actually i do know what primitive accumulation is (enclosure, colonialism etc. creating capital) and i'm already sitting down posting at my computer. freud has long been debunked and lacan is unreadable garbage.
ask yourself why it's necessary to read them at all when there are much more accessible, scientifically versed thinkers on the same subject.
posting cred

NoFreeWill posted:

ask yourself why it's necessary to read them at all when there are much more accessible, scientifically versed thinkers on the same subject.

hmm yes why.......why would all those marxists during the height of class struggle in the 60s be interested in lacan while all those scientists during the neo-liberal attack on knowledge dismiss philosophy as 'unscentific'? oh wait nm alan sokal showed it's all a huge consipracy in academia to use made up language, probably the jews.


NoFreeWill posted:

ask yourself why it's necessary to read them at all when there are much more accessible, scientifically versed thinkers on the same subject.

Oh what, like steve pinker? Get the fuck outta my office!!

because i have actual therapists that know about cbt, dbt, attachment theory, psychodynamic theory, etc.
WASHINGTON — The Air Force, which has been rocked by a sexual abuse scandal at its major training base, suffered another embarrassment Monday with the revelation that its chief sexual assault prevention officer was arrested over the weekend for drunkenly groping a woman.

Lt. Col. Jeffrey Krusinski, 41, was arrested and charged with sexual battery Sunday after he allegedly grabbed the woman's breasts and buttocks. When he attempted to grope her again, she fought him off and called police, according to the police report. The victim did not know Krusinski, said Dustin Sternbeck, an Arlington County Police spokesman.

Krusinski is the chief of the Air Force Sexual Assault Prevention and Response branch at the Pentagon.

babyhueypnewton posted:

oh wait nm alan sokal showed it's all a huge consipracy in academia to use made up language, probably the jews.

it is true you shouldn't use scientific language out of context without understanding the concepts you are using, and that lacan is guilty of this. that doesn't invalidate him entirely, but it doesn't make him more attractive. why not just read straight up philosophy instead of weird jargon-ese psychophilosophy?

i mean the real rule should be 'if it's useful, use it.' and i don't know the history of that usefulness in therapy/marxism, but it doesn't seem useful to me long term.
lacan, despite his current popularity, will probably be in the same place as freud in 50 years.
also there's loads of stuff going on in cogsci/neurosci/psychology taht isn't hogwash like steven pinker. i am not an expert, but I recommend Alain Berthoz (doesn't cover development like freud/lacan, but you could probably find someone with a contemporary but not bankrupt perspective on the same thing)

NoFreeWill posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

oh wait nm alan sokal showed it's all a huge consipracy in academia to use made up language, probably the jews.

it is true you shouldn't use scientific language out of context without understanding the concepts you are using, and that lacan is guilty of this. that doesn't invalidate him entirely, but it doesn't make him more attractive. why not just read straight up philosophy instead of weird jargon-ese psychophilosophy?

i dunno maybe you should actually read what lacan has to say about language and the function of writing and it will all make sense. but that would be hard


NoFreeWill posted:

lacan, despite his current popularity, will probably be in the same place as freud in 50 years.

You mean the foundational figure of a scientific discipline lmao you clown. You clownish f00L

Youre seriously arguing against someone learning something because you personally find it difficult. Get out ofbmy office
i thought i liked continental filosophy; but i have a Job as a programmer now - a field where complexity is a poison, to be driven out!

seems to me that rhizomic writers just add complexity to their analysis for the sheer craic of it - which is not helpful!

so at most what id read now are tactical/operational manuals....
or is there some Good philosophy, suitable for this time of War?
Rap music is good philosophy

xipe posted:

i thought i liked continental filosophy; but i have a Job as a programmer now - a field where complexity is a poison, to be driven out!

seems to me that rhizomic writers just add complexity to their analysis for the sheer craic of it - which is not helpful!

so at most what id read now are tactical/operational manuals....
or is there some Good philosophy, suitable for this time of War?

I think the word you want is 'obscurantism', not 'complexity'.


swirlsofhistory posted:

xipe posted:

i thought i liked continental filosophy; but i have a Job as a programmer now - a field where complexity is a poison, to be driven out!

seems to me that rhizomic writers just add complexity to their analysis for the sheer craic of it - which is not helpful!

so at most what id read now are tactical/operational manuals....
or is there some Good philosophy, suitable for this time of War?

I think the word you want is 'obscurantism', not 'complexity'.

I think you meant to post about how stupid women are mate

Even Zizek says that Lacan's writing style is a fake (not that his ideas are though)

swirlsofhistory posted:

xipe posted:

i thought i liked continental filosophy; but i have a Job as a programmer now - a field where complexity is a poison, to be driven out!

seems to me that rhizomic writers just add complexity to their analysis for the sheer craic of it - which is not helpful!

so at most what id read now are tactical/operational manuals....
or is there some Good philosophy, suitable for this time of War?

I think the word you want is 'obscurantism', not 'complexity'.

well complexity is an overloaded term, even in a hyper exact & literal field as software; but i think theres enough overlap to get a useful question (and hence an answer!) from it

like i enjoy reading d+g, and the perspectives that they open up... maybe i'm just not in the right mindset now to appreciate them properly.
probly like how the israeli army felt in 2006


Crow posted:

Youre seriously arguing against someone learning something because you personally find it difficult. Get out ofbmy office

i didn't find the lacan i read (a short bit about mirror phase) difficult, i just recognized pretty quickly that most of what he was saying was unintelligible outside of his uniquely personal philosophical framework that even he probably doesn't understand.


laika posted:

attachment theory, psychodynamic theory, etc.

maybe i should just read this stuff instead or stuff on religion or something. i have no idea who i am anymore!

xipe posted:

i thought i liked continental filosophy; but i have a Job as a programmer now - a field where complexity is a poison, to be driven out!

i'm thinking about maybe going into this and i was looking at graham priest.

Edited by laika ()


NoFreeWill posted:

Crow posted:

Youre seriously arguing against someone learning something because you personally find it difficult. Get out ofbmy office

i didn't find the lacan i read (a short bit about mirror phase) difficult, i just recognized pretty quickly that most of what he was saying was unintelligible outside of his uniquely personal philosophical framework that even he probably doesn't understand.

Huh wow you're really smart, and see thru all the bullshit that the sheeple follow. I just wish more leftists were like you, to many are too humble to speak up about all the wonderful knowledge they wield, and just dont tell it like it is

I'm reading The twelve Chairs by Ilf and Petrov. it's like a soviet confederacy of dunces, pretty good so far
Crow can you stop posting in a sarcastic tone for just a little bit it's stressing me out
Yeah let me do that just for your benefit, right away

babyhueypnewton posted:

laika posted:


i love marxists turn in knots about how philosophy is obscurist bullshit and not for the proles (meaning themselves of course) but then you ask them about hegel (who is the most difficult philosopher to read i think). and big daddy marx used hegel's language and little daddy lenin said to read marx you have to read hegel so you can't just say "oh he's just full of shit." and then it slowly becomes obvious they've not only not read the philosophy they are dismissing, but they havent read hegel or marx.
as for non-marxists who gives a shit what they think, they don't even have a basic scientific understanding of human society or history.
when someone's reading lacan when they could be reading rhizzone posts, well that's a fail!
i just finished heidegger's question concerning technology and even tho he makes up new words and uses words in totally personal ways hes more accessible and practical than lacan...

xipe posted:

like i enjoy reading d+g, and the perspectives that they open up... maybe i'm just not in the right mindset now to appreciate them properly.
probly like how the israeli army felt in 2006

how would you feel about reading some D H Lawrence?


babyhueypnewton posted:

i love marxists turn in knots about how philosophy is obscurist bullshit and not for the proles (meaning themselves of course) but then you ask them about hegel (who is the most difficult philosopher to read i think). and big daddy marx used hegel's language and little daddy lenin said to read marx you have to read hegel so you can't just say "oh he's just full of shit." and then it slowly becomes obvious they've not only not read the philosophy they are dismissing, but they havent read hegel or marx.

Marx coquetted with Hegel's language, but take that away and nothing is lost from historical materialism. You won't find Marx's mature writings appealing to dialectical laws to explain his theories about historical change and capital. And that's a good thing because Hegel's laws a) hinge on a basic confusion over the use of the verb "to be" in predicating versus expressing identity, b) require that the world be Mind because these supposed laws are linguistic rather than natural. There is no way to put Hegelian dialectics the right way up; they are thoroughly mystical and hence useless to marxism.

Lenin was wrong about Hegel, and his writings on philosophy were bad. This doesn't mean Lenin's targets like Avenarius or Bogdanov were good in contrast, but the credit doesn't belong to Lenin.

I haven't read Hegel in anything other than excerpts because I'm not interested in it. I've read enough criticism to recognize and avoid philosophical theorizing of the kind Hegel represents.

im not into lacan bc that whole branch of marxist thought causes me to withdraw deep within myself and i feel hollow and depressed, contrast this with the fulfilling and uplifting works of st. augustine and i think the choice becomes clear
more seriously im not sure lacan as a revolutionary paradigm has worked out all that well and i only like philosophies that havent failed yet

swampman posted:

xipe posted:

like i enjoy reading d+g, and the perspectives that they open up... maybe i'm just not in the right mindset now to appreciate them properly.
probly like how the israeli army felt in 2006

how would you feel about reading some D H Lawrence?

why do u recommend him? any works in particular youd point to?
looks promising!

laika posted:

xipe posted:

i thought i liked continental filosophy; but i have a Job as a programmer now - a field where complexity is a poison, to be driven out!

i'm thinking about maybe going into this and i was looking at graham priest.

going into what & whos graham priest?


xipe posted:

going into what & whos graham priest?

programming. gonna do either that or accounting

graham priest does paraconsistent logic stuff and is influenced by hegel

e: on economics i've been reading post-Keynesian stuff lately

Edited by laika ()


NoFreeWill posted:

when someone's reading lacan when they could be reading rhizzone posts, well that's a fail!

Yeah youre telling this to people that not only think fail aids is funny, but also accweptable.


laika posted:

xipe posted:

going into what & whos graham priest?

programming. gonna do either that or accounting

graham priest does paraconsistent logic stuff and is influenced by hegel

e: on economics i've been reading post-Keynesian stuff lately

cool man; i've a mental capacity 1/10 that of yours, & i'm still finding it really satisfying & interesting.
i reckon i'd suit you really well

let me know if i can assist in any way


laika posted:

xipe posted:
going into what & whos graham priest?

programming. gonna do either that or accounting

graham priest does paraconsistent logic stuff and is influenced by hegel

this might sound a little bullshitty but I think a creative mind that can accommodate difficult, imprecise topics like you kind of need to have to really get much into weird philosophy/psychology or marxist & related perspectives on modern society is actually very well suited to the weird problems you have to wrestle with in software architecture, and once you get through the basic dumb shit of how to mechanically do it, you'd probably be very good at the stuff considered very hard in the tech world

at this point I don't even really do the mechanical stuff and it's all about grappling with weird abstract problems. it's still bullshit because it's a job, but it can be mentally satisfying