for ummah
those are nick cage eyes aren't they
the taliban are doing it for the lulz.
i wish i could jam jihad nasheeds on my speaker while i was at work but i'd probably get like tackled by the cops / vigilant citizens protecting america if i was playing that in the financial district or some shit
This Nasheed is Epic Win, Bro
holy shit
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*Isa fuck
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it's kind of satisfying to complain about the results of the spread of the internet- "Family Guy Harlem Shake Halo Win," etc.- but there aren't any meme nasheeds, so things are still ok
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hatsune miku-fied nasheed, anime girlchild hologram in modest garb but 20 feet tall, with audience members dancing in unison as she exhorts herself in warbly vocaloid to "slaughter the kuffar so that sempai will notice me"
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