Basically i'm training to be a lawyer for the same reason as everyone else: I want to be another bland name looking for work in an incredibly over saturated field, ideally with six figures of student loan debt if at all possible.
I:arrowI'm gonna be a market reseadcher to "figure out how the consumer ticks" Its frajkly fully basass to gathrr money 2 give it up later in service of the Lord
i'm going to be a writer lol
ken, where do u think i should submit that line
im going to be a famous writer and then someone is going to do a lil digging and find me saying fail aids on the internet, which is not funny or acceptable, and i will be Disgraced and nobody at the new yorker will reply to my calls any more

Impper posted:

ken, where do u think i should submit that line

a guy from full stop magazine read a thing i did and gave me money to reprint it so maybe there

ten years ago, we had steve jobs, johnny cash, and bob hope. now, we have no cash, no hope, but we all have jobs now, in fact more jobs than when steve jobs was alive, which is kinda counterintuitive
i submitted it to them. based on their about us page it seems they will be excited to look at it or something
im going to pitch something to the new inquiry lmao
good idea. i believe i will do that at some point in my life
u should make more neo-situationist short films imo
I just found out that the president of Costa Rica's name is Laura Chinchilla
[account deactivated]

drwhat posted:

.custom146493{}d4ky posted:drwhat posted:
the "arcane interlocking" of high finance together with the ridiculous complexity of huge high end high tech, simultaneously, is actually basically my job irl

this sounds pretty interesting, what do you do exactly?
i design & control & adjust the systems used for securities trading for one of the world's largest investment banks. i am basically the worst part of capitalism. i've only been doing it for seven weeks, but so far it's fascinating. and terrible. but fascinating.

erm, opportunities, ahem, abound, err, comrade.


The most detailed model of the rizzone found, created using data from the top 100 posters

[account deactivated]
Where is the part that glows yellow so you know to shoot at it
[account deactivated]
lol viletat's death has culminated in a saturday night live opening sketch

the circle is complete
went to three bookstores today but didn't feel like buying anything. barnes and noble has a lot of zizek books and also badiou's "hypertranlsation" of plato's republic (the latter was tempting but i need to save money for a cell phone)

tpaine posted:

do *not* listen to joel. please.

what about that bible quote?

drwhat posted:

the "arcane interlocking" of high finance together with the ridiculous complexity of huge high end high tech, simultaneously, is actually basically my job irl

but it's ok, i totally wear my che t-shirt while i adjust the systems that manipulate the capital flows of the world

do you ping the dark pools?


laika posted:

do you ping the dark pools?

no. i'm the guy they send the ping to

drwhat is going to finance the RLF
lol do Not get badiou's hypertranslation of plato's republic

deadken posted:

a 76 year old philosopher saying things like 'that would be "cool," as the young people say' and 'dear cephalus' and '"your definition of justice is insufficient." with that, socrates lit up a fat 'doobie' and toked heavily before passing it to polemarcus. "smoke some a this shit," he said. "blow ya fuckin head off." "dude you gotta pass to the left," said thrasymachus. socrates blew out a heavy cloud of dank kush. "420 blaze it faggot," he said. "therefore you must admit that justice is not the same as the rule of the strong."'


deadken posted:

lol do Not get badiou's hypertranslation of plato's republic

it is really really awful

[account deactivated]

drwhat posted:

deadken posted:

lol do Not get badiou's hypertranslation of plato's republic

it is really really awful

k, thanks for the heads up

Edited by laika ()


laika posted:

k, thanks for the heads up

did this originally say "much like your posting", because it's ok, you can leave it. here at the rhizzone you can say anything you like

also don't read hannah arendt. dont read anything but especially not hannah arendt
[account deactivated]
creeping liberalism, sloppy power analysis without much utility for communists, reification of so-called totalitarianism, jew
the worst thing about hannah arendt is she edited my copy of walter benjamin's essays. her shitty intro i can skip but it's hard to extract the liberalism of her essence from the text.
liberalism is a christian ideology, as is zionism.

judaism is the last remaining ancient philosophy, in which god is terrible and cruel, war and glory are great things, and nation, blood, and aesthetics determine philosophy and not the reverse.

the nazis were almost correct when they called bolshevism a jewish philosophy, as (authentic) marxism is anti-christian morality and great jews like Solomon, David, Joshua, Herod are matched by Marx, Luxemburg, Lenin, Lukacs.

for every Joshua the conqueror there is Moses the oppressed, for every Lenin there is a Trotsky, and for every Benjamin there is an Arendt. As Nietzsche correctly shows, Judaism contained the seeds of slave morality, and most jews now are basically christians. what he didn't anticipate is that judaism is still not Christianity and contains the potential for liberation from nihilism. Spinoza, Marx, Freud, Kafka, Husserl are only capable of coming from a jewish background, and they then inspire the best christians: Nietzsche, Engels, Lacan, Nabokov, Heiddeger (respectively)

and thats why IWC is banned fro anti-semitism but deadken and impper are not. they are more jewish than most jews.
Moses, Joshua, David, and every loyal king of Judah in the Bible is a Zionist. They all sought to take over the Promised Land and purge it of non-Israeli elements and non-Israeli gods. Despite his reputation for wisdom and building of the Temple, when Solomon allowed foreign gods, it was considered a terrible sin which broke apart the kingdom. This is one of the primary pillars of Judaism. All of the failures of Israel and Judah are attributed to their tolerance of idolatry and other religions in the Holy Land; God uses military defeat to punish them for their apostasy, according to Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah and the other prophets. After the Exile, the focus becomes on rebuilding Jerusalem aka Zion as a Jewish kingdom, with Ezra and Nehemiah enforcing both religious and racial purity.

you're simply describing actions removed of their ideology. there is a dialectic in judaism, one which represents the ancient philosophy and one which represents the future Christianity.

zionism has nothing to do with the jewish nation as a people, it is the creation of jews entirely through the lens of persecution. zionism couldn't have been created without russian and french anti-semitism, couldn't come into being without the holocaust, and can't continue to exist without the palestinians and arab nations constructed as enemy.

this element exists in judaism, after all the jews were slaves in egypt and the jewish diaspora suffered because of god's will. however there is also the element of the jews as a great people, conqueror's of other great people with great kings and a great and terrible God. david and goliath is a great example. the christian reading is the mighty goliath being taken down by the weak David and God rewarding the weak being a prefiguration of Jesus's persecution and death/rebirth. however the jewish reading is king David defeating the champion of the philistines for the glory of the jewish people and God. David's story basically ends for Christianity with Goliath while for jews he is a great king and conquerer. If Jesus is the messiah because he lost, David is the jewish messiah because he won.

lol bhpn youve got that whole thing backwards
Great writers tend not to be nice friendly Anglicans. In the West, at least, they’re of two types: Jews and antisemites, antisemites and Jews. One type, really. Antisemitism is just a desperate attempt to capture some of the Jew’s particular talent for self-loathing; Judaism is just a desperate attempt to account for the antisemite’s hatred. A Jew doesn’t have to be circumcised: Yitzhak Shapira is not a Jew; Jacques Lacan was a Jew par excellence. The Jew is the one for whom something is missing, circumcision is just a reminder of that fact. You try to replace it: that’s where you get psychoanalysis, political radicalism, Christianity. Pathological inventions, all of them.
Uh no, the jewish messiah was Jacob cause he literally wrestled with god.
remember ideology is grounded in practice. king david has literally nothing to do with judaism whatsoever. something to do with zionism maybe