I'm going to direct you to an important recent paper regarding the ultimate fate of the universe. Or rather, the initial creation of the universe. How can we come to conclusions on this?

The work being done, several lines of research being pursued, is not entirely speculative, since there appear to be ways to test different models by observation.

At extreme density one expects quantum effects which might overwhelm the normal attraction of gravity. In some models only a finite density is reached. The start of expansion is actually a rebound from a prior contraction. The highest density achieved then depends on the model, how the quantum effects of extreme density are calculated.

The crucial thing is to be able to test quantum cosmology models of the start of expansion by deriving predictions about potentially observable features of the ancient light background (the CMB, its polarization, its spectrum of temperature fluctuations) that can be looked for. If a model predicts stuff that is not found, then it can be ruled out. Falsifiability is an important merit which some models have and others, as yet, do not. So there is a struggle in progress to construct testable models of start of expansion.

Not all the models involve a quantum bounce at extreme density. However in case any one is curious here is a rather atypical idea which the authors (Steinhardt and Lehners) say is testable and describe in a paper that just came out.
Planck 2013 results support the simplest cyclic models
Jean-Luc Lehners, Paul J. Steinhardt
(Submitted on 10 Apr 2013)
We show that results from the Planck satellite reported in 2013 are consistent with the simplest cyclic models for natural parameter ranges i.e., order unity dimensionless coefficients, assuming the standard entropic mechanism for generating curvature perturbations. With improved precision, forthcoming results from Planck and other experiments should be able to test the parameter ranges by confirming or refuting the core predictions - i.e., no observable primordial B-mode polarization and detectable local non-gaussianity. A new prediction, given the Planck 2013 constraints on the bispectrum, is a sharp constraint on the local trispectrum parameter gNL; namely, the simplest models predict it is negative, with gNL < -1700.
Comments: 5 pages

A model like this, if it passes tests and gains credence, would answer our question about the very early history of the expansion rate. The rate would be negative (contraction) and rise thru zero ( at bounce time) and then have an humongous spike of very high rate expansion.

As everyone here should be well aware, cyclical cosmology is a central tenet of most fascist ideologies. This is because, under eternal recurrence, present actions tend toward irrelevance. If confirmed, the Planck hypothesis will be the final nail in the coffin for liberalism.
Well yeah

Imagine for a brief moment, that the world’s last five remaining communist countries decided to unite forces and hire the world’s top advertising agencies to re-brand and create a resurgence in the ideologies of Communism? Television Commercial for Communism embarks to re-position our relationship to current global economics and socio-politics by getting the world’s leading advertising companies to pitch their most radical ideas to re-brand Communism. How will capitalism’s most influential by-product, the advertising machine, process its former political opponent in a post Cold War context, still saturated with Cold War idiosyncrasies?

Viet Nam The World Tour began in 2010 as a rogue anti-nation-rebranding campaign. It appropriates marketing language, graffiti strategies, and viral video platforms to re-associate a historically colonized and mediated national identity with an entirely new mediated history.


No, seriously guys. Fascism is nothing if not axiomatic.


getfiscal posted:



sounds like laibach's neue slowenische kunst project, except aimed at neo-liberalism rather than fascism and communism

I don't care about you guys, this discovery is really interesting to me.


I have noted before that the 2012 phenomenon is filled with ethnocentric and even racist ideas. To claim that the Maya originated from outer space or that they were incapable of constructing pyramids is simply a devaluation of their intellectual capacity. These ideas come in several forms; Sichin’s annunaki, Bast’s mysterious elders, Atlantis, etc.

The fellow anthropologist/archaeologist/2012 expert John Hoopes has informed me about one of these authors. He is called Frank Joseph and he has published a couple of books on Atlantis. One of these is called Atlantis and 2012: The Science of the Lost Civilization and the Prophecies of the Maya. The book is supposed to show that the Maya calendar was brought to them by survivors of Atlantis. He suggests that 2012 could be the beginning of a new ice age.

Who is Frank Joseph? He was earlier known as Frank Collin and was the leader of the National Socialist Party of America. It eventually turned out that his father was a Jew and he had to leave his position. He was arrested while having sex with ten year old boys and spent three years in jail. After that he became the neo-pagan author known as Frank Joseph.

His books are being published by Inner Traditions, Bear & Company who primarily publishes New Age stuff. Other prominent 2012ers published through them are Carl Johan Calleman, John Major Jenkins, and Geoff Stray. I had for sure chosen another publisher had I known that they publish the writings of a former Nazi-leader.

Neo-paganism and fascism are sometimes connected as in the case of Frank Collin/Joseph. In this mixture of ideas shamanism also shows up. However, shamanism as a concept was invented by Mircea Eliade as an umbrella term for a great diversity of beliefs. Eliade’s fascist, anti-Semitic and anti-democratic connections are well known. This obviously affected his writings. Joseph Frank (not to be confused with Frank Joseph above!) has this to say about Eliade’s postwar writings:

Nothing blatantly anti-Semitic can be found in Eliade’s postwar writings, but the prejudice is transposed into a much more scholarly key in his theory of religion. One of the cornerstones of his doctrine was that archaic man lived in a world of cyclical time, whose recurrences were marked by festivals of one kind or another in which “sacred time,” the time of religious experience, was re-created. The modern world has largely lost this ability to relive “sacred time” because the Hebrews (as Eliade now calls them) broke with the cyclical time of “the eternal return” by linking God with linear time. “The Hebrews,” he writes, “were the first to discover the significance of history as the epiphany of God,” and this discovery of history ultimately led to all the ills of the modern world. Daniel Dubuisson, a French analyst of Eliade’s views on mythology, concludes that this summary notion of history “especially invents a new accusation against the Jews, that of an ontological crime, a capital crime and without doubt unpardonable.” Eliade thus remained true to himself in this erudite disguise during his later years, when his worldwide fame reached its apogee and his death was mourned with sanctimonious reverence.

This is interesting when we see the supposed end date of the Maya Long Count in light of Eliade’s distinction between cyclical/archaic time and linear/”modern” time. The Maya calendar is by some 2012ers believed to be cyclical. These people argue for “world ages” and the rejuvenation of the world at the end of this year. Those who believe the calendar end at the end of the year, they also believe in something similar to a Christian apocalypse.

In the first example, we find John Major Jenkins who was greatly inspired by Freidel, Schele and Parker’s Maya Cosmos, which had Eliade as one of the major sources of inspiration. Contemporary Maya epigraphy has to a great extent moved away from Schele’s shamanistic kings but shamanism is still a major source of inspiration for Maya cave studies since it focuses on the cosmological aspects of caves.

Fascist and anti-democratic ideas have infiltrated the 2012 phenomenon from the beginning. Hence, those naïve Swedish New Agers that I interacted with a while ago, who believe the Maya calendar is all about them and love, peace and understanding, showed their own “microfascist” tendencies when they eventually blocked me from their facebook page. Macrofascism in the making…

mods change my name to "facebook microfascist"
[account deactivated]
yes do that
Eternal return is literally a more hellish and horrifying ontology than the Christian system of sin and subsequent eternal tormentous punishment, and even thinking about it fills me with soul-crushing existential dread, so uh, please stop intentionally triggering me. thanks in advance
there's still time superbound
How Far Will You Go to Abolish Liberalism?
My Indonesian ex-girlfriend asked if she could wash and iron my shirts. She was genuinely happy that she could help me. No words can describe how pleasant this is for a man, that's programmed in my brain.
daddy im fucking a coloured
yeah, it's like, really??? no words at all?? ninja apparently livin in a world without words like "very," "quite," "extremely," "really, really" "highly" or "all-encompassingly"
how does proving this whole things gonna end justify making this whole thing utterly unbearable

in other words How do you fascise?

parabolart posted:

how does proving this whole things gonna end justify making this whole thing utterly unbearable

in other words How do you fascise?

You can't have fascism without axioms, but once it has at least one, the rest doesn't require justification. New age religion has always been extremely important to fascism. As long as nature-worshipers attain high government positions in communism everything else follows. Fascism is essentially a more refined and combined form of all the other radical ideologies.

"He must be trolling, right? No liberal economist would ever seriously advocate fascism... right?"

Edited by mustang19 ()


mustang19 posted:

Fascism is essentially a more refined and combined form of all the other radical ideologies.

is that why it literally lasted like ~2 decades

On the contrary, fascism accomplished much more in a single decade than communism did in seven. Most of Asia and Eastern Europe is low-tax grain and fish provinces whereas Nazi Germany came close to inventing jet aircraft and nuclear weapons in the 40s.

Nazi scientists are also responsible for communism's major accomplishments, such as Mecha Stalin and Moon Explorer Stalin.

Edited by mustang19 ()

maybe you can elaborate How the planck 2013 results are compatible with fascism / destructive to liberalism, because axiomatic cosmologuy by itself doesnt seem to pull the trigger

ps are you high paranoid four twenty
The Planck 2013 results, if they confirm conformal cyclical cosmology (CCC), will confirm the thrust of Phillip K. Dick's story, The Man in the High Castle. But that wouldn't even be necessary, leftists unanimously agree that the most powerful countries in the world have already adopted fascist ideology.

Superabound posted:

Eternal return is literally a more hellish and horrifying ontology than the Christian system of sin and subsequent eternal tormentous punishment, and even thinking about it fills me with soul-crushing existential dread, so uh, please stop intentionally triggering me. thanks in advance