that back n forth between ken & bhpn is about, none at all, just a bunch of long words and emphatic italics and no 'feels'
Bolano and Spengler
feels are, like, so totally anti-materialist

cleanhands posted:

i have absolutely no idea what that back n forth between ken & bhpn is about, none at all, just a bunch of long words and emphatic italics and no 'feels'

good torahfeel, 10/10 would jew again


Death to Hezbollah!!! No to Shi'ism!!!

Copenhagen interpretation? Balderdash!
[account deactivated]
HenryKrinkle ‏@SAHenryKrinkle

#ReasonsWhyNoOneLikesYou ur a rich cracker from the fake settler state of KKKlanada, which was stolen from the First Nations @justinbieber
I'm reading The Wages of Destruction and it's good af
its cool when cartoonists depict the American Everyman as a balding white man in ill-fitting brown trousers lol
[account deactivated]
He shoots heroin too.
reading: my 12 year old niece's tumblr that i found through my sister's (her mom's), which is better than all of my posts put together pretty much (low bar, but she is 12), and if it's any indication about that generation the patriarchy will be murdered shortly

and replaced by an anime-loving lesbian communist front

she isn't a communist yet but it's just a matter of time
anime is bad + dumb imo
only as much as everything else
[account deactivated]
get her an accoutn
geographically, jerusalem would make a great capital for the caliphate

also: that map's missing France

drwhat posted:

reading: my 12 year old niece's tumblr that i found through my sister's (her mom's), which is better than all of my posts put together pretty much (low bar, but she is 12), and if it's any indication about that generation the patriarchy will be murdered shortly

and replaced by an anime-loving lesbian communist front

she isn't a communist yet but it's just a matter of time

see how you feel in a year when shes moved on to james deen gifs and #TT


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

also: that map's missing France



HenryKrinkle posted:


- Ed Miliband Rocks, London, Poland, 16/5/2013 7:03

I wonder about the IQ as well. Let us see, my attorney conservative, my accountant conservative, my GP doc a conservative. My pal the surgeon a conservative. Do not know a lefty in business. No lefties in the two polo clubs I belong to. Yep sissies have higher IQs. None of these guys are war mongers, although nearly all have served. some food for thought.
McCaine: "Assad is winning"


Republican Sen. John McCain claims the embattled regime of Bashar al-Assad may have turned the tide in the bloody civil war which so far has claimed nearly 100,000 lives.

"Right now, Bashar al-Assad is winning," McCain said earlier this week.
buncha betas up in that bitch... or should i say, NOT!
Mali to get back half of its GDP in foreign aid


More than $4bn (£2.6bn) has been pledged to help rebuild Mali, at an international donor conference.

French President Francois Hollande, co-chair of the Brussels conference, said rich country pledges had exceeded the $2.5bn anticipated.


Does the IRS believe that support for Israel is support for terrorism?

Edited by mustang19 ()

[account deactivated]

fat mayor of canada confirmed hardbro