Erin McClam, Staff Writer, NBC News posted:In a courtroom sketch, Robel Phillipos appears before a federal magistrate last week. Phillipos and two other college friends of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were arrested and charged with removing a backpack containing hollowed-out fireworks from Tsarnaev's dorm room.
A former student charged with lying to investigators after the Boston Marathon bombings says he was “frightened and confused” under questioning and will argue Monday that he should be released from jail.
Lawyers for the former student, Robel Phillipos, said in court papers filed over the weekend that he is not a flight risk and that he had nothing to do with the marathon attack itself.
Phillipos is one of three friends of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect in the bombings, who were arrested last week after they were questioned about removing a backpack and fireworks from Tsarnaev’s dorm room three days after the blasts.
Two Kazakh students, Dias Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov, are charged with conspiring to destroy evidence. Phillipos, an American, is charged with lying to federal investigators. All knew Tsarnaev from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth.
In the court papers, lawyers described Phillipos as mild-mannered and peaceful, without a criminal record and with deep ties to his family, his church and the community in Cambridge, Mass.
The lawyers argued that Phillipos was questioned without a lawyer and made himself available to federal authorities at all times. The charge of lying has ruined what was a bright future, they said.
“This case is about a frightened and confused 19-year-old who was subjected to intense questioning and interrogation, without the benefit of counsel, and in the context of one of the worst attacks against the nation,” the lawyers wrote.
The papers seek to distance Phillipos from the two Kazakhs and from Tsarnaev. Phillipos had taken a leave of absence for the spring semester and had not been in touch with the other three for more than two months, the lawyers argued.
It was only by “sheer coincidence and bad luck,” the lawyers wrote, that Phillipos was invited to attend a campus seminar on April 18, the day the backpack and fireworks were removed from Tsarnaev’s dorm room.
The lawyers also submitted 17 letters from people who know Phillipos, including his mother, attesting to his character. One was from a community soccer coach who said Phillipos was “very respectful” and excelled despite being the smallest player.
His mother, Genet Bekele, wrote that the family, which is of Ethiopian descent, looks forward to the marathon each year and cheers, on the sidelines or watching on television, as Ethiopians cross the finish line.
After the bombings, “We mourned for those who lost their lives and prayed for the injured,” she wrote. “My son wants nothing more than the opportunity to clear his name.”
Tsarnaev, 19, who is in a federal prison hospital in Massachusetts, has been charged with using a weapon of mass destruction and could face the death penalty. He was wounded in a firefight with police before he was captured April 19.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev's uncle is in Massachusetts to arrange his burial, but four cemeteries have refused to bury him and protesters have set up camp outside the funeral parlor where his body is being held. NBC's Katy Tur reports.
His brother, Tamerlan, was killed in the firefight. A funeral parlor in Worcester, Mass., accepted the body, but as of Sunday the Tsarnaev family had not found a cemetery willing to bury him.
Three people were killed and more than 200 injured when two bombs went off April 15 near the marathon finish line. Twelve people remained in Boston hospitals Sunday.
The One Fund Boston, which has raised more than $28 million for victims, plans to hold a town hall meeting in Boston on Monday to discuss plans for how the money will be distributed.
The same will be true here in America. There is absolutely no common sense in Washington DC.
As our state dept. allows more and more Muslims into our once great country, their agenda will become more apparent to the naive. As the percentage of Muslims increases in any country, the trouble with them escalates. To dismiss this fact is foolish and believing in a false fantasy. Cum By Ya
Also, Hot Daddy's Christians/Jews made them as one so your other comment was just stupid.
Did you fail your ESL classes? Stay IN your farm? Native Arab speaker, are you?
'frightened and confused'
but you didnt give a 2nd thought to them! Your loyalty was to your loser friend!
I find it puzzling that law enforcement can do such a great job rounding up kids, but when it comes to Criminal Banksters, they are confused.
As for the racism uttered by the OP, apparently that is what defines this country to the entire world.
Christians and Jews have battled the Muslims for over 1000 years. I have ancestors who were in the Crusades so I am in good company. The your old and die comment by some unemployed 20 something sitting in his mother's basement should have been ignored, but I did reply.
Did you know the trans-Sahara slave trade of the Muslims took over 10,000,000 more Africans than the trans-Atlantic and over 80% died en-route (as opposed to ~20% trans-Atlantic) and lasted for 1000 more years? Is still going on? Do you ever wonder why there are so many descendants of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in the Americas but so few in Muslim lands? Because the men were castrated by the Muslims and the offspring of the women killed. Check it out.
Can Christians and Muslims coexist? - Christian Chronicle
May 11, 2010 – KOKOLOGHO, BURKINA FASO - In this poor African village, Christiansand Muslims unite against a common enemy — the arid, unyielding soil.
Can Muslims and Christians ever coexist peacefully? - Yahoo! Answers › ... › Society & Culture › Religion & Spirituality
Dec 2, 2011 – @ COKE : Why will anyone want to convert you bas.tards (hagar's ill gotten race) and slaves? But did you read what muslims (slaves, bast.ards) are ...
If Muslims, Jews and Christians were able to coexist ...
Is it possible for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to ...
Can Islam co-exist with other religions besides ...
How did Muslims, Christians, and Jews coexist in ...
11 answers
11 answers
16 answers
4 answers
Apr 20, 2011
Feb 28, 2011
Mar 5, 2010
Dec 11, 2006
The Secret How Muslims, Jews, & Christians Can Coexist Peacefully
I have seen where Muslims, Christians and Jews can coexist peacefully, if they truly want peace, and have the will to look for it. I reaches the place in my ...
Can Jews, Christians and Muslims Coexist? on
Mar 18, 2013 – Some may question whether Jews, Christians and Muslims can coexist, but the life and legacy of Edward Wilmot Blyden has already shown ...
Can Christians And Muslims Peacefully Coexist In A Democratic ... › ... › Social Issues › Religion Issues
Oct 20, 2012 – My opinion to a question that has risen in many people's minds. Can we all get along?
How will Christians and Muslims coexist in the new Egypt? | Matador ...
Aug 9, 2012 – After the death of the Coptic Pope and a new president, what does the future hold for Christians in Egypt?
Can Christians, Jews and Muslims co-exist and live together in ...
In Christian tradition, Jerusalem has been a holy city since, according to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified there, possibly in c. 33 CE, and 300 years later ...
Christians, Muslims Coexist Amid Chaos in Syria - Al-Monitor: the ...
Feb 21, 2013 – Al-Qalamoun can perhaps be considered one of Syria's hidden treasures, ... They are proud to be a model of Christian-Muslim coexistence.
The Marietta Daily Journal - Christians Muslims can co exist with ...
Nov 13, 2011 – Christians Muslims can co-exist with mutual respect - DEAR EDITOR: The prevailing winds since 9/11 have been suspicion and distrust ...
discipline posted:Bring it punk doug
ed: How did I get 1095 posts?
Edited by mustang19 ()
libelous_slander posted:lmao I find it hard to believe that comments section is not entirely rhizzone posters.
Im Hot Daddy
Not only that but Rhizzone doesn't acknowledge a united caliphate as the only realistic counterweight to liberal globalization.
E: every post that's like "mustang is a shitty poster" or "don't read mustang posts" has like 10 upvotes. this post is very bad so I'm using it as an excuse to put you away. the justice of the masses is severe and capricious. try not to make everyone hate you next time.
Edited by babyhueypnewton ()
i'm intrigued. i agree as far as that islam in general is the only realistic counterweight to liberal globalization, i only disagree that it would be helpful for westerners to convert to islam or anything like that—i think we have spiritual issues to deal with that won't largely be solved by islam alone (though it is good to study and understand islam, and for some individuals conversion is good and helpful)
Okay, there might be some (not all) non-Islamic spiritual beliefs which advance truth. Hitler couldn't have fully developed his fascist beliefs without realizing the cyclical nature of the universe and the eternal recurrence of all events. Savitri Devi was far more important in shaping Naziism than the Western thinkers it is usually attributed to. Wikipedia has a page on Esoteric Naziism, it's a good introduction.
but united how? what would be the structure of this united caliphate?
Every law necessary for governing is laid out in the Koran, a constitution based on the Koran alone includes all the institutions necessary for maintenance of the Khalifah State.
I think this is a facile argument, everyone has been reading the same qur'aan for over a thousand years, and no one has yet made a lasting unified caliphate of it yet. all religions intend to scale with the growth of civilization—the goal of a text-based religion is almost always to minimize the distance between its core values and their enactment in society for as long as possible—but they all eventually splinter and divert (as eventually the U.S. itself will). it is also important to understand all monotheisms as religious-linguistic imperialisms. this is not to say there are not polytheistic and atheistic imperialisms, but monotheism is by definition either isolationism or imperialism.
Your argument is still more facile, the Umayyad Caliphate only crumbled when it veered from the Koran and was consumed with decadence and corruption. The true interpretation will, inevitably, win, this is why corrupt liberal governments fall so easily and imperialist intervention has failed to rescue them. Even among Western intelligence agencies there is a near-consensus that a transnational caliphate will exist in the Middle East by the end of the decade and it will only grow from there.
i'm not sure why you bring up hitler, perhaps you can explain what you mean hitler as an example of. i don't think genocidal ethno-mysticism is the highest expression of esotericism, so i hope it's not that
It is if you put it that way, but not only did that never occur, Hitler's failure to exterminate the Jewish race doesn't take away from his theoretical contributions. Fascism is not a conjecture; as I said before, fascism is nothing if not axiomatic. Chemical agents are already in the possession of the Jihad which is working tirelessly to annihilate the Zionist entity. The Jews are now on the defensive and the failure of the holocaust was a temporary setback.