prohairesis posted:mustang19 posted:I don't affiliate with the people I troll, or who I steal gimmicks from.
lemme help you guys out here...
Value can mean anything. It can be confidence, looks, money, intelligence, or talent. As long as you can show her that you're worth a damn, there is nothing to be worried about.

mustang19 posted:From what I've come to realize over the years, girls appreciate value. If you can bring something to the table, you're in.
Value can mean anything. It can be confidence, looks, money, intelligence, or talent. As long as you can show her that you're worth a damn, there is nothing to be worried about.
nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills, etc.
littlegreenpills posted:the gist of it is shes been cheating on me with a fat depressed Swedish gender studies major who self-harms, reads Luce Irigaray, cannot grow any facial hair and by her account has extremely atrophied genitals. anyway the first i heard about any of this was a short while ago when she phoned me up at 3am on a work night to explain he'd dumped her because he'd just realized he was transgendered and the act of penetration was causing him too much psychological anguish, and this had upset her so much she'd run up a $120 bill at a bar three miles away from our house but she didn't have any money so could I please bring my credit card and pay it. anyway now she's missed her period so lols all around!
Crow posted:Do the exact opposite of what every one of these people has advised you to do.
He's trying to trick you. Don't do it.
tpaine posted:and do it while dressed up as the fucking pope! For the win!!
haha exactly, good add-on
Goethestein posted:when my wife gave cyberbirth i was going to pretend to get mad and ask why the fuck was my baby asian but she was already a bit buttmad from being cut open and having a living person hauled out of her like the engine block of a 92 ford taurus, so i didnt
lol your wife narrowly avoided a pointless death caused by the unnecessary surgical procedure of a c-section
Crow posted:Do the exact opposite of what every one of these people has advised you to do.
get yourself some vitamin C with rose hips and bioflavenoids
Cycloneboy posted:Goethestein posted:when my wife gave cyberbirth i was going to pretend to get mad and ask why the fuck was my baby asian but she was already a bit buttmad from being cut open and having a living person hauled out of her like the engine block of a 92 ford taurus, so i didnt
lol your wife narrowly avoided a pointless death caused by the unnecessary surgical procedure of a c-section
Ceylonboy MD
Cycloneboy posted:Goethestein posted:when my wife gave cyberbirth i was going to pretend to get mad and ask why the fuck was my baby asian but she was already a bit buttmad from being cut open and having a living person hauled out of her like the engine block of a 92 ford taurus, so i didnt
lol your wife narrowly avoided a pointless death caused by the unnecessary surgical procedure of a c-section
asian hips + goatstein cranial DNA, i guarantee you that surgical procedure was NOT unnecessary!!!
Cycloneboy posted:Goethestein posted:when my wife gave cyberbirth i was going to pretend to get mad and ask why the fuck was my baby asian but she was already a bit buttmad from being cut open and having a living person hauled out of her like the engine block of a 92 ford taurus, so i didnt
lol your wife narrowly avoided a pointless death caused by the unnecessary surgical procedure of a c-section
all deaths are pointless.
Goethestein posted:Cycloneboy posted:Goethestein posted:when my wife gave cyberbirth i was going to pretend to get mad and ask why the fuck was my baby asian but she was already a bit buttmad from being cut open and having a living person hauled out of her like the engine block of a 92 ford taurus, so i didnt
lol your wife narrowly avoided a pointless death caused by the unnecessary surgical procedure of a c-section
all deaths are pointless.
Deep shit in the cuckold thread tonight.
which oddly enough is the EXACT same situation i was in almost exactly 2 years ago with a completely different close friend and his fiance. even down to it being the same ex chick who randomly messaged him. i feel like Billy Murray in that movie. you know the one where like the same thing keeps repeating over and over for no real reason and he cant stop it or even make sense of it? i think scarlett johansson was in it
TG posted:my personal problems arent nearly entertaining enough. i need to blow up my life or somethin
Every time I read about someone else's clusterfuck of a life, I praise the gods I don't believe in for the small mercy of being aromantic. Count your blessings, that your life is not as fucked up as the lives of the other people on this forum.