biotronic vat-grown amazonian S&D mechadroidonic fasciofuturism
random-access racial memory
ethno-realist terminator matrices lubricated by pure photic transglobal immanence
view the final rupture of the earth's crust via direct intravenous uplink from the dark side of mars
libidinal forces atomised and released in aerosol form over the floodlit plaza; the autocannons relax in the haze
- Nick Land, Le Epic Pouncing Trannailures Wrap It Up: Fail and Aides Abeba

actually not an article just shittily copypasting things on the creepy internet nu-reactionary wave. owned
these essays are cool & link up with the HBD / scientofash blog stuff mentioned a while ago by blinknwheeze (i think)
Is it a critique of capitalism or a capitulation to it? Both and neither. These musicians can be read as sarcastic anti-capitalists revealing the lies and slippages of modern techno-culture and its representations, or as its willing facilitators, shivering with delight upon each new wave of delicious sound. We could apply to their music a term used to describe a certain sentiment and praxis that has recently gained currency among philosophers of capitalism: accelerationism. Accelerationism is the notion that the dissolution of civilisation wrought by capitalism should not and cannot be resisted, but rather must be pushed faster and farther towards the insanity and anarchically fluid violence that is its ultimate conclusion, either because this is liberating, because it causes a revolution, or because destruction is the only logical answer.
Ultimately, it’s the profound ambivalence of this potentially ‘accelerationist’ art-pop that is its most constructive and provocative contribution. It asks us whether we accept or reject the image of the future, and indeed the present, that it conjures. It might make us feel powerless, bewildered and over-stimulated or it might leave us thrilled, blissful and entertained, and it’s at its cleverest when it can do both at the same time. This is when we see ourselves reflected, together with the ways that we and our fellow human beings have been manipulated, modified and dragged, either against our will or along with it, by the seductive violence of contemporary culture. Whether it makes us anti-capitalist or more capitalist than ever before, we’ll know where we stand when the future really does get here.
vaporwave & the whole previous chillwave/hypnagogic pop & witch house/"seapunk" irony-pseudo-scenes are obviously tied to the tumblr current of subversion, detournement and/or adoption of dated/repulsive/dejected imagery. dated advertisement and fashion, beyond perverted & decayed porn, bottom of the barrel braindead hi-fi post-human corporate pop, pre-Web 2.0 pixelated artifacts resting like dead cocoons in angelfire and geocities pages, 90s hip hop cassette culture, and the older glitch art are all consumed into narrativeless sensory overload. though it's mostly not so much satire as deliberately unconscious acceptance of simultaneous self-loathing, narrativeless pomo lust, the cultural debris that permeates our lives etc. if industrial music, disco, the post-punk music genres, hip hop, avant-garde & free jazz, post-john cage classical music, post-duchamp art in general & performance art dealt with the Death of Modernism and Sprawl of Postmodernism, the post-internet debris cult is comparable to them as a defeated response to late capitalism. the technoeschatology has been accepted & there are no endless possibilities in every new moment, just blissful death drive & fateful immanence to make our genes sing in the void
and this is in turn linked to FYAD + Lil B + horse_ebooks + Weird Twitter,
lol jk
i'm reminded of this article on how the rise of chillwave and other overnostalgic "digital native" genres was triggered by the slumber of late capitalism and its ongoing economic crises:
I read Pitchfork reviews for chillwave records or witch house records and think of how often they review a record and use words like “amniotic”, “womblike”, or “womb” to describe it — it’s pretty constant, right? Five or ten years ago, every other twentysomething band wasn’t making hazy, woozy, droney, “womblike” music. There was no band called Baths and no crop of hundreds of projects that sound like Washed Out, but suddenly, since 2009, there are multiple micro-movements that sound like nosedives back into the uterus, “amniotic”, maybe because the world has gotten too hopeless and terrifying to handle. Two years ago, bands like Toro Y Moi (age 23) and Baths (age 21) and the hundreds of other projects that sound like that might have been (or were) on “the beach” musically, because two years ago it seemed like the economy might recover soon and the beach was a fun place to wait it out or escape it temporarily. Now they’re crawling back into bed or getting into the bath.
Missing the idea that chillwave and its siblings are the product of a collapsing economy and the instinct to escape it, and the effect the economy is having on the first generation of kids to have it worse than their parents, including kids who graduate prestigious schools and wind up working at the supermarket and kids who have no hope of making a decent living as a musician for very long if at all, is like thinking that Citizen Kane is a movie about a sled. Every music writer that has written about chillwave and neglected to understand this has failed the kids who make it. Chillwave is an economic phenomenon, and it’s the sound of kids who are long past anger and frustration and defiance.
but back to the nazi race theory.
re: HBD, the scientofash blogroll is rly long, but to give an idea on the race realist spectrum:
bloodyshovel.wordpress.com (of interest is their interview w/ land, which was linked here b4 http://bloodyshovel.wordpress.com/2012/10/09/a-chat-with-mr-land/ dont miss the hilariously depressing comment section)
robertlindsay.wordpress.com (im socialest but i has white supremacist anxiety??? how race formed how specie get raced)
hbdgirl.wordpress.com (GEEK FEMINIST: Lebensraum Edition)
nick land's own eerie blog
pictured: gOOD SHit.
also DIS magazine is a big evo-immanence aesthetic vomit vortex orgy, basically directly connecting all these things
check out this thing on how capitalism is to be dismissed as a "reified generality" dreamed up by marxailures & is in fact a natural evolutionary adaptation & we should celebrate our evo-capital DNA, cant figure out if its sincere but idc
copypasted from: @joolsd & twitter crew & thanks to blinknwheeze for originally linking here to this new abyssal level of the dizzying social media void
Edited by blinkandwheeze ()

The possibility of the developed world becoming a religious fundamentalist Jesus state is seriously under appreciated. Religious sects are the only groups that have been able to sustain above replacement fertility for any length of time. What's happening with the Haredi in Israel is going to happen everywhere else. The US and Europe are going to become majority Amish, Mormon, Salafi, or something similar over the next few centuries.
The 20th and early 21st centuries are going to prove to be a brief secular episode in history because the same social evolution that caused religion to grow in the first place is going to return things to equilibrium.
Neoreactionary fusion... yes, that describes 4chan perfectly.
HenryKrinkle posted:
Personally, I have been described as “otherworldly,”, “beyond highbrow,” “one of those totally out to lunch genius types,” and “off in my own world.” I have a very high IQ, and I’m told that a lot of high-IQ folks are like this. There doesn’t seem to be much I can do about it, but it does cause me problems.
No you don't, you're a fucking spastic teenager.
Edited by mustang19 ()

A country approaching the fascist phase showed symptoms among which the existence of a fascist movement proper was not necessarily one. At least as important signs were the spread of irrationalistic philosophies, racialist esthetics, anticapitalistic demagogy, heterodox currency views, criticism of the party system, widespread disparagement of the "regime," or whatever was the name given to the existing democratic set-up. In Austria the so-called universalist philosophy of Othmar Spann, in Germany the poetry of Stephan George and the cosmogonic romanticism of Ludwig Klages, in England D. H. Lawrence's erotic vitalism, in France Georges Sorel's cult of the political myth were among its extremely diverse forerunners. Hitler was eventually put in power by the feudalist clique around President Hindenburg, just as Mussolini and Primo de Rivera were ushered into office by their respective sovereigns. Yet Hitler had a vast movement to support him; Mussolini had a small one; Primo de Rivera had none. In no case was an actual revolution against constituted authority launched; fascist tactics were invariably those of a sham rebellion arranged with the tacit approval of the authorities who pretended to have been overwhelmed by force. These are the bare outlines of a complex picture in which room would have to be made for figures as diverse as the Catholic free-lance demagogue in industrial Detroit, the "Kingfish" in backward Louisiana, Japanese army conspirators, and Ukrainian anti-Soviet saboteurs. Fascism was an ever given political possibility, an almost instantaneous emotional reaction in every industrial community since the 1930's. One may call it a "move" in preference to a "movement," to indicate the impersonal nature of the crisis the symptoms of which were frequently vague and ambiguous. People often did not feel sure whether a political speech or a play, a sermon or a public parade, a metaphysics or an artistic fashion, a poem or a party program was fascist or not. There were no accepted criteria of fascism, nor did it possess conventional tenets. Yet one significant feature of all its organized forms was the abruptness with which they appeared and faded out again, only to burst forth with violence after an indefinite period of latency. All this fits into the picture of a social force that waxed and waned according to the objective situation.

There's basically no difference, people chose their political beliefs based on their own mental problems rather than commitment to class struggle. There are racist reasons to support abortion and affirmative action just as there are nonracist ones.

Edited by mustang19 ()

Squalid posted:wtf is going on
piss posted:Im a white teen . I love music and i love tmblr. gifs are art. Here ill pretend to have opinmions on capitalism or whatever. i watched blade runner b4. Synth music. nostalgia lol. remember windoes 98. wow im very interesting, and, I am Cool
i like listening to some vaporwave stuff but i don't think all of it really has ties to accelerationism (esp accelerationism in the nick land sense of bug cyborg from the future deleuze whatever the fuck vs. accelerationism thats just dumb academic marxists) except in the fact that journalists and msg board posters think everything that satirizes something by exaggerating it is "accelerationism" now bc they just learned that word and want to use it
"What I find interesting about the Ferguson controversy is how disconnected it is from the past. Even academics I respect reacted to Ferguson’s comments as if they bordered on unimaginable, unheard-of madness. I understand that we live in a moment where any negative comment connected to homosexuality is not only wrong but “gay bashing.” But Ferguson was trafficking in an old theory that was perfectly within the bounds of intellectual discourse not very long ago. Now, because of a combination of indifference to intellectual history and politically correct piety he must don the dunce cap. Good to know."
the argument is literally "um hello it was perfectly acceptable not too long ago to be a homophobe, now suddenly it's not? doesn't anybody remember the past? damn owned"
People who are getting happily laid and cuddled don’t become ‘Theonomists’
Ironicwarcriminal posted:All of this is just a schizoid reaction to feminism by unwanted, redundant beta males.
People who are getting happily laid and cuddled don’t become ‘Theonomists’
and if this seems flippant go back and read the shit in the OP and ask yourselves how many women would bother entertaining this shit
TG posted:nick land? isnt that we did to the indians??
Oi a settler fancied me parcel and nicked it mate
Ironicwarcriminal posted:All of this is just a schizoid reaction to feminism by unwanted, redundant beta males.
People who are getting happily laid and cuddled don’t become ‘Theonomists’
I understand your turn to Islam: as a result of sexual revolution we no longer fulfill the expectations of the opposite sex - women want stronger males so they increasingly often turn to southerners, while males want more naive and obedient women so they turn to Asian countries. My Indonesian ex-girlfriend asked if she could wash and iron my shirts. She was genuinely happy that she could help me. No words can describe how pleasant this is for a man, that's programmed in my brain.
I don't hate women, I love them as women. My mother, sisters, girlfriends and grandmothers all agree with me on the diseased influence of feminism and always did - believe me, I used to push feminist ideology on them as a leftist weakling. Dutch women are the happiest women in the world according to many researches, and that's because of their fulfilling as homemakers and serving their husbands and children. Women in strict Islamic countries are free of body image issues.
Ironicwarcriminal posted:It’s a shame the British didn’t successful put down colonial insurrection in north America, the Native peoples would have been treated better and slavery would have ended a lot earlier.
Congratulations, this is the 400th time this post has been made. How would you like a job?
libelous_slander posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
It’s a shame the British didn’t successful put down colonial insurrection in north America, the Native peoples would have been treated better and slavery would have ended a lot earlier.
Congratulations, this is the 400th time this post has been made. How would you like a job?
it's monday morning and i'm at work right now lol