ilmdge posted:
activist judges cavorting with the enemy. how about giving our boys in blue a break for once?
Goethestein posted:i want to FUCK allison brie so bad.
explosion reported in boston!
peepaw posted:boston best rock band
Goethestein posted:i want to FUCK allison brie so bad.
such a cute jew
getfiscal posted:Goethestein posted:i want to FUCK allison brie so bad.
such a cute jew
she tempers my antisemitism like white-hot steel suddenly thrust into the serene waters of a glacial stream. surely, she will be my final and most difficult test
so, here we are at the Nexus of All History, the Axis Mundi, and your finger is there on the button. So what will it be? Worldwide Marxism? Permanent peace on Earth for all men and womyn? The eradication of the Jewish Menace, once and for all? Or.. *pulls back curtain exposing wall of Allison Brie Community gifs*
Me: *seizes up*
LaserJew posted:if you're not into metal, you are NOT my friend
Manowar really went downhill after they kicked out Ross the Boss.
"Until that point, Tsarnaev had been responding to the interagency High Value Detainee Interrogation Group, including admitting his role in the bombing, authorities said. A senior congressional aide said Tsarnaev had asked several times for a lawyer, but that request was ignored since he was being questioned under the public safety exemption to the Miranda rule."
Female DNA Found on Bomb in BostonInvestigators Unsure Whether Evidence Means a Woman Aided in the Attack; Russians Allege Suspect's Ties to Jihadists
Investigators have found female DNA on at least one of the bombs used in the Boston Marathon attacks, though they haven't determined whose DNA it is or whether its presence means a woman helped the two brothers suspected in the bombings, according to U.S. officials briefed on the probe.
In another development, Russian officials revealed details about contacts between the older brother and suspected Islamist radicals in the Caucasus, including Internet exchanges that led to concerns by investigators that he was trying to join up with jihadist fighters.
Speaking Monday about the DNA discovery, the U.S. officials cautioned that there could be multiple explanations for why genetic material from someone other than the two bombing suspects—Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar—could have been found on remnants of the exploded devices. It could have come, for example, from a store clerk who handled materials used in the bombs or a stray hair that ended up in the bomb.
FBI might want to update their gender theory because there's no such thing as "genetically" male or female.
HenryKrinkle posted:
The two thousand soldiers of Shamil Basayev who invaded Dagestan were professionally trained, supplied, and armed. They had Stinger-2 rockets with which they destroyed three Russian helicopters, conveniently captured on film by TV cameras.41
Prof. Ware warned: "Many Russians, and most Dagestanis, already believe that the United States is behind the Chechen [warlord] invasions.... The invasions were mounted by Chechen field commanders from bases in Chechnya where guerrillas from Central Asia, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Eastern Europe were trained with funds from supporters in the Persian Gulf, Pakistan, and Afghanistan." The invasions "were fiercely resisted by the Dagestanis, who firmly wished to remain with Russia...."42
In two attacks in August and September 1999, Shamil Basayev and General Khatab (a Jordanian military leader who had trained King Hussein's Chechen body guards) invaded the neighboring Russian republic of Dagestan. They murdered police officers, hoisted the green flag of the "Islamic Republic," and advanced on the capital, Makhachkala.33 They announced "a tripartite military campaign against Dagestan of which ... [the] invasions were merely a component of the first phase."34
The timing of the Chechen invasions of Dagestan is noteworthy, as was pointed out by journalist Brian Becker. The Russian company Transneft had lost complete control of the crude oil pipeline running from Baku through Chechnya to the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. They closed the pipeline and were attempting to move the oil by rail through Dagestan at the time of Basayev's and Khatab's invasion. Was this invasion of Dagestan "part of a larger conspiracy by the U.S. to detach the countries surrounding the Caspian Sea from Russia?"35 According to the Russian Defense Minister Sergeyev, at the time, a "permanent smoldering of a manageable armed conflict resulting [in a weakened Russia] will help the U.S. control...the Northern Caucasus."36
“Uncle Ruslan” Tsarni of Montgomery Village Md., whose name was the top trending topic worldwide on Twitter last Friday for his plain-spoken condemnation of his two nephews, has had a checkered business career, that began well before he graduated (as Ruslan Z Tsarnaev) from Duke Law School in 1998.
Tsarni, a well-connected oil executive, is currently involved in an international criminal investigation into a Kazakh billionaire banker-turned-fugitive alleged to have absconded with $6 billion from Kazakhstan’s BTA Bank
The purchase of the Prince's estate was put together, according to prosecutors in Italy and Switzerland, by a group of oil executives who comprise “a network of personal and business relationships” allegedly used for “international corruption," reported The London Telegraph.
Tsarni, called “a US lawyer who has had dealings in Kazakh business affairs,” by the Sunday Times, clearly appears to be a member of that network.
The Sunday Times reported, “A statement by Ruslan Zaindi Tsarni was given in the High Court in December, claiming that Kulibayev bought Sunninghill and properties in Mayfair with $96 million derived from a complex series of deals intended to disguise money laundering.”
“Tsarni alleged that the money came from the takeover of a western company, which had been used as a front to obtain oil contracts from the Kazakh state.”
The “western company” used to launder the money which the Sunday Times referred to is Big Sky Energy Corporation, where Ruslan Tsarni was a top executive.
“Mr. Ruslan Tsarni, a U.S. citizen, has over 10 years of professional experience in oil and gas legislation and corporate law. Previously, Mr. Tsarni served as Corporate Counsel of Nelson Resources Limited Group as well as Managing Director of several of its operating subsidiaries.
“From 1999 to 2001, Mr. Tsarni worked as Head of Legal Affairs of Golden Eagle Partners LLC.
“From 1994 to 1996, Mr. Tsarni served as a consultant contracted by USAID [CIA] for projects aimed to develop securities markets in Central Asia, where he trained corporate governance and corporate finance principals in state and private companies.”
Three additional suspects have been taken into custody in last month's twin bombing at the Boston Marathon that killed three people and injured hundreds of others, Boston police announced on their official Twitter feed today.
Police offered no other details but said more information would be forthcoming.
Goethestein posted:thats pretty obviously destruction of evidence
in a world where being a good bro is a crime, only criminals will have bros
funny, i didn't think boston had balls.
people are protesting giving the bomber a burial and all the muslim cemetaries in boston are like no way in hell