[account deactivated]
Accelerrate my b alls.

tpaine posted:

a literal SCOTTISH date rapist?! holy shit! Thanks for including that guy's ethnicity and not just saying a literal date rapist. it added so much detail to your post...i would have been wondering what color date rapist to picture in my head and now i know it's scottish. crisis the fuck adverted

i didnt want to implicate Suroosh and Shane

lol look at Suroosh Alvi's wikipedia page
finaly a form of accelearationism i can understand

MadMedico posted:

Superabound posted:

SariBari posted:

"We should be able to openly discuss aggression in men, male sexuality, cultural expectations, justice issues, et al. But groups like AVFM, CAFE and the speakers they schedule serve only to promote anti-feminist ideas and hatred of women at a time when rape and sexual abuse against women is a pervasive, cultural problem that requires immediate addressing."


hey isnt Vice that thing thats run by a literal Scottish date rapist? anyway cya l8r, i gotta go accelerate some guys balls

He left the magazine because the open white supremacy thing was bad for advertisers. He was also photographed passed out drunk with a giant black dude shoving a dick in his mouth.

*in le cycloneboy voice*

That's rape.

also, top rated comment on that article:

A Voice for Men

I love this website. You idiots come out with one anti-MHRA article after another; each one surpassing the other on just how shallow and stupid you can be. You are the best advertising for AVFM that we can have. Thanks!!


corey posted:

finaly a form of accelearationism i can understand


Paul Elam, founder and publisher of A Voice for Men, wrote in his June 22, 2011 article, “The Unspoken Side of Rape”: “The concept of rape has a lot of utility for women. One, it feeds their narcissistic need to feel irresistible”.


MRA is a hate movement for the same reason all those "white people's rights" organizations are hate groups. they distort the truth to portray the opposite of reality as reality and wrap their defense of unearned power & privilege w/ the terminology actual oppressed groups use.

it's all v. clever on their part and the media will inevitably give them more credibility than they ever gave Dworkin and other feminists perceived as being "militant."

HenryKrinkle posted:

MRA is a hate movement for the same reason all those "white people's rights" organizations are hate groups. they distort the truth to portray the opposite of reality as reality and wrap their defense of unearned power & privilege w/ the terminology actual oppressed groups use.

it's all v. clever on their part and the media will inevitably give them more credibility than they ever gave Dworkin and other feminists perceived as being "militant."

It must be cool to be so wrong.

MHRAs and affiliated individuals (e.g. equity feminists like Christina Hoff-Summers) are pretty much, literally, the only people who actually care about men's issues, which - and this may shock you - are actually a substantial and meaningful thing you fucktard.
Actually it's hilarious because MRA only exists on the internet and therefore allows "feminists" and transgender sjw who only exist on tumblr, jezebel, reddit, etc to consume themselves as their own theory is turned on it's head (mayhaps you could say "turned back on it's feet" ).

The problem is not MRAs, it's the decay of 1st world feminism and queer rights into the marketing machine it has become.

*Like this post if you like gay marriage*

babyhueypnewton posted:

The problem is not MRAs, it's the decay of 1st world feminism and queer rights into the marketing machine it has become.

i don't understand why it's so hard for people to understand that you can confront both reactionaries and liberals at the same time.


HenryKrinkle posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

The problem is not MRAs, it's the decay of 1st world feminism and queer rights into the marketing machine it has become.

i don't understand why it's so hard for people to understand that you can confront both reactionaries and liberals at the same time.

The MHRM is not reactionary, you dumb motherfucker.

henrykrinkle is good people, you are not, and I'm gonna use my mod powers as long as I have them.

Edited by babyhueypnewton ()


SariBari posted:

Paul Elam, founder and publisher of A Voice for Men, wrote in his June 22, 2011 article, “The Unspoken Side of Rape”: “The concept of rape has a lot of utility for women. One, it feeds their narcissistic need to feel irresistible”.


Reminder for April 23, 2013, that Erin Pizzey, the woman who opened the first DV shelter in the UK, was chased from that country by feminists who threatened her life, engaged in constant bomb scares to the point where her mail had to be routed through the bomb squad, and killed her dog. But MHRAs are pro-death threats because some fucktards on the internet send stupid shit to a woman on tumblr/twitter/whatever idiot website.

Name one single position of the MHRM that is reactionary.
But the entire point of 1st world feminism is to create reactionaries to confront. The only unity a place like WDDP can have is when there's a persecution complex to put real ideological issues in the background.

MRAs are sort of like Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann clowns for the Daily Show. Liberal feminism wouldn't exist without the Angry Atheist saying "rape is cool" just like Obama cannot exist without a boogeyman to point to. It's not just a matter of confronting MRAs because they are the most egregious targets or serve to unify feminist forces, I'm saying that MRAs are themselves a creation of liberal feminism.

MRAs use the same language and the same ideology turned on its head because they are both the limit of liberal feminism and the negation that gives it meaning.

"On approaching the other it has lost its own self, since it finds itself as another being; secondly, it has thereby sublated that other, for this primitive consciousness does not regard the other as essentially real but sees its own self in the other." -Hegel, Wikipedia quote cause I'm too lazy to flip through The Phenomenology of Spirit

HenryKrinkle posted:

MRA is a hate movement for the same reason all those "white people's rights" organizations are hate groups. they distort the truth to portray the opposite of reality as reality and wrap their defense of unearned power & privilege w/ the terminology actual oppressed groups use.

it's all v. clever on their part and the media will inevitably give them more credibility than they ever gave Dworkin and other feminists perceived as being "militant."

all identity politics is based in hate and palingenetic ultranationalism

Just look at this reactionary bullshit that's on the front page of avfm:


How dare they. How dare they.

babyhueypnewton posted:

But the entire point of 1st world feminism is to create reactionaries to confront. The only unity a place like WDDP can have is when there's a persecution complex to put real ideological issues in the background.

MRAs are sort of like Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann clowns for the Daily Show. Liberal feminism wouldn't exist without the Angry Atheist saying "rape is cool" just like Obama cannot exist without a boogeyman to point to. It's not just a matter of confronting MRAs because they are the most egregious targets or serve to unify feminist forces, I'm saying that MRAs are themselves a creation of liberal feminism.

MRAs use the same language and the same ideology turned on its head because they are both the limit of liberal feminism and the negation that gives it meaning.

"On approaching the other it has lost its own self, since it finds itself as another being; secondly, it has thereby sublated that other, for this primitive consciousness does not regard the other as essentially real but sees its own self in the other." -Hegel, Wikipedia quote cause I'm too lazy to flip through The Phenomenology of Spirit

quotin' cis

we've been telling you for ages, female-on-male rape makes about as much sense as black-on-white racism

littlegreenpills posted:

we've been telling you for ages, female-on-male rape makes about as much sense as black-on-white racism

I don't know if you're being ironic or not, but please. Don't do this.

cycloneboy after reading your spiel about why you care so much about MRA issues I now believe you are serious in your posts. In which case get help, you're on the path to a sad life of loneliness and putting bananas up your ass on the internet.

babyhueypnewton posted:

cycloneboy after reading your spiel about why you care so much about MRA issues I now believe you are serious in your posts. In which case get help, you're on the path to a sad life of loneliness and putting bananas up your ass on the internet.

Don't worry so much, brother. I'm allergic to bananas.

the men's rights movement has fairly well demonstrated the fact that men are the proletarians while women are the lumpenproles and bourgoisie

HenryKrinkle posted:

MRA is a hate movement for the same reason all those "white people's rights" organizations are hate groups. they distort the truth to portray the opposite of reality as reality and wrap their defense of unearned power & privilege w/ the terminology actual oppressed groups use.

it's all v. clever on their part and the media will inevitably give them more credibility than they ever gave Dworkin and other feminists perceived as being "militant."

i think most MRAs are just dumb kids or bitter divorcees who fall into the ever-popular internet identity politics machine because its convenient and empowering (regardless of the fact that plenty of these people are already quite empowered)

any half-decent advocacy group distorts truth in their own favor. the main difference is that MRAs dont actually have any legitimate grievances to back up all their bluster


littlegreenpills posted:

we've been telling you for ages, female-on-male rape makes about as much sense as black-on-white racism

in the sense that it definitely exists but is 100% excusable and deserved due to our culture's history, class system, and the Sins of the Father?

MRAism is a perfect example of how women plan on treating men the second they step outside of culturally-proscribed alpha male gender roles, begin to take on more typically "feminine" qualities, and are no longer protected and empowered by their oneness with The Patriarchy


VoxNihili posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

MRA is a hate movement for the same reason all those "white people's rights" organizations are hate groups. they distort the truth to portray the opposite of reality as reality and wrap their defense of unearned power & privilege w/ the terminology actual oppressed groups use.

it's all v. clever on their part and the media will inevitably give them more credibility than they ever gave Dworkin and other feminists perceived as being "militant."

i think most MRAs are just dumb kids or bitter divorcees who fall into the ever-popular internet identity politics machine because its convenient and empowering (regardless of the fact that plenty of these people are already quite empowered)

any half-decent advocacy group distorts truth in their own favor. the main difference is that MRAs dont actually have any legitimate grievances to back up all their bluster

The gender sentencing discount for women is larger than the racial sentencing discount for whites.


Cycloneboy posted:

VoxNihili posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

MRA is a hate movement for the same reason all those "white people's rights" organizations are hate groups. they distort the truth to portray the opposite of reality as reality and wrap their defense of unearned power & privilege w/ the terminology actual oppressed groups use.

it's all v. clever on their part and the media will inevitably give them more credibility than they ever gave Dworkin and other feminists perceived as being "militant."

i think most MRAs are just dumb kids or bitter divorcees who fall into the ever-popular internet identity politics machine because its convenient and empowering (regardless of the fact that plenty of these people are already quite empowered)

any half-decent advocacy group distorts truth in their own favor. the main difference is that MRAs dont actually have any legitimate grievances to back up all their bluster

The gender sentencing discount for women is larger than the racial sentencing discount for whites.

did you know that whites are sentenced more heavily for white-on-white crime than blacks are for black-on-black crime? its because the average white american values white life more highly than black life. since most crime is not inter-racial, this leads to some perplexing results if you analyze the data at face value alone.

plus, lets be honest, men tend to act with more outright violence than women, and might earn stiffer sentences on the merits


babyhueypnewton posted:

MRAs are sort of like Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann clowns for the Daily Show. Liberal feminism wouldn't exist without the Angry Atheist saying "rape is cool"

MRAs use the same language and the same ideology turned on its head because they are both the limit of liberal feminism and the negation that gives it meaning.

yeah what a bunch of clowns except MRA ideology is dressed up, pity-party misogyny which informs people like Anders Breivik and the type of dudes who kill their wife/girlfriend and some of her coworkers for good measure. what silly shit!


SariBari posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

MRAs are sort of like Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann clowns for the Daily Show. Liberal feminism wouldn't exist without the Angry Atheist saying "rape is cool"

MRAs use the same language and the same ideology turned on its head because they are both the limit of liberal feminism and the negation that gives it meaning.

yeah what a bunch of clowns except MRA ideology is dressed up, pity-party misogyny which informs people like Anders Breivik and the type of dudes who kill their wife/girlfriend and some of her coworkers for good measure. what silly shit!

Valerie Solanas tried to murder multiple people too. Unlike Anders Breivik and other such fucktards, however, her works are taught and read in feminist groups.


VoxNihili posted:

did you know that whites are sentenced more heavily for white-on-white crime than blacks are for black-on-black crime? its because the average white american values white life more highly than black life. since most crime is not inter-racial, this leads to some perplexing results if you analyze the data at face value alone.

plus, lets be honest, men tend to act with more outright violence than women, and might earn stiffer sentences on the merits


Cycloneboy was probated until (April 24, 2013 07:24:48) for this post!


VoxNihili posted:

plus, lets be honest, men tend to act with more outright violence than women, and might earn stiffer sentences on the merits

biotruths itt


Superabound posted:

VoxNihili posted:

plus, lets be honest, men tend to act with more outright violence than women, and might earn stiffer sentences on the merits

biotruths itt

culturally-taught behaviors itt

it's probably not cultural that men are more violent as the norm, inasmuch as it is witnessed in every culture ever known

SariBari posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

MRAs are sort of like Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann clowns for the Daily Show. Liberal feminism wouldn't exist without the Angry Atheist saying "rape is cool"

MRAs use the same language and the same ideology turned on its head because they are both the limit of liberal feminism and the negation that gives it meaning.

yeah what a bunch of clowns except MRA ideology is dressed up, pity-party misogyny which informs people like Anders Breivik and the type of dudes who kill their wife/girlfriend and some of her coworkers for good measure. what silly shit!

thats just patriarchy, there's very little thats novel about MRA in that regard. MRA is a unique phenomenon that was created by the feminist blog-o-sphere, twitter, and tumblr as result of the decay the feminist movements as it moved from action to thought. when there are no enemies, you create them even if it's just to gain clicks and not a grand conspiracy.

if every single man in the world was convinced feminism was correct and MRA was terrible, it wouldn't change a thing. the struggle against MRA is simply avoiding the real struggle against patriarchy which requires a revolutionary organization that imposes its ideology by force. and that struggle won't take place on facebook or tumblr


Goethestein posted:

it's probably not cultural that men are more violent as the norm, inasmuch as it is witnessed in every culture ever known

there are doubtlessly some biological elements, but most behaviors are taught, not simply inherited