
MadMedico posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

But the entire point of 1st world feminism is to create reactionaries to confront. The only unity a place like WDDP can have is when there's a persecution complex to put real ideological issues in the background.

MRAs are sort of like Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann clowns for the Daily Show. Liberal feminism wouldn't exist without the Angry Atheist saying "rape is cool" just like Obama cannot exist without a boogeyman to point to. It's not just a matter of confronting MRAs because they are the most egregious targets or serve to unify feminist forces, I'm saying that MRAs are themselves a creation of liberal feminism.

MRAs use the same language and the same ideology turned on its head because they are both the limit of liberal feminism and the negation that gives it meaning.

"On approaching the other it has lost its own self, since it finds itself as another being; secondly, it has thereby sublated that other, for this primitive consciousness does not regard the other as essentially real but sees its own self in the other." -Hegel, Wikipedia quote cause I'm too lazy to flip through The Phenomenology of Spirit

How does the powerful pimp lobby play into this?

you guys forgot to get this guy


babyhueypnewton posted:

Goethestein posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Goethestein posted:

it's probably not cultural that men are more violent as the norm, inasmuch as it is witnessed in every culture ever known

there are so many things wrong with this statement, unless you stepped from 1900 into the present (or more likely are a generic male goon) i dont think you know anything about anthropology at all.

name a culture in recorded history where women are generally more regularly and more seriously violent than men. of course you cannot

i dont know what violent means. does it mean women were warriors equal to men? there are countless examples of native american cultures and tribes in the amazon where this is the case. do you mean the goddess of war or violent myth takes the form of a woman? there are hundreds of examples as well. or do you mean women were central political and religious figures who determined war and the violence of the state? once again, countless examples.

thats not even getting into your lack of nuance in the anthropological history of gender. once again, wtf are you talking about.

daenerys, melisandre, margaery.. you name it.


ilmdge posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Goethestein posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Goethestein posted:

it's probably not cultural that men are more violent as the norm, inasmuch as it is witnessed in every culture ever known

there are so many things wrong with this statement, unless you stepped from 1900 into the present (or more likely are a generic male goon) i dont think you know anything about anthropology at all.

name a culture in recorded history where women are generally more regularly and more seriously violent than men. of course you cannot

i dont know what violent means. does it mean women were warriors equal to men? there are countless examples of native american cultures and tribes in the amazon where this is the case. do you mean the goddess of war or violent myth takes the form of a woman? there are hundreds of examples as well. or do you mean women were central political and religious figures who determined war and the violence of the state? once again, countless examples.

thats not even getting into your lack of nuance in the anthropological history of gender. once again, wtf are you talking about.

daenerys, melisandre, margaery.. you name it.

Your genitals? Looks like you already did

Sari Bari, I think BHPN, if i'm not misreading him, isn't completely baseless. I mean, it's obvious that MRAs are bunch of omega males--utter losers even in the context patriarchy. I mean, they're laughable, disgusting and should be put down, but they'll always be the lowest rung of patriarchy. The inversion of feminist language is a kind of pitiful defense where elements of patriarchy feel out of place and attacked in modern society that they begin to create delusions of oppression. That isn't to say MRAs should be completely ignored, but they seem to attract a disproportional amount of attention from feminist media groups. However, engaging them is kind of like if the NAACP met to debate the Klan, it's elevating them from the fringe. I think a better tactic is just occasionally holding them up for ridicule.

These are just my instincts though, and I'm sure it's something you have more knowledge of.

Edited by elemennop ()


elemennop posted:

Sari Bari, I think BHPN, if i'm not misreading him, isn't completely baseless. I mean, it's obvious that MRAs are bunch of omega males--utter losers even in the context patriarchy. I mean, they're laughable, disgusting and should be put down, but they'll always be the lowest rung of patriarchy. The inversion of feminist language is a kind of pitiful defense where elements of patriarchy feel out of place and attacked in modern society that they begin to create delusions of oppression. That isn't to say MRAs should be completely ignored, but they seem to attract a disproportional amount of attention from feminist media groups. However, engaging them is kind of like if the NAACP met to debate the Klan, it's elevating them from the fringe. I think a better tactic is just occasionally holding them up for ridicule.

These are just my instincts though, and I'm sure it's something you have more knowledge of.

The black panthers were a fringe element too, but taking them out was a pretty wise move on behalf of white power, stopped them from ‘contaminating’ the mainstream.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

elemennop posted:

Sari Bari, I think BHPN, if i'm not misreading him, isn't completely baseless. I mean, it's obvious that MRAs are bunch of omega males--utter losers even in the context patriarchy. I mean, they're laughable, disgusting and should be put down, but they'll always be the lowest rung of patriarchy. The inversion of feminist language is a kind of pitiful defense where elements of patriarchy feel out of place and attacked in modern society that they begin to create delusions of oppression. That isn't to say MRAs should be completely ignored, but they seem to attract a disproportional amount of attention from feminist media groups. However, engaging them is kind of like if the NAACP met to debate the Klan, it's elevating them from the fringe. I think a better tactic is just occasionally holding them up for ridicule.

These are just my instincts though, and I'm sure it's something you have more knowledge of.

The black panthers were a fringe element too, but taking them out was a pretty wise move on behalf of white power, stopped them from ‘contaminating’ the mainstream.

yes, everything you said was true, also, completely worthless.

different kind of fringe, tho. when a group is on the edge it can be influential even if it isn't consequential directly, because it changes the boundaries of discourse and most importantly redefines the center. mrms aren't on the edge, tho--the rhetoric was well within the mainstream right from the start

elemennop posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
elemennop posted:
Sari Bari, I think BHPN, if i'm not misreading him, isn't completely baseless. I mean, it's obvious that MRAs are bunch of omega males--utter losers even in the context patriarchy. I mean, they're laughable, disgusting and should be put down, but they'll always be the lowest rung of patriarchy. The inversion of feminist language is a kind of pitiful defense where elements of patriarchy feel out of place and attacked in modern society that they begin to create delusions of oppression. That isn't to say MRAs should be completely ignored, but they seem to attract a disproportional amount of attention from feminist media groups. However, engaging them is kind of like if the NAACP met to debate the Klan, it's elevating them from the fringe. I think a better tactic is just occasionally holding them up for ridicule.

These are just my instincts though, and I'm sure it's something you have more knowledge of.
The black panthers were a fringe element too, but taking them out was a pretty wise move on behalf of white power, stopped them from ‘contaminating’ the mainstream.

yes, everything you said was true, also, completely worthless.

What feminist groups are giving a disproportionate amount of attention to MRAs?


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

elemennop posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
elemennop posted:
Sari Bari, I think BHPN, if i'm not misreading him, isn't completely baseless. I mean, it's obvious that MRAs are bunch of omega males--utter losers even in the context patriarchy. I mean, they're laughable, disgusting and should be put down, but they'll always be the lowest rung of patriarchy. The inversion of feminist language is a kind of pitiful defense where elements of patriarchy feel out of place and attacked in modern society that they begin to create delusions of oppression. That isn't to say MRAs should be completely ignored, but they seem to attract a disproportional amount of attention from feminist media groups. However, engaging them is kind of like if the NAACP met to debate the Klan, it's elevating them from the fringe. I think a better tactic is just occasionally holding them up for ridicule.

These are just my instincts though, and I'm sure it's something you have more knowledge of.
The black panthers were a fringe element too, but taking them out was a pretty wise move on behalf of white power, stopped them from ‘contaminating’ the mainstream.

yes, everything you said was true, also, completely worthless.

What feminist groups are giving a disproportionate amount of attention to MRAs?

helps if you read the thread. I already specified the blogosphere, twitter, reddit, SA, tumblr, other internet activism; "nerd" feminists who care about the internet, video games, comic books, etc; and 1st world feminists who treat participating in arguments with MRAs as a form of political activity. Surprised someone who hates the Daily Show style of caricaturing the enemy and then self-righteously mocking them isn't getting this.

MRAs are pretty cool, they're destroying liberal legal-equality feminism from the inside.

I got a 502 gateway instead of a 503 gateway while making this post. Thats Progress.

gyrofry posted:


My tampon is my guard and shield.

i don't see what them being at the Bottom RUng Of Patriarchy matters when you get them doing things like the gunwitch massacre....

babyhueypnewton posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

elemennop posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
elemennop posted:
Sari Bari, I think BHPN, if i'm not misreading him, isn't completely baseless. I mean, it's obvious that MRAs are bunch of omega males--utter losers even in the context patriarchy. I mean, they're laughable, disgusting and should be put down, but they'll always be the lowest rung of patriarchy. The inversion of feminist language is a kind of pitiful defense where elements of patriarchy feel out of place and attacked in modern society that they begin to create delusions of oppression. That isn't to say MRAs should be completely ignored, but they seem to attract a disproportional amount of attention from feminist media groups. However, engaging them is kind of like if the NAACP met to debate the Klan, it's elevating them from the fringe. I think a better tactic is just occasionally holding them up for ridicule.

These are just my instincts though, and I'm sure it's something you have more knowledge of.
The black panthers were a fringe element too, but taking them out was a pretty wise move on behalf of white power, stopped them from ‘contaminating’ the mainstream.

yes, everything you said was true, also, completely worthless.

What feminist groups are giving a disproportionate amount of attention to MRAs?

helps if you read the thread. I already specified the blogosphere, twitter, reddit, SA, tumblr, other internet activism; "nerd" feminists who care about the internet, video games, comic books, etc; and 1st world feminists who treat participating in arguments with MRAs as a form of political activity. Surprised someone who hates the Daily Show style of caricaturing the enemy and then self-righteously mocking them isn't getting this.

yeah but what feminist groups are giving a disproportionate amount of attention to MRAs?

like i get that you don't like liberals or nerds but what you posted doesn't at all outline what feminist groups are doing this, whether they are engaged in other activities, what their goals are


yeah but what feminist groups are giving a disproportionate amount of attention to MRAs?

like i get that you don't like liberals or nerds but what you posted doesn't at all outline what feminist groups are doing this, whether they are engaged in other activities, what their goals are

The ones on the internet, tumblr social activism, stuff like that mostly. The mainstream feminist groups largely ignore MRAs it seems.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

jools posted:

i don't see what them being at the Bottom RUng Of Patriarchy matters when you get them doing things like the gunwitch massacre....

i'm not saying they can't be dangerous, obviously loser creeps can be dangerous. but it matters in the arena of public discourse.

Gay marriage was a fringe, marginalized position two decades ago and now it’s the norm.
my okcupid profile says in all caps SUPPORTING GAY MARRIAGE DOES NOT MAKES YOU A LEFTIST, nobody has ever messaged me
They probably thought you meant something about Farmville.
they probably think i oppose it because i say "Catholic and somewhat serious about it." but no, I support gay marriage even in the face of my faith AND all the hard-ons it gives to liberals
no one iwll ever love me lmao
hmm just fyi that's not self-pity or depression tawkin, i'm actually relentlessly positive and just love to laugh.

ilmdge posted:

no one iwll ever love me lmao

our lord and saviour jesus christ will always love you ... even if you are a catholic


jools posted:

i don't see what them being at the Bottom RUng Of Patriarchy matters when you get them doing things like the gunwitch massacre....

Which anime is that

MRAs are fuckin cool but tumblr feminists are FUCKIN cooler!

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Also I just realized something, Cycloneboy talks about women the same way that an Android fanboy talks about Apple. Seriously, just replace the nouns when you read his posts

"I just tried to jailbreak my girlfriend and now she's dead"

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Which anime is that, joodian.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

is this a bunch of boring cylonebory crap or is there something i should read here


*guitar chord* you gotta FIGHT *another chord* for youre RIGHT *chord* to DeeeeeeeVee!!! *ur mind is blown by the sickesst and most unexpected dubstep drop ever*
corey rules
[account deactivated]

elemennop posted:

the arena of public discourse.

hahaha just look at that


Superabound posted:

*hates liberalism* *supports Communist Revolution* *abhors violence*

oh but when the kids talk about deterritorializing the body without organs then it's okay huh?


discipline posted:

yes, yes, yes liberal feminism has changed its language and purpose and now includes struggling towards justice for males who need to get their dick wet for ten euros

hi friend. i couldnt believe the diarrhea of words posted here and revolted even myself by agreeing with iwc for the third time in as many days so i decided to hop off the procrastinationtrolltrain to better use my words, in the meantime, please get to assembling the council of male marxists who can judge the Scales of Stalking Terror for women online. no past histories of rape, abuse, or stalking can be considered so just fire away.

don't talk like we're not here, that's rude.