this is a thread about it:
i am not reading that thread because i am on a train but this is funny to me.
What's the worst that can happen? Prosecuting this would come at a massive political cost for prosecutorial forces that would clearly validate the notion that Bitcoin works, they hate it, and they're doing anything they can to stop it... and that their stopping it must be futile if calling it "child porn" is the best they can do.

There is no problem with they way Bitcoin works, the problem are the laws. Laws that protect child abuse and sex trafficking, by sheltering the public from the truth through censorship. This also prevents investigation by third parties.
getfiscal posted:recently one of the most prominent conservative strategists in canada was chatting with some students at a university and he said he wasn't sold on the idea of banning child pornography. he immediately lost all of his various contracts with the media, university, parties, etc. and it was a pretty good example of why never to trust american-style conservatives.
getfiscal posted:someone on wddp said that someone has found a way to embed files into the bitcoin blockchains, which are stored on users computers. the files apparently include various links to child pornography communities and like full files of various junk like wikileaks files and such. and people are flipping out i guess because they can't delete the files without fucking with their bitcoin fortunes or something, so they are like afraid the cops will get them or something.
this is a thread about it:
i am not reading that thread because i am on a train but this is funny to me.
i've been looking for a way to scam bitcoiners for a while now and i seriously think i have it. bitcoin laundering. i take in 100 of your tainted bitcoins and give you 95 clean ones back. i immediately sell those 100 tainted bitcoins. just profit for doing nothing, creating my own self-sustaining market, and not solving the problem at all. this is pure raw uncut capitalism. this is the kind of capitalism that pablo escobar snorted off the ass of a tiger in Colombia
Edited by Goethestein ()
Goethestein posted:i've been looking for a way to scam bitcoiners for a while now and i seriously think i have it. bitcoin laundering. i take in 100 of your tainted bitcoins and give you 95 clean ones back. i immediately sell those 100 tainted bitcoins. just profit for doing nothing, creating my own self-sustaining market, and not solving the problem at all. this is pure raw uncut capitalism. this is the kind of capitalism that pablo escobar snorted off the ass of a tiger in Colombia
not nearly enough exploitation of third world labor
Panopticon posted:
id buy THAT for a dwolla!
but now i cant thanks to Homeland SEcurity
MadMedico posted:Ironic since bitcoin would be the best currency if you were trying to buy child porn.
nah im pretty sure thats still Chuck E Cheese tokens and Pokemon cards
edit: nvm, i misunderstood the statement
dipshit420 posted:This is what happens when the rhizzone meets real life:
i am in love now
gyrofry posted:dipshit420 posted:This is what happens when the rhizzone meets real life:
i am in love now
i would be except shes a sexhaver which is a dealbreaker
submitted 4 hours ago* by GirlFawkesy
So those of you who don't know me. I'm a nerdy girl who mines bitcoin/altcoins and is poor. A few weeks ago I decided I was going to camwhore for the bitcoin community on /r/girlsgonebitcoin in hopes of getting some tips and paying for my groceries.
After a week, I realized that if I wanted to make any money with bitcoin, I needed to have some guts, and so I took my savings account money and went to a drugstore and sent cash to mtgox via zipzap/moneygram. The money was depositied fine into my account where it sat happily for weeks awaiting a good day to buy bitcoin.
Having read horror stories, I installed 2 factor authentication via google authenticator tied to my cellphone on my gox account and all other accounts I have. I also keep my bitcoin wallet encrypted and stored in a non-typical directory inside a truecrypt container. I'm not a stupid girl.
This morning I awoke to an email from Mt.Gox letting me know there had been a withdrawal on my account. While I logged in yesterday, I didn't withdraw anything. My account had been used to purchase a little over 4 bitcoin, emptying it completely, and then sent the bitcoin to a vanity address.
My bitcoin wallet address is the same address I have always used when camwhoring on r/girlsgonebitcoin. Feel free to examine it. The vast majority of the btc in that wallet came from two large deposit purchases of bitcoin via my own cash. Pretty much anything over 1btc incoming I bought in cash, and the smaller ones came from tips. Thus far I haven't seen anything wrong with my wallet. It seems safe and secure:
The bitcoin address that was used to transfer the bitcoins out of my account was this taunting one (1 Lulz):
Gox gave me this message:
There has been a withdrawal from your Mt.Gox account:
Transaction reference: 50a9344e-d627-4996-9cea-4db442acaaae Date: 2013-05-13 09:22:02 GMT IP:
I immediately contacted them letting them know I did not authorize this transaction. They replied with this:
Sorry for the inconvenience.Please change your email address password and Mt.Gox password immediately. Please do not use the same username and password on different services. You can use the Yubikey or Software Authentication on our Security Center to further secure your accounts.
Please file a police report in order for the police to investigate the case and make an effort to retrieve your funds. We will cooperate with the police authority in providing the necessary information for the investigation, but we are unable to reimburse any stolen funds.
Thanks, Team
I replied to them:
I have software authentication via google 2ndary authorization on my account already.I also have a unique password for GOX.
I got no reply, so I messaged again:
Well? Whats the story? My account should be secure, I'm behind the extra authentication and I have been verified. You're telling me that isnt enough?
They replied to me:
Thank you for the email. I can see that the BTC has been bought for $480.05000 and withdrawn on Mon 13 May. I see that the withdrawal have already been processed. Kindly refer to the below link and process withdrawal can not traced or stopped.
Please contact us back for further assistance.
Thanks, Team
I cannot fathom how this was possible unless my money was either stolen by an insider at gox, or someone managed to hijack my login instance/remote into my computer while I was logged into gox. The bitcoin is still sitting in the vanity wallet that it was transferred to. I plan on keeping an eye on it and seeing where it goes, but I doubt I'll ever see a satoshi of it again.
In any case, someone managed to steal all my money from gox despite 2-factor authentication. Gox basically doesn't give a fuck. I will update this if they change their tune, but I somehow doubt they will help me.
Let my misery stand as a warning. There has been lots of talk lately on bitcointalk and other forums about money dissapearing from sites like mtgox, vicurex, and even wallets. I don't know what to advise beyond doing what we all thought to be sufficient, but take every possible precaution so you don't end up losing all your money like I did.
Edit: After reading a ton of comments and looking into this further, I"m fairly certain that someone accomplished this by having remote access to my machine and simply waiting for the right time for me to not be paying attention but be logged into gox. This gave them total access to all my shit, simply as I was already logged into email/gox/ect. I have been messing around with remote connections lately trying to set up an amazon EC2 server to mine for me. I think its a far more plausible explanation than a gox inside job, evil widgets or somehow defeating the 2fa. I've brought a lot of attention to myself via camwhoring and it likely made me a pretty easy target (silly girl with btc easy to steal). I'll be wiping this computer completely and starting over from scratch after running a whole bunch of virus scans to try and figure out where the origin of the exploit was. If I figure it out, I will share it with the community asap
Edit2: I was finally able to log into my account and found an API key with full rights to everything. I never made one, wtf does this mean?
Edit3: I don't need sympathy btc or any whiteknights. I'll sooner delete this post than be accused of lying/scamming on here. My shit got stolen, I made this thread at the request of a few people I talk to with the intent of helping others. If you have any doubts about whether I'm trustworthy you can look at this: If mircea trusts me with BTC I cant be too much of a fuckup.
slumlord posted:what are altcoins
i dunno but i doubt youll ever see a satoshi of them, whatever they are
libertopia in germany
aerdil posted:quick, someone encode capital vol. 1 into the blockchain and radicalize this currency forever
i would like to note that had someone done this, they would have enough money to fund the revolution by now
i mean it's just an inherently funny word in its own right, something about the hard consonants plus L