
deadken posted:

the rhizzone has like ten posters, everyone here knows who mustang19 is, what are you trying to achieve lmao

I'm trying to get all the cool, good posters to leave this hellhole. You can come along with them, I guess.


My mom sent this to Dear Abby.
your arousal was perfectly natural, cb

cleanhands posted:


a girl grabbed my ass in high school, but I forgot to yell "MENS RIGHTS!" at her... consequences for this??
funny how that long-ass ass-article demonstrates total erasure of the fact that the rhizzone is a place where saying "fail-aids" is both funny and acceptable.

NoFreeWill posted:

a girl grabbed my ass in high school, but I forgot to yell "MENS RIGHTS!" at her... consequences for this??

You taught that girl that sexual assault was completely acceptable. I hope and pray that no one else had to pay for your mistake.

oh me


Nearly every fighting ship in the U.S. Navy carries a Phalanx defense system, a computerized Gatling gun set on a six-ton mount that uses radar to spot targets flying out of the sky, or cruising across the ocean's surface. Once it "evaluates, tracks, engages and performs a kill assessment," a human gives the order to rattle off 4,500 rounds per minute.

This sort of "supervised" automation is not out of the ordinary. When Israel's "Iron Dome" radar spots incoming missiles, it can automatically fire a counter missile to intercept it. The German Air Force's Skyshield system can now also shoot down its targets with very little human interaction.

For years, "sniper detectors" have pointed telltale lasers at shooters who are firing on troops; DARPA is even working on a version that operates "night and day" from a moving military vehicle that's under fire. Meanwhile, sniper rifles themselves are getting smarter: In the case of the TrackingPoint precision guided firearm, the operator pulls the trigger, but the gun's built-in computer decides when the bullet flies.

"We are not in the 'Terminator' world and we may never reach there," says Peter Singer, author of "Wired for War" and director of the Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence at the Brookings Institution. "But to say there isn't an ever increasing amount of autonomy to our systems — that's fiction."

Preparing for a future in which robots may be given a tad more independence, an international coalition of humans rights organizations including Human Rights Watch are banding together to propose a treaty ban on "killer robots."

The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots publicly launched April 23 with the goal of bringing the discussion about autonomous weapons systems to regular people, not just politicians and scientists. Also this month, the United Nations Special Rapporteur recommended a suspension of autonomous weapons — or "lethal autonomous robotics" — until their control and use is discussed in detail. But critics of those reports argue that it's too early to call for a ban because the technology in question does not yet exist. Others say this is the reason to start talking now.

"Our feeling is that morally and ethically wrong that these machines make killing decisions rather than humans killing decisions," Stephen Goose, director of the arms division at the Human Rights Watch, told NBC News.

The group clarifies that it isn't anti-robot, or anti-autonomy — or even anti-drone. It's just that when a decision to kill is made in a combat situation, they want to ensure that decision will always be made by a human being.

Goose says the title of the new campaign is deliberately provocative and designed to catalyze conversation. He said, "If you have a campaign to stop 'Fully autonomous weapons,' you will fall asleep."

"The problem with modern robotics is there's no way a robot can discriminate between a civilian and a soldier," said Noel Sharkey, a professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at the University of Sheffield in the U.K. and an outspoken advocate for "robot arms control." "They can just about tell the difference between a human and a car."

But a treaty prohibition at this time is unnecessary and "might even be counterproductive," cautions Matthew Waxman, a national security and law expert at Columbia Law School. Waxman told NBC News that he anticipates a day when robots may be better than human beings at making important decisions, especially in delicate procedures like surgeries.

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"In some of these contexts, we are going to decide not only is it appropriate for machines to operate autonomously, we may demand it, because we are trying to reduce human error," said Waxman.

Michael Schmitt, professor of international law and chairman of the U.S. Naval War College, told NBC News that a ban now, as a matter of law, is a "bad idea." When the Human Rights Watch wrote a 50-page report on the future of robotic warfare, Schmitt wrote a rebuttal in Harvard's National Security Journal. His main argument: "International humanitarian law's restrictions on the use of weapons ... are sufficiently robust to safeguard humanitarian values during the use of autonomous weapon systems."

Singer, whose work has made him an ombudsman in the growing debate over robotic warfare, says that now is the time to talk — now, when Google cars are guiding themselves through San Francisco's streets and algorithm-powered stock trading accounts crash markets based on keywords.

Singer thinks the debate needs to gain traction before governments and big companies become invested in the technology — and begin to influence the direction of policy. "People aren't pushing for more autonomy in these systems because it is cool. They're pushing for it because companies think they can make money out of it," he said.

Autonomous weapon systems that can operate independently are "not centuries away," Singer told NBC News. "We're more in the years and decades mode."


mustang19 posted:

There is an irc.synirc.net #sensitivesorts, it has nothing to do with rhizzone though.

So apparently the AmeriKKKan public learns nothing, once the chemical reports are "confirmed" humanitarian intervention will happen all over again.


A poll Monday found modest support for a military strike against Syria if the chemical weapons reports are confirmed. The Pew Research Center found that by a 45 percent to 31 percent margin, more Americans favor than oppose the U.S. and allies taking military action against Syria.

Then again maybe they're just being americans.

Libya could only really be sold because of the heavy involvement of Britain and France too, what’s the appetite in those countries like for getting all up in Syria’s shit?

Without that ‘broad consensus’ NATO mandate, ‘bama isn’t going to go near it.

on the other hand maybe a killer robot wouldn't gun down iraqi children because of deeply ingrained racist beliefs
I am reading The Will To Power and i couldn't have asked for a better book atm
dont blame me. I voted Robocop

parabolart posted:

I am reading The Will To Power and i couldn't have asked for a better book atm

The one by Nietzsche's Nazi Sister?


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

mustang19 posted:

There is an irc.synirc.net #sensitivesorts, it has nothing to do with rhizzone though.

So apparently the AmeriKKKan public learns nothing, once the chemical reports are "confirmed" humanitarian intervention will happen all over again.


A poll Monday found modest support for a military strike against Syria if the chemical weapons reports are confirmed. The Pew Research Center found that by a 45 percent to 31 percent margin, more Americans favor than oppose the U.S. and allies taking military action against Syria.

Then again maybe they're just being americans.

Libya could only really be sold because of the heavy involvement of Britain and France too, what’s the appetite in those countries like for getting all up in Syria’s shit?

Without that ‘broad consensus’ NATO mandate, ‘bama isn’t going to go near it.

Nobody can predict the future, least of all the internet. AmeriKKKans are so dead scared of "nerve gas" and "weapons of class instruction" that they will bite any good bait related to it. Also one shouldn't bring up unilateralism here, it's obvious the US doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks unless it feels like winning a nobel prize this year.

As Rep. John Mica said, {I wondered whether the red line was} "turning into a pink line."

Look at how much support for a war jumps if qualify military intervention with chemical weapons use.

This is not a real reason to go war with a country, chemical weapons vary widely and some of them are not very effective at all compared to the artillery the Syrian army is already employing, nonetheless you tell people the word "poison gas" and all the sudden you've justified a war. All the US needs is believable evidence for one little mistake on the part of Syria.

All three buttons have been hit already, they just haven't been exploited enough. The US has already "reason" to accuse Syria of losing control of its chems, using them on its own people and skirmishing along the Israeli and Jordanian borders. If this was Vicky 2 casus belli would be 90% complete with no discovery.

Edited by mustang19 ()

[account deactivated]

Panopticon posted:

on the other hand maybe a killer robot wouldn't gun down iraqi children because of deeply ingrained racist beliefs

10 Serve the public trust.
20 Protect the innocent
30 Uphold the law
40 By killing iraqi children

rhizzone request: book reviews of http://www.amazon.co.uk/Branding-Terror-Logotypes-Iconography-Organizations/dp/1858946018

libelous_slander posted:

The weirdest part of that movie was when Morgan Freeman revealed that Earth was conquered by a clone army of Tom Cruises. Also the villian is GLaDOS with a southern accent.

i watched the breakfast club last night and realized it couldn't be made today because they'd try to shoehorn in a minority character and it would ruin the verisimilitude of the whole thing
readin some thoreau right now. dude has no concrete sense of duty to his fellow man imo, pretty pathetic.

innsmouthful posted:

readin some thoreau right now. dude has no concrete sense of duty to his fellow man imo, pretty pathetic.

this is why i can't stand hunter s thompson too


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

i watched the breakfast club last night and realized it couldn't be made today because they'd try to shoehorn in a minority character and it would ruin the verisimilitude of the whole thing

you bring up a valid point, because it's this precise attitude that leads to the homogenized American Life we see in media. While it was born of valiant efforts, ie get people to understand that different skin colors deal with many of the same facts during daily life, it dilutes the fact that populations vary across the country. That's why I liked Food INC, and Crash, movies that demonstrated, accurately, their cultural makeup. It should match whatever the trends of the time period depicted.

Yo does anyone know where I can find a pirated copy of the Opera's Second Death? I don't really like Zizek but when it comes to classical music he seems to have pretty good taste.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

speak of the devil. i was just thinking about this old hst letter.

JewMedia reports: Obama "has no other alternative" to invading Syria after holding off the inevitable for the past three years.


(CNN) -- Having willfully avoided direct military involvement in Syria for the past two years, Barack Obama may not be so lucky over the next two.

Reports that Bashar al-Assad's forces may have used chemical weapons will almost certainly force the president's hand into a course of action that takes the U.S. beyond the humanitarian assistance to refugees and the non-lethal aid and training it's provided to the rebels.

What Obama does on Syria flows directly from what he wants to achieve, or more to the point, what he wants to avoid. And in this case, that means a slippery slide toward military involvement in Syria that incrementally sucks America in without a clear sense of an end game. Indeed, it's been the president's inability to see that end state that has been the single greatest constraint on his willingness to become more involved.

And because that's no clearer today, Obama will look for the least risky and encumbering course of action in Syria, and that probably means arming the opposition. Sadly, this is unlikely to significantly accelerate the demise of the al-Assads.

Sadly, this is unlikely to significantly accelerate the demise of the al-Assads.

Sadly, this is unlikely to significantly accelerate the demise of the al-Assads.

>implying the lion assad

The chemical weapons issue challenges him in three ways: First, it undermines his personal credibility. If Obama declared that the use of chemical weapons would be a game-changer and nothing happens, America's credibility is lost in the yawning gap between the president's words and deeds. The red line turns pink; once again, America's street cred is undermined in a region where power is respected.

Second, if Obama doesn't impose some cost on the regime, al-Assad may use chemicals again, perhaps this time in a more expansive way. The Syrians have introduced more muscular military tactics against the opposition gradually: first artillery, then air power and then surface-to-surface missiles. The alleged use of sarin gas may well be part of that pattern. Obama must try to break it.

And third, the world is watching. If the president can't enforce his own red line on chemicals, what do you think our adversaries (North Korea and Iran) and friends (Israel and Saudi Arabia) will conclude on the nuclear issue?

>by far largest nuclear power in middle east
>what message will we send on the nuclear issue?

So the question is not whether to act but how. And the answer from Obama's perspective is to identify the least risky option .

The fact is, Obama has no good options. He'll pick the least worst one, providing some kind of weapons to the rebels. That will make us feel better, neutralize the liberal interventionists and conservative Republicans who've been blasting him and respond to those who say he's backing away from his red line.

But make no mistake: Sooner rather than later, the president will likely be faced with another decision point along the slippery slope of U.S. military intervention in Syria.

>at least its an editorial and not a "news article"

SANTIAGO, Chile -- Chilean police on Thursday arrested four people accused of burning a baby alive in a ritual because the leader of the sect believed that the end of the world was near and that the child was the Antichrist.

The 3-day-old baby was taken to a hill in the town of Colliguay near the Chilean port of Valparaiso on Nov. 21 and was thrown into a bonfire. The baby's mother, 25-year-old Natalia Guerra, had allegedly approved the sacrifice and was among those arrested.

"The baby was naked. They strapped tape around her mouth to keep her from screaming. Then they placed her on a board. After calling on the spirits they threw her on the bonfire alive," said Miguel Ampuero, of the Police investigative Unit, Chile's equivalent of the FBI.


Investigators search for evidence in a house that was used to perform rites by a sect in Colliguay, Chile.

Authorities said the 12-member sect was formed in 2005 and was led by Ramon Gustavo Castillo Gaete, 36, who remains at large.

"Everyone in this sect was a professional," Ampuero said. "We have someone who was a veterinarian and who worked as a flight attendant, we have a filmmaker, a draftsman. Everyone has a university degree. "

Police said Castillo Gaete, the ringleader, was last seen traveling to Peru to buy ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic brew plant that he used to control the members of the rite.

HATCH — Drought conditions have gone “from bad to worse to worst,” southern New Mexico’s chile farmers were told Monday as they braced for what looks like the worst irrigation season on record in southern New Mexico.

“We’re really hurting,” said Jerry Franzoy, a member of the Elephant Butte Irrigation District’s board of directors and a third-generation chile farmer in the state’s famed Hatch Valley.

Valley farmers grow a range of crops, including onions, corn and wheat. But the valley’s fame comes from its chile.

Some 35 area farmers gathered Monday morning at the Hatch Community Center for the annual irrigation district growers meeting. The key message: In the third consecutive year of extreme drought, deliveries of Rio Grande water for their crops will be the lowest in nearly a century of irrigation district operations.

“This is a pretty dismal prospect,” said Phil King, hydrologist for the irrigation district.
The Rio Grande at Hatch has been completely dry since last summer, and the drought conditions are threatening the valley’s chile farms.(John Fleck/Journal)

The Rio Grande at Hatch has been completely dry since last summer, and the drought conditions are threatening the valley’s chile farms.(John Fleck/Journal)

Spring runoff into Elephant Butte Reservoir, the source of the farmers’ water, could be as low as 5 percent of average, King said. The resulting available water supply is the lowest since Elephant Butte operations began in 1916, according to King.

“This is new territory for all of us,” he told the farmers.

Some 35 area farmers gathered Monday morning at the Hatch Community Center for the annual irrigation district growers meeting. The key message: In the third consecutive year of extreme drought, deliveries of Rio Grande water for their crops will be the lowest in nearly a century of irrigation district operations.

Does anyone seriously care? Did anyone get human sacrificed?

Anyway it's hilarious that the US is still going ahead with arming the rebels despite like 90% public opinion against it, that's a real accomplishment.

USA Today literally ran an article called "Syria solution could lie in Bosnia".
in the hospital i read:

the great transformation by karl polanyi
truth and method by hans-georg gadamer
some stuff on hegel
the human condition by hannah arendt
the first part of the idiot by dostoyevsky

might read orthodoxy by gk chesterton per joel's recommendation and some other stuff soon

Edited by laika ()


mustang19 posted:

http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/26/17923647-baby-girl-sacrificed-on-bonfire-after-sect-leader-says-tot-is-the-antichrist-chile-cops-saySANTIAGO, Chile -- Chilean police on Thursday arrested four people accused of burning a baby alive in a ritual because the leader of the sect believed that the end of the world was near and that the child was the Antichrist.

The 3-day-old baby was taken to a hill in the town of Colliguay near the Chilean port of Valparaiso on Nov. 21 and was thrown into a bonfire. The baby's mother, 25-year-old Natalia Guerra, had allegedly approved the sacrifice and was among those arrested.

"The baby was naked. They strapped tape around her mouth to keep her from screaming. Then they placed her on a board. After calling on the spirits they threw her on the bonfire alive," said Miguel Ampuero, of the Police investigative Unit, Chile's equivalent of the FBI.


Investigators search for evidence in a house that was used to perform rites by a sect in Colliguay, Chile.

Authorities said the 12-member sect was formed in 2005 and was led by Ramon Gustavo Castillo Gaete, 36, who remains at large.

"Everyone in this sect was a professional," Ampuero said. "We have someone who was a veterinarian and who worked as a flight attendant, we have a filmmaker, a draftsman. Everyone has a university degree. "

Police said Castillo Gaete, the ringleader, was last seen traveling to Peru to buy ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic brew plant that he used to control the members of the rite.

rip maggotmaster


tpaine posted:

libelous_slander posted:

aww he looks like a jumping spider

beee careful m8, thats a known rendition of the flowerin redback. dey may look cute but dey sure do pack a wallop.

[account deactivated]